Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Israel's new "Genocide Song" (not a joke)

Owen Jones, 11/20/23; Sheldon S., Pfc. Sandoval, Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

"Annihilate Everyone," Zionist Jewish propaganda for children: Israeli TV promotes genocidal song
When humans go Old Testament on enemies
(Owen Jones) This hateful, bloodthirsty, remorseless Israeli "song" really does have to be seen and heard to be believed.

While claiming that Hamas teaches children antisemitic ideas, Israel is actively indoctrinating its children and population to use its military might to "annihilate," exterminate, and erase the people and population present when European (Ashkenazi) Jewish invaders arrived to launch a project of dislocation and settler colonialism.

They were following in the footsteps of German Nazis, British imperialists, and American reservation-camp genocide of the Native population in the U.S. not killed off by European diseases.

Zionist Jewish hypocrisy in "Israel" (a land called Palestine by imperial British colonial occupiers) is beyond comprehension, constantly crying that they are the "victims" while carrying out an extermination.
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