Wednesday, November 22, 2023

If Muslim woman could rap, what'd she say?

Samira Mahboub, Oct. 31, 2023; Ashley Wells, Sheldon S. (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
Wait, Hamas is human? We were told they were rabid "Jew haters," yet here this Jewish girl says "Thank you" (Shukran) to an Al Qassam Brigades fighter, her captor, upon her release. Look at the sweetness in her eyes and this kindness of his goodbye to girl and the revered Jewish elder accompanying her. Wait, are Hamas good Muslims caught up in a war Israel started by invading, occupying, then attempting to steal all the land while carrying out apartheid and state oppression? It's starting to make sense.

A brave Muslim woman describes the ugly truth to the whole world

(Samira Mahboub) She really expresses the unbelievable situation Palestinians find themselves in under Israeli Zionist Jewish oppression in Gaza, the West Bank, parts of Jerusalem, and refugee camps in neighboring countries. Poetry is one of the most esteemed arts in Islamic culture [particularly in the Sufi or mystical form of Islam, which produced the great Rumi]. Humanity has failed, but at least I tried.

Jewish Medea Benjamin, co-founder of Code Pink counters angry Jews

'Shukran': Israeli hostage thanks Al Qassam Brigades; kind Gaza militants say 'goodbye' to freed captives
(Hindustan Times) Nov. 26, 2023: Hamas Al-Qassam Brigades has released the video of second batch of hostages who were handed over to Red Cross last night In Gaza near Rafah Crossing with Egypt. The captives are seen thanking the militants who reciprocate with 'Goodbye'. A total of 13 Israeli nationals and four Thai citizens were released by the militants from Gaza. Watch the video for more. #abuobaida #alqassambrigades #gazastrip

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