Saturday, December 30, 2023

Bill Gates and child trafficker friend Epstein

Ashley Wells, Seth Auberon (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
I guess the billions went to my heads, head, not my crotch but my cranium, that's what I meant.

Convicted child molester and child trafficker Jeffrey Epstein was good friend of Bill Gates (as revealed in alleged emails of their creepy conversations)
(Rising/The Hill) Premiered Dec. 26, 2023: WASHINGTON, DC. Hosts Jessica Burbank and Robby Soave react to a report that Jeffrey Epstein sent "rambling" emails suggesting projects with Bill Gates, whose wife left him over his predilection for pedophilia -- visiting Epstein's Pedo Island in the Virgin Island and having a very close relationship with the convicted molester. Originally aired July 25, 2023; • ‘Rambling’ Emails Reveal CREEPY Corre... #epstein #billgates

I'm leaving you, Bill. You're disgusting going to Epstein's island to molest children. - No, Melinda, what about our money? - I'll be taking half of that. - But I'm autistic and have Asperger's. - Whatever. Don't give me that cr*p. - Jeff blackmailed me! - "Jeff," you call him Jeff?
    You're not going to release Jeffrey Epstein's List
    of Clients, are you? I'm too valuable to the gov't.
  • If Epstein was a billionaire, he became it through blackmail, enticing the rich and powerful to his island to have sex with children, film it, and extort them. That's how he caught the Clintons, Trump, and others. The List of clients exists, but with his murder in jail (not a suicide) and the conviction of Ghislane Maxwell, the whole sordid story is being buried form the top down.

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