Thursday, December 28, 2023

Jimmy Dore Live w/ salesman Alex Jones

Jimmy Dore with Due Dissidence; Pfc. Sandoval, Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Today 4-hour long Jimmy Dore Show had Alex Jones on for the first time and took down hypocrite mouthpiece Bill Maher of the nominal Left (not the real left, just the pablum we're fed as an alternative to most of the right wing media).

Does the CIA own Jimmy Dore? Not yet. But they will or he'll end up like Russell Brand
Jimmy Dore interviews Alex Jones! Bill Maher has NO IDEA what the World Economic Forum (WEF) is!
Maybe this is a simulation like Elon Musk says.
(The Jimmy Dore Show) Jimmy gets deep, reflecting on the meaning and levels of consciousness, the possibility that mind expanding drugs like magic mushrooms and DMT, ayahuasca, and such can take us to the transpersonal, like Baba Ram Dass spoke of his Indian guru (Neem Karoli Baba) who could travel through five levels of consciousness and navigate them at will. Co-host Kurt Metzger claims to have taken such drugs many times without experiencing the transcendental more than being inside his head, with an inkling of the impersonal -- that we want to be famous or spied on by the government just to know we exist. Ultimately, beings may not exist (anatta) but conventionally they very much do. In what dimension can we find out? (There were about 17,000 people watching live, fluctuating higher and lower, and one bets the CIA, FBI, DHS, IRS, NSA, NSC, and Meta notice).

Alex Jones is on the show today promoting two of his new books to pay off his court debts.

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