Wednesday, December 20, 2023

West hates Jews, wants relocation to M.E.

I'm really a real estate agent.
It is true that the West hates Jews, as most of the world does. It has expelled them from many European (nearly all) countries. But where to put them? Nazis had an idea, but that didn't work. "Send them back where they came from," someone suggested. So the British used Jews as a wedge to colonize the geopolitical Middle East and insure the flow of petroleum. Jews don't seem to know they were being used or don't care so long as they get free prime real estate handed to them. Tel Aviv will do, but Jerusalem and rich farmlands are an added bonus. Heck, why not just take all of it and then some?

Thanks for this, Bibi. - You kidding? I love it!
There are many small Middle Eastern, mostly Arab, countries to be colonized and devoured in this Western settler colonial project: Mandatory Palestine, Transjordan, Lebanon, the Sinai, Saudi Arabia, Yemen...maybe even a post-apocalyptic Iran in a few years if they don't shut up. The West hates the Jews and has thrown them out, oppressed, and slaughtered them. Now it has a better solution, a final final solution: throw them on top of Muslim Middle Easterners and let them fight it out, with weapons we supply in these proxy wars, to expand Western influence, hegemony, and colonial rule. The Jews are onboard. Why in the h*ll won't the college kids back it? We're doing it for them! This is how imperialism works, dummies! The CIA didn't waste all that time and money grooming Bibi Netanyahu and his brother for nothing. Look it up.

How US evangelical Christians betray Christians in the Holy Land (Part 2)
(AJ+) For millions of American evangelical Christians, supporting Israel is a core part of their interpretation of the Jewish religion's order on how to practice their faith.

This is all yours, guys! - Gee, thanks, God!
[Early Jews, Romans, or Greeks had the foresight to insert a threat (Genesis 12:3) that all followers have to "bless" Jews, or any European group claiming to be Jews, or else the tribal god will "curse" them].

Christians believe Israel needs to exist right on top of the heads of Palestinians, many of them Muslims, so that the prophesized “end times” and the return of the Jewish messiah Jesus Christ ["Rabbi Yshua Ben Yusuf"? Jesus' name if he had not realized his and our divinity] are guaranteed. 

But what does that racist American Christian support mean for people who share their Christian religion but live under illegal [racist-nationalist Euro-Ashkenazi white supremacist] Israeli Zionist-Jewish occupation?

Dena talks to Palestinian Christians about the evangelical Christian Zionist movement.
  • 0:50 What is Christian Zionism?
  • 1:49 Why this American Christian has devoted her life to helping Israel [in its genocide]
  • 2:40 Christian Palestinians react to Christian Zionists
  • 4:06 What some evangelicals believe the Bible says about the “end times”
  • 7:01 Who’s behind the most powerful Christian Zionist organization?
  • 9:04 Why do Christian Zionists support Israel’s oppression?
#Palestine #Christianity #Zionism #Judaism #Jews #IllegalOccupation #Genocide #USBackedDictatorNetanyahu Al Jazeera is funded in whole or in part by the Qatari government.

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