Monday, December 25, 2023

Israel BOMBS Bethlehem for Christmas

Al Jazeera via MSN, 12/25/23; Pfc. Sandoval, Sheldon S., Ash Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
What "death from above," possibly utilizing white phosphorus, rains down from heaven?
It was a silent night, a holy night...What the hell is that? Israel is bombing us on Xmas!!!
Boston Commons hit by truth teller with spray can, ruining Xmas with politics.
Fire and smoke rise during an Israeli terrorist bombing (Majdi Mohammed/AP/Al Jazeera).
IDF terrorists bomb real place
Christmas day in the illegally occupied (by armed Israeli Zionist Jews) West Bank began with a bombing attack on children and women in the Jenin refugee camp [a war crime] and arrests.

The Israeli terrorist raid on Monday morning, often called Christmas by everyone in the area except militant Israeli Jews, followed several other attacks across the illegally occupied territory full of Jewish settlers determined to prevent any two-state solution, which saw dozens of harassment arrests, taking of Muslim future-exchange-hostages, and the Israeli shooting in the neck of a 17-year-old Palestinian boy.
Ten years ago, Israel was using US precision guided munitions for its genocide (
(Owen Jones) Israel uses Christmas to hide its war crimes as it bombs Bethlehem on holiest night of the year for Christians and this after forcing the cancellation of Xmas celebrations by its relentless war campaign.

Far in the future, I predict this will not be a safe place to be, Mary and Joe. So get out.
Zionist Jewish Amalek Warriors of the Israeli "Defense" Forces try to please their God.
Americans in DC protest Pres. Genocide Joe's funding Israeli atrocities in Gaza, Palestine.
Somehow we're the bad guys for carrying out a military campaign over a defenseless population of 70% women and children who need their heads blown off like wise men at a US nativity scene.
Israel welcomes its Christian and Lebanese neighbors to heaven (White House symbolism)
Among the towns targeted by Israel and hit was Bethlehem, home of the world's most famous Jew and first Christian.

This was no Zionist accident
Jenin, commonly viewed as a symbol of Palestinian resistance to illegal Israeli occupation, has been repeatedly targeted by Israeli forces since Israel launched its genocidal war with genocidal rhetoric and admissions against the Netanyahu-funded political party Hamas in Gaza, which it began as revenge and overkill on Oct. 7.

On Monday, the Jenin-based Freedom Theatre, a popular symbol of peace and hope that was recently raided and vandalized by Israeli soldiers and police state troopers, described how Israeli forces lit up the sky “with flare bombs” [possibly white phosphorus, another war crime] whilst raiding the camp. More: Israel hits Bethlehem in Christmas raids on occupied West Bank (Al Jazeera via

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