Thursday, December 21, 2023

Ex-Christian: Garden of Eden was a set up

Kristi Burke, July 10, 2022; Pat Macpherson, Sheldon S. (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
WARNING: Adult Swim, adult themes, pixelated cartoon nudity, strong language, and an angry God!

Deconstructing Adam and Eve Bible story | Why Garden of Eden was a set up
(Kristi Burke) What really happened in the Garden of Eden, and who's really to blame? This episode unpacks the biblical story of Adam and Eve as taught in most fundamentalist and conservative Christian and Catholic churches.

It wasn't me! - Shut up, Naga!
Burke makes the case for why there is only one bad guy in this story -- and it isn't Adam, Eve, or the Serpent. Agree? Disagree? Let Burke know in the comments.

Please bear in mind that everything said here is one Christian's subjective opinion and is intended to deconstruct fundamentalist/evangelical/conservative Christian ideologies in the making of an ex-Christian perspective.
TAGS: Ex-Christian, deconstructing Christianity, ex-vangelical, evangelical, former fundie, leaving Christianity, gospels, Jesus, Bible, God, Christian, evangelism, apologist, atheist vs. Christian, agnostic, recovering from religion, freedom from religion

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