Friday, November 24, 2023

That time CIA shot president in head: JFK

The Infographics Show; Pfc. Sandoval, Seth Auberon, Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
Was U.S. Pres. JFK really shot by the CIA?
Jack (JFK) was cheating on his wife, Jackie, with Marilyn Monroe, so she was killed, too.

(The Infographics Show) Nov. 10, 2023: What really happened to JFK (assassinated Pres. John F. Kennedy)? Was it four shooters strategically placed with evidence covered up? Was it one lone shooter with a super gun and aim hitting a moving target rounding a curve? Did accused patsy Lee Harvey Oswald pull the trigger only to be assassinated by Mafioso Jack Ruby a few days later?

Woody Allen ("Alvy Singer") breaks it down in Annie Hall
(Epidemic) "Hands of Ruby" Suspect captured after struggle, taken into custody/
What the hell is wrong with them? Ignorance, you see? Massive chaos in the air

So many questions left unanswered in one of America's most evil, subversive, and tragic moments. Let's look more deeply into one theory that says the CIA (U.S. warlords known as The Company) actually was the quasi-governmental agency behind JFK's assassination. There is some compelling evidence to prove it.

Check out today's extra deep dive into one of the wildest conspiracy theories out there. Could it actually be true?

Exact replica of four-seater in museum
  • Mandela Effect: How many people were in the car when U.S. Pres. John F. Kennedy got shot in the head by armed assassins? Everyone has seen the doctored, redacted, steadied, and manipulated Zapruder footage, so it should be an easy question. Let's see, there was the driver, a bodyguard riding shotgun who also got hit by the magic bullet that passed through the president and ricocheted around, Mrs. Kennedy (Jackie Onassis), and who else? There was JFK. We all agree, right? Four people in the car, one comfortably in each seat. Picture it. Wrong. History is different now. There were six individuals in six individual seats in a magical version of the original limousine. (Of course, there were four, and the museum dedicated to the event with an exact replica of the vehicle and its occupants is wrong, because the Zapruder film now (not before but now) shows six. Sure, they doctored the footage, but how did they add people and seats, and no one noticed? That's the Mandela Effect in a nutshell (or magic bullet shell).

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