Thursday, December 28, 2023

Ayahuasca told me to tell you this (video)

Alex Grey Art (is like a DMT trip and Ayahuasca has DMT) via James Dearden Bush; San Tarot (YouTube, 11/22/23); Pat Macpherson, Xochitl, Dhr. Seven (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Alex Grey: Visionary Art

Artist Alex Grey (
(James Dearden Bush) This is a stunning animated presentation of some of Alex Grey's best artwork in high definition. The clip is taken from Alex Gray and Kenji Williams: World Spirit Movie. Music by Thom Brennan - "The Moss Cathedral" and Thom Brennan - "Strange Paradise." Visit Alex Grey's website for more impossible visions and light captured on canvas.

What Ayahuasca told me to tell you

(San Tarot) I underwent five Ayahuasca ceremonies, one a month for the past five months. This led me to a quickening. I now have to reveal what this plant medicine has urged and impelled me to share. The Awakening Collective is coalescing, and the dawn of a New Age or great changes are afoot. It's hard to explain because it was felt more than seen. These are not messages I'm channeling but rather reporting what I myself experienced. I present it for the greater collective.

The new channel is San Scripts. Find the email for submissions there. πŸ’—πŸ™San @SanScripts

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