Sunday, November 26, 2023

Jews want PM Netanyahu OUT of Israel (video)

CRUX; TRT; Hindustan Times; Pfc. Sandoval, Sheldon S. (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Netanyahu fails to manage crisis, war on Hamas/Gaza, but has strategy to stay in power
(CRUX) Nov. 26, 2023: Thousands gathered in Jerusalem protesting PM Bibi Netanyahu’s mishandling of the captive situation and his war against Hamas on Nov. 24.

Jewish protesters with Israeli flags, banners, and signs condemning Netanyahu demand he resign and leave office.

The protesters gathered outside the Israeli prime minister’s residence in Jerusalem, with banners reading “Netanyahu destroyed Israel.”

The protest coincided with a poll showing more than three-quarters of Israelis believe Netanyahu should resign.

A poll published by Israel's Channel 12 found that 76% of Israelis want Netanyahu to step down.

While the Opposition is tightening its grip against Netanyahu, the Israeli PM is looking at a two-fold plan to stay in power.

#Israel #Netanyahu #Hamas #Gaza #YairLapid #Palestine #Jerusalem #WorldNews

Jews protest AIPAC president in LA 
( Police in Los Angeles are investigating a protest outside the house of the president of the pro-Israeli lobbying group AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee), according to a report. LAPD officers responded to a "disturbance" on Thursday morning in Brentwood, California (near UCLA).

They made no arrests at the scene but were investigating claims of vandalism, assault with a deadly weapon, and are now reportedly treating a protest at the scene as a possible hate crime, the Los Angeles Times reports.

Though the LAPD has a policy of not naming the victims of crimes in their police reports, LA Mayor Karen Bass reportedly identified the victim as Michael Tuchin, an LA attorney who serves as president of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, better known as AIPAC. More

Israelis protest in front of PM Netanyahu’s home
(TRT World) TRT is a Turkish public broadcast service. Nov. 26, 2023: “Netanyahu is just like Donald Trump, just like Milosevic, just like Hitler.” Jewish protestors gathered overnight in front of Israeli PM Bibi Netanyahu’s West Jerusalem residence to demand his resignation. They blame him for the current violence and genocidal assault on babies, women, children, civilian noncombatants, and resistors. Israelis are angry at Netanyahu; they demand a resignation from him in protest at his home over the Hamas captive situation.

Netanyahu built, funded, protected Hamas
Netanyahu propped up, funded Hamas, making them Gaza's political party

Israelis protest in front of Netanyahu’s house
(Hindustan Times) Nov. 4, 2023: In Israel, protesters gathered in large numbers outside Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's residence on Nov. 4, 2023. Jewish protesters are demanding PM Netanyahu's resignation over failure to [foresee or] prevent the Oct. 7th attack. Meanwhile, the anger of the families of those abducted by Hamas is growing. Thousands marched in Tel Aviv carrying hostages’ photos, chanting "Bring them home now!" #ghazwaehind #gazasiege #hamasattack

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