Friday, December 29, 2023

CIA against lawsuit approved by judge (TJDS)

Judge approves lawsuit against CIA and Pompeo over Assange illegal surveillance

(The Jimmy Dore Show) Dec. 29, 2023: #TheJimmyDoreShow Richard Roth is the lead attorney suing the CIA and former CIA head Mike Pompeo for spying on journalists and lawyers for Wikileaks founder Julian Assange while he was living in the Ecuadorean Embassy in London.

A judge recently ruled that the lawsuit can go forward, rejecting the CIA’s contention that illegally copying data from visitors’ electronic devices was perfectly aboveboard and not secretive spying in violation of their right to privacy.

Watch Jimmy Dore’s interview with Roth about the case and the outrageous CIA overreach in the Assange case.

Follow Richard Roth on Twitter: therothlawfirm. Become a premium member: Go to a live show: Subscribe to newsletter:

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