Friday, December 15, 2023

More guns, money, CIA and PR for Israel

Scott Ritter: Israel can't beath Hamas with technological superiority from USA because they are SOFT military
(Sam Crochet) Dec. 15, 2023: IDF sucks, an all-draftee army of Zionist Jews lied to by their government, the Netanyahu Regime back by super right wing Likud Party.

Sickening dog face dabbed with cosmetic cheerleading genocide

And here is Jewish Zionist extremist influencer Caroline Glick, who has never seen enough killing of Arabs and Palestinians to satisfy her. She is bloodthirsty and a self-proclaimed super patriot for the state of Israel and more draconian methods than have already been used for 50 to 75 years. She will accept genocide but take nothing less than ethnic cleansing, running the Palestinians into the Sinai Desert or the sea. Now she's complaining that U.S. Pres. Joe Biden isn't giving the Israeli government and military enough weapons, enough backing, enough diplomatic protection, enough intel, enough money, enough military engagement. It's never enough. Since it is not enough, she says Pres. Biden has declared war on Netanyahu. Everything comes down to war metaphors.

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