Friday, December 1, 2023

I want to be RICH but avoid wrong livelihood

Access to Insight; Dhr. Seven (trans.), Pat Macpherson, CC Liu (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Right livelihood, right livelihood, what is "right livelihood"?

Right livelihood is the fifth of the factors of the Noble (Ennobling) Eightfold Path. (Noble or aryan means "enlightened"). This factor belongs to the virtue division of the path.

The Buddha's definition
"What is right livelihood? A disciple of the noble ones (enlightened ones), having abandoned wrong livelihood, keeps life going by right livelihood. This is called 'right livelihood' (samma ajivo)" (SN 45.8).

"If one's outgo exceeds one's income,
one's upkeep will be one's downfall."
-Dhr. Seven, quoting wise business advisors

SUTRA: right livelihood
How rich? I want my own rocket.
"Here in this Dharma (Doctrine), Vyagghapajja, a householder knowing one's income and expenses leads a well-balanced life, neither of extravagance nor of miserliness, knowing that one's income will exceed expenses, and expenses will not one's income.

"Just as the goldsmith or apprentice knows, on holding up a balance, that by this much has it tilted down or by that much it has tilted up, even so a householder, knowing one's income and expenses, leads a well-balanced life, neither of extravagance nor of miserliness, assuring that one's income exceeds one's expenses, not one's expenses one's income" (AN 8.54).

Right livelihood's relation to the other factors of the path
Is it good to give our time? Yes, volunteer.
"How is right view the forerunner [of the path to enlightenment]? One discerns (knows and sees) wrong livelihood as wrong livelihood, right livelihood as right livelihood.

"What is wrong livelihood? Scheming, persuading, hinting, belittling, and pursuing gain with gain, this is wrong livelihood...

"One abandons wrong livelihood and enters upon right livelihood: This is one's right effort.

"One is mindful to abandon wrong livelihood to enter and remain in right livelihood: This is one's right mindfulness.

"Thus, these three factors — right view, right effort, and right mindfulness — revolve around right livelihood" (MN 117).

Wrong livelihood for lay Buddhists
Lie, cheat, steal!
"A lay follower abstains from five types of business. What are those five? One abstains from [trade, commerce, attempting to profit from]
  1. business in weapons,
  2. business in human beings (exploitation, buying and selling humans, prostitution),
  3. business in flesh (meat),
  4. business in intoxicants (alcohol and drugs of abuse), and
  5. business in poison" (AN 5.177). More

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