Thursday, December 21, 2023

It's Winter Solstice or is Earth flat? (12/21)

Pat Macpherson, Amber Larson, Dhr. Seven (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly Wiki edit; Eric Dubay
Newgrange is an ancient stupa (burial mound) the Buddha made famous from Central Asia
We're all Neo-Pagans and modern Druids, man, and Stonehenge is our Mecca (wiki).
Forget Old Stonehenge. Let's go to Newgrange, Ireland each solstice and equinox (Njp finn).
Winter also hits the mountains of Los Angeles
The winter solstice, also called the hibernal solstice (or the best time to hibernate), is said to occur when either of Earth's poles reaches its maximum tilt away from the local sun.

This happens twice yearly, once in each hemisphere (Northern and Southern). For each hemisphere, the winter solstice is the day with the shortest period of daylight and longest night of the year, when the sun is at its lowest daily maximum elevation in the sky [7].
Each polar region experiences continuous darkness or twilight around its winter solstice. This solstice occurs during the hemisphere's winter.

In the Northern Hemisphere, this is the December solstice (usually Dec. 21 or 22) and in the Southern Hemisphere, this is the June solstice (usually June 20 or 21).

Although the winter solstice itself lasts only a moment, the term also refers to the day on which it occurs.

Stonehenge was rearranged to what we see
The term midwinter (which would seem to mean "middle of the winter") is also used synonymously with the winter solstice, although it carries other meanings as well.

Traditionally, in many temperate regions, the winter solstice is seen as the middle of winter, though today in some countries and calendars it is seen as the beginning of winter.

Other names are the "extreme of winter" (Dongzhi) or the "shortest day." More: winter solstice

What if Earth is flat like Eric Dubay PROVES and Buddhist, Chirstian, Hindu cosmologies state?

"Proves"?! When did Eric Dubay ( "prove" the earth was flat? - He gave 200 proofs that are yet to be debunked. But he's persona non grata and the whole topic is verboten.
200 Proofs Earth is Not a Spinning Ball

Where do truth and inquiry go in a world of lies?
It's so bad that a government agency paid social media influencers on YouTube and elsewhere to make popular videos to "debunk" the rising flat earth movement. They can't deal with actual evidence presented by Dubay, so they go after strawmen and silly assumptions about what living on a flat disk would be like, never mind the evidence of their own senses and how water behaves and how engineers building railroad tracks and pilot flying planes treat the surface of this platform or plane. In fact, the debunkers do such a poor job that it remains a truism that the best way to become a flat earther is to try to debunk the actual evidence, the actual proof that we are not on a spinning ball of the dimensions claimed by popular science. (We might be on a much bigger ball with more continents; that's not impossible, but what's certain is that we are being lied to and deceived by NASA and ESA and other government entities. Why is anyone's guess. Let's stick to the proof. Why will no one deal with that?
The 31 Planes of Existence (we are reborn in)
It goes beyond the shape of the planet to the distance of things like our moon, the cause of eclipses (which in Buddhist, Vedic, Hindu, and Jain cosmologies is due to another planetary body called Rahu), the age of things as well as the shape of space and our multiverse (that are plentiful and globular like bubbles in space), with cosmic time being measured in kalpas or aeons, a great aeon (mahakalpa) being, according to the Buddha, the length of time it would take for an unbroken piece of granite, one mile high and one mile long, to be ground down and eroded away if a bird came once a year and brushed its beak on it while holding a fine muslin cloth. Sooner would that block of perfect granite be worn away, and still a kalpa would not have elapsed. It's staggering. In that length of time many things can happen, as things evolve, devolve, become chaotic, repeat. This is the universe we live in, which is quite like the other universes or world systems (cakkavalas) within them.

What about “science”? Let's do science, proposing a thesis and advancing evidence
(Eric Dubay) Quoting Terra Firma by David Wardlaw Scott, “The system of the Universe, as taught by Modern Astronomers, being founded entirely on theory, for the truth of which they are unable to advance one single real proof, they have entrenched themselves in a conspiracy of silence, and decline to answer any objections which may be made to their hypotheses…

Spiritual Science (Eric Dubay)
“Copernicus himself, who revived the theory of the heathen philosopher Pythagoras, and his great exponent Sir Isaac Newton, confessed that their system of a revolving Earth was only a possibility, and could not be proved by facts.

“It is only their followers who have decorated it with the name of an ‘exact science,’ yea, according to them, ‘the most exact of all the sciences.’

“Yet one Astronomer Royal for England once said, speaking of the motion of the whole Solar system: ‘The matter is left in a most delightful state of uncertainty, and I shall be very glad if any one can help me out of it.’

“What a very sad position for an ‘exact science’ to be in is this!” More

But I don't want the earth to be flat! I don't want to fall off!
Face of fear from the Carnival of Souls (wiki)
Then, in your mind, let it be the way someone else explained it to you. Whatever shape it is, we are not falling off. (What would be the source of gravity pulling us down off the plane into space below be?) Doesn't everybody want the Truth, the reality, the knowing-and-seeing of things as they actually are (objectively if possible or knowledge that all we'll ever get is subjective)? We prefer Truth with a capital t, wisdom, knowing, holding onto kindness and compassion. The combination is the way to awakening (bodhi).

Thank you, Eric Dubay, for standing up to the powers-that-be with a dissenting opinion and PROOF for it.  That's the ultimate thing. The rest of the world can put their faith in NASA and the CIA and newspapers like the USSR's Pravda.
  • What the Buddha Taught
    Would the Buddha bother with the shape of the world? It's not related to our enlightenment, so it's not crucial or worth spending too much time on. What is the origin of the sea? Is the universe (multiverse) finite or infinite? Is it the same person who is reborn or a different one? How will this karma (action) work itself out in terms of karmic-results? These are imponderable questions not conducive to enlightenment, so set them aside. Some questions conduce to awakening, some do not. Which ones do? What is dukkha, its cause, its end, the way to its end? Those are wise questions that do lead to awakening. Pursue those.

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