Thursday, December 28, 2023

Ben Shapiro, Bibi's final solution for Palestine

Jimmy Dore (TJDS); Ashley Wells, Sheldon S., Shauna Schwartz (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

So genocide talk is permissible and not at all antisemitic (bearing in mind that Middle Eastern Palestinians, Arabs, and Muslims from that region of the world are all Semites, just like the Jews) -- when a prominent American Jew in the right wing media says it.

But if teenagers in college chant "From the desert to the sea, Palestine will be free," somehow that's antisemitic and advocating for genocide. The Israeli military is killing, clearing, and cleansing its Israel out of their Palestine. They're not merely chanting. The IDF is killing and terrorizing a people it seeks to exterminate or drive into the sea or Egypt's Sinai Desert to starve to death or build themselves a homeland and state like Israel did. Steal land from a sovereign country because another country told you it was okay, and everything should be fine. Israel will provide arms to defeat Egypt if it has a problem with it, just as the U.S., U.K., and E.U. (mostly France) fund Israel's military to spearhead its settler colonial project of displacement and dispossession, nice words for land theft and "might makes right" ethnic cleansing.

Ben Shapiro is a lawyer or was a law student, now a fast-talking radio mouthpiece for extremist pro-Semitic and white supremacist views. But being a Jew makes it okay in the eyes of our Jewish-controlled legal system and watchdog groups.

Prof. Norman Finkelstein has called out the cowardly Ben Shapiro, who only sees fit to debate naive college students he can trounce with his debate skills and canned arguments as they actually are forced to think on their feet and try to win over a crowd of peers taken in by Shapiro's legalese and seeming expertise on whatever he's talking about at any given time. He was a better student than they are now. 

He refuses to contemplate going up against someone who actually knows what he's talking about on the subjects of Israel, the Holocaust, ethnic cleansing, the definition of genocide, history, and so on.

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