Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Why does Israel abduct, imprison children?

Sheldon S., Pfc. Sandoval, Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
Gigi Hadid: Sorry, I caved to Israel. I couldn't take the pressure for standing up for Palestine.
Israel releases Palestinian child prisoners it illegally stole and was keeping without charge
(The Jimmy Dore Show) Nov. 27, 2023: As part of the recent captive swap with Hamas, Israeli authorities released dozens of political prisoners, many of them abducted by Israel as children at the time of their arrest.

Unbeknownst to most Westerners, Israel routinely takes captives, political prisoners, arrests Palestinian children and teens, women and people whose main "crime" is being Arab, then subjects them to solitary confinement, homosexual abuse, physical torture, and other deprivations — according to Save the Children.

Jimmy Dore and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger, along with Due Dissidence’s Keaton Weiss, discuss Israeli propaganda about its treatment of Palestinians and how long American politicians can continue to spread these lies.
Hamas "monsters" kindly release captives in exchange for peace

Who provokes antisemitism? It can't be Israel.
One can tell so much by the little things, and they look so kind and caring. These were not "hostages" held for ransom. They were captives taken to deal with a lying, genocidal force (Israel) that cannot be reasoned with. Zionism does not compromise. It settles and colonizes and metastasizes, eating up Lebanon, Syria, Egypt, and Jordan by a Jewish manifest destiny to create an empire and call it a homeland. Zionism is not Judaism. Judaism is used as an excuse to commit war crimes and say the Bible and God told you to do it (i.e., Amalek). Ethnic cleansing has no excuse. Go back to the West because as a group constantly calling itself the "victim," this project has made a new mostly-European population most unwelcome.
News of the Day
(The Jimmy Dore Show) Has Piers Morgan been broken by Israel's crimes in Gaza, Keaton Weiss?
Israel biggest enemy isn't Hamas: shocking truth revealed by Cyrus Janssen

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