Wednesday, November 15, 2023

SF protests erupt: Tibet, Palestine, Biden, APEC

CC Liu, Ashley Wells, Pfc. Sandoval (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
Though nominally communist, China is really a capitalist empire that hates Tibet/Dalai Lama

Protests erupt around San Francisco over a Free Tibet, Free Palestine, anti-APEC, anti-Israel, anti-China, anti-Biden
(KTVU FOX 2 San Francisco) Nov. 15, 2023: There were multiple protests over a range of global causes around San Francisco today, erupting even as it rained, because of the visit of China's Pres. Xi (who is continuing the genocide in Tibet), as the APEC summit continued in the city with U.S. Pres. Biden orchestrating an appeasement and compromise trade solution to America's financial problems and the imminent loss of Taiwan as China advances in Africa, the Middle East, and elsewhere. SF may get the spotlight, but more radical UC Berkeley is not being silent, just systematically ignored by the mainstream media. UCB students are the first to hit the pavement but are rarely mentioned anywhere outside of the Bay Area as it seems to encourage other campuses to follow suit.
  • Many demonstrators braving the rain oppose APEC, which does not care about the people of Asia or the climate.
  • It instead greenwashes (fakes caring about green environmental causes like the climate, industrial pollution abatement, and sustainable practices while actually doing nothing about them other than paying lip service).
  • Turkey's president Erdogan declares Israel "a terrorist state"
  • Many marchers are Pro-Palestine, opposing Israel's government.
  • Others are here to protest China's occupation in autonomous Tibet.
  • Some stand for Falun Gong, a movement oppressed by China.
  • The city is liberal and leans to the left and therefore hates Biden.
  • Biden is not a leftist no matter what right-wing conservatives try to say about him; rather, he is a corporate bought senile puppet who does what our ONE party system demands: the Money Party, with its two wings, wants war, more war, Big Pharma profits, and a military-industrial complex that does not much care about common citizens without healthcare or a higher education.
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