Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Structure older than humans found

Olawale Ogunjimi, Past Chronicles (MSN); CC Liu, Seth Auberon (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Researchers find a structure older than humans, which tells us a lot about our early ancestors
You ancestors built that, Douglas. Tell them.
Scientists have discovered primitive wooden tools and structures of about 476,000 years old at a site in Zambia's Kalambo Falls.

This new discovery runs contrary to what we have always been told about the lives of the species that existed before the ancient Homo sapiens.

First, the discovery of these tools, which pre-date the oldest modern humans, is proof that our early ancestors were knowledgeable about construction.

Based on these findings, it's safe to conclude that the unknown hominin species that existed before Homo sapiens were intelligent and resourceful [much like bonobos, gorillas, chimps, orangutans, monkeys, almas, and sasquatches].

Am I your predecessor, modern humans?
They made the best use of their surroundings by harnessing the resources at their disposal to produce innovative results.

According to the research, the wooden structure, which is older than humanity, had "two interlocking logs joined transversely by an intentionally cut notch."

This shows that the species that pre-dated the evolution of Homo sapiens were smart enough to conceive ideas beyond their immediate and tangible environment.

What's more, the researchers also discovered a cut log, digging stick, and other tools that were well-preserved because they were left in a waterlogged area that gave no room for bacterial degradation. More

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