Monday, November 13, 2023

Ken quits KFI's rightwing John 'n Ken Show

Ken, John (KFI AM 640t, 11/13/23); Pfc. Sandoval, Seth Auberon (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
John, are we gay? - Come on, Ken, we're like Republican brothers. Why are you...?
After 36 years of conservative hate speech and radio broadcasting, it's over in December.
There's plenty more hate on the dial (Salem)
On today's AM hate speech station (Los Angeles' KFI AM 640, home of Coast to Coast's biggest affiliate as well as an increasingly diverse assortment of voices on the right), conservative talk show and uncomfortably implicitly racist John and Ken announced THE END, though they were mild by comparison with Salem Media radio stations to the literal right of the dial (pontificators Levin, Praeger, Shapiro, Bongino, Gorkha, Tatum, and more excremental content).
I like Joe and Kent, the best show (Donald)
Their show will cease to exist in three weeks, December, 2023, though John will limp on in memory of his retiring guy-pal, Ken Chiampou (\sham-pooh\). Pro-Israel vegan news and weather gal Debra Mark will stay on. Comedian Tim Conway Jr. will remain on the air and maybe get back the hour lost to the dull Mo Kelly Show. Maybe meat lover John Kobylt (\co-belt\) is being flooded by assorted Johns and their resumes to replace the veteran talk show cohost. Or a good move would be a better-balanced John and Debra Show.
Radio is better off without their sexism. CODEPINK Radio - KPFK 90.7 FM, Los Angeles

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