Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Ex-Christian Black Magician on Islam (video)

Pfc. Sandoval, Shauna Schwartz, Sheldon S., Seth Auberon (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Black magician admits: "Muslims are immune to evil spells and curses"
(Muslim Convert Stories) Dec. 11, 2023: This is magician Dravon Thatcher who recently made a statement that Muslims (followers of Allah and Islam) are immune to curses and evil spells cast by black magicians.

According to Thatcher, the regular practice of praying five times a day to Allah creates a protective "spiritual shield" for them.

Swedish beauty: I hated Islam...until I became a Muslim. (Magnetized?)
  • Buddha = compassion + wisdom
    [EDITOR'S NOTE: Probably the sincere practice of anyone's religion, even Christianity, might provide the same sort of protection. The key seems to be a sadhana or "daily practice" of virtue and faith, learning (knowledge) and sincerity, reducing our ego and handing it over to the Universe, whoever or whatever we might regard as a higher power in life. Hinduism is beautiful in this regard for having Sanskrit terms for it. The Creator God is Brahma, called Maha Brahma in Buddhism, but the real "GOD" is Brahman, the ultimate reality behind the illusory world we find ourselves in. Each religion, while not having words for it, might make the same distinction. Is it a jealous tribal god one is following, or a universal god-force in the universe (like Love), beyond conception or attributes that is the real god or godhead or higher divinity? Do sincere Muslims really believe that Allah is a petty god like Yahweh/Jehovah seems to be? Or do mystics and transcendentalists see God in the fullness of the All, the Unity, the transpersonal, a BRAHMAN supreme like the traditions of the East seem to see? Buddhism and Jainism are nontheistic, so these are not applicable issues to worry about in daily practice. But there is a higher Truth, an ultimate Truth, an impersonal reality beyond all speculation, and when one awakens and realizes the Truth, attains enlightenment and thereby finds liberation, being set free by the Truth, there's no need to argue. Any or all religions might help us along the way at some point in our journeys, our lives, and many past and future lives. Today you're a hypocritical Christian or Jew, but later you're reborn a Muslim for having hated them. Today you kill and hunt and praise hunting and killing, but in the future, you suffer for it and turn away from that kind of evil. And religions told you "Don't kill" but you didn't listen until it was too late. And religions, taken over by some evil force, maybe the CIA or Shaytan/Satan, tell you "kill," in contradiction to what they have always been saying, which is not to kill but to preserve life and be kind and welcoming to strangers as precious guests, to listen to and respect others for all their beliefs, even while disagreeing, and thereby becoming a person closer to sincerity, holiness, goodness, with a bright future in the course of life after life, here and in the heavens or elsewhere on the downward path. Religion is a verb, what we do every day. If religion makes us better, do religion. If it does not, reject religion. It's still possible to be a good person, making no room for evil to enter in. Why in the world do the Abrahamic religions fight so much? Why do they attack and kill the Dharmic religions? My country, the USA, is the greatest purveyor of violence in the world. MLK Jr. realized that and said so. We're starting to realize that.]
I went to Israel to be more Jewish, but I'm all European, zero Middle Eastern
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