Saturday, December 30, 2023

Graham Hancock: 1st humans in Americas; Pat Macpherson, Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Ancient Apocalypse: full presentation
(History Drops) Premiered Dec. 21, 2023: Graham Hancock gives a full presentation at Logan Hall in London on his Netflix series Ancient Apocalypse, diving even further into his incredible work. #grahamhancock #science #history #ancient #ancienthistory

Buy me a coffee: Amazon affiliate links for the best of Graham Hancock's work: The Sign and The Seal paperback. The Sign and the Seal hardcover. Magicians of The Gods paperback. Magicians of The Gods hardcover. Fingerprints of The Gods paperback. Fingerprints of The Gods hardcover. Supernatural paperback. America Before paperback. America Before hardcover. The Message of The Sphinx paperback. Keeper of Genesis hardcover. War God I: Nights of the Witch paperback. War God II: Return of the Plumed Serpent paperback. War God III: Night of Sorrows paperback.

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Disclaimer: This channel is based on facts, rumors, and fiction.

Lost Indus Valley Civilization (Proto-India)

Shiva shares iconography with the Buddha
(History Drops) The Indus Valley Civilization (IVC) is a mysterious civilization that has left many artifacts behind. Two of its great cities were Harappa and Mohenjo-daro. There was no "Aryan Invasion," as was previously thought because there's no way a Dravidian (dark skinned) people could have been this advanced, but they were (with the help of celestial devas visiting from space/the heavens). The IVC also left us an incredibly complicated written language -- possibly older than Ancient Sanskrit -- that scholars have yet to decipher. No Rosetta Stone has been found to crack the linguistic code. This is a new series of Graham Hancock podcasts.

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