Sunday, December 17, 2023

Black wisdom on Christ, Xmas (Kemet Nu)

Ashra/Merira Kwesi (; Pat Macpherson, Dhr. Seven (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
Jesus of North Africa, Egypt, Palestine, Israel, Nazareth (Karen Showell)
African iconography in Europe: Eastern and Russian Orthodox Church imagery.

The Kemetic truth will come out sooner or later.
Thanks to Pacifica Free Speech Radio Los Angeles (, today (Sunday, 12/17/23) the world got the lowdown on the African origins of Christianity and Christmas traditions adhered to the in West, particularly under the holdover pagan influences of Germany.

Ashra and Merira Kwesi were on at 11:00 am talking about the hidden origins of many spiritual things we follow in the U.S. and throughout the West (Europe reaching back to African under hegemonic control by the West).
Cold Germany and Europe promote the demon Krampus.

St. Nick is the Devil, here with Krampus
The Kwesis offer African-centered lectures, tours to Egypt, and videos. Ashra and Merira Kwesi are lecturers on African history, civilization, religion, and culture. They present lively and dynamic multimedia productions and videos and conduct African-centered tours to Egypt.

Based on their study and travel, they reveal startling and profound information on the African origin of many of the concepts and symbols now utilized by the Western world.
Trips to Egypt (ancient Kemet)

Europe took much of its culture from Africa.
Due to overwhelming response, Kemet Nu will conduct two summer tours to Egypt in 2024. Join a “trip of a lifetime” July 13-27, 2024, or July 29-August 12, 2024. Separate arrangements if traveling from outside U.S. and not in need of international airfare.

Europe is sick, Xmas shows
Studio-produced visual, historically documented videos of slide presentations.

Live lectures filmed on location in Egypt bring the story of Blacks to life. These visually documented presentations are based on four decades of field research in the African Nile Valley.

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