Wednesday, December 20, 2023

It's not "genocide"...when Israel does it

Pfc. Sandoval, Sheldon S., Ashley Wells, Shauna Schwartz (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly; Scott Ritter via Danny Haiphong, 12/20/23; Vivek Ramaswamy via Jimmy Dore (YouTube)

“Israel can defend itself however they want” – right wing Indian Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy
Vote for me! I'm just like my hero Dick Nixon!
(The Jimmy Dore Show) Dec. 20, 2023: Indian wunderkind Vivek "Dick Nixon II" Ramaswamy, the arch nemesis of Indian Nikki Haley, who is also vying for Trump to pick her to run alongside him for VP, is desperate for attention. He needs to appease hardcore, right-wing isolationist MAGA types, Q-Anon supporters, Jan. 6th insurrectionists (who were set up and taken down by the state), conservatives, evangelical Christians, fundamentalists, and Libertarians, and independents.

US Col. Mcgregor: "Israel has lost in every possible way! There is no going back..."
(Inner Vision) Dec. 19, 2023: Colonel Douglas Macgregor delivers a frank analysis, asserting that Israel has suffered defeat on multiple fronts in prosecuting its genocide against Palestine. Israel has suffered a profound negative impact on its military and international reputation, indicating a situation from which recovery seems challenging. Viewers are invited to explore Col. Macgregor's insights into the far-reaching consequences of this purported loss. Thanks to @cyrusjanssen #israel

Regular Republicans do not seem interested enough, so why not drill down to try to mine the extremists? When asked about Israel, its genocide, and US funding for decades of its war crimes, Ramaswamy gives a simplistic answer. He'll just not give them any more money and let them do whatever they want. Ignoring is the best deterrent, apparently. Israeli PM and early Jewish war criminal David Ben-Gurion made no bones about Israel's plans for war crimes and genocide to displace and dispossess the people of Palestine and strip them of their land or lives.
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