Monday, January 1, 2024

Bible-loving Jews who hate Israel (video)

Jewish Unpacked; Sheldon S., Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Why do these Jews HATE Israel?
(Unpacked) Neturei Karta is a small but very controversial sect of very religious Orthodox anti-Zionist Jews. They have gained an outsized reputation due to their strong biblical beliefs and protests against the state of Israel.
Despite their small numbers, they have managed to make headlines by aligning with Palestinians, Muslims, Iranians, and groups that hate the new Zionist state of Israel. They call for the illegal settler colonial project to be undone so they can go back to living in Jerusalem in peace among their Palestinian brothers and sisters, as they have lived for hundreds or thousands of years in peace.

Ashkenazi Jews from Europe and the U.S. seem to be the problem, invading under the auspices of colonial England, bringing nothing but destruction and genocide, blaming the likes of Hamas, Hezbollah, and even figures like Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Yasser Arafat for the problems rather than themselves as the oppressors, occupiers, abusers, and land thieves.

The first prime minister of the new make believe state of Israel, David Ben-Gurion, was kind enough to speak frankly and call what he was doing a crime, knowing what to expect as a reaction. He did it any, while lying to Jews of the world that "Israel" was a land without people (oh, except for al the Palestinian Arabs, Christians, Bedouins, and others, including non-secular Orthodox Jews.

Neturei Karta's staunch opposition to Zionism, occupation, settler colonialism, land theft, abuse of the Bible (Jewish Torah and Talmud) has led them to advocacy for the dismantling of the world's only Jewish state (except for that other on in Russia known as the Jewish Autonomous Oblast) has left many in the Jewish community and beyond outraged and perplexed.

What could possibly drive a Jewish group like the Neturei Karta to take such an extreme stance against the New Israel's own self-determination? Is it because they were happy living side by side in peace with Palestinians before Europeans (Ashkenazim) arrived to take over? They go as far as to endorse antisemitic groups and undermine the safe feeling of the invading foreign Jewish community.
In light of the dangers posed by the Neturei Karta, making the new Jews look bad, it's no wonder police beat them and the government is working against them. How should the other Jewish community, the one newly arrived settler colonialists, confront and counteract the influence of this anti-Zionist fringe group?

Zionists used to be the extreme fringe group, but it killed its way to the top of the food chain of Jewish society. So to protect the dominant Jewish group now, the right wing and followers of Netanyahu, who is trying to have a police state that enforces unity and well-being of the community/new country as a whole, Neturei Karta and their biblical message must be suppressed.

Revealing the ideology of Neturei Karta and unravelling their origins in Palestine, Torah study and beliefs, and motivations sheds light on how this group has managed to capture the attention of the global community and why their message is true but dangerous and divisive to Israel's public relations and the Mossad, Shin Bet, and IDF's propaganda campaigns.
The Jewish community and others need to understand that Neturei Karta are regarded by even the most extremist Jews who still remain within the range of acceptable Jewishness as belonging outside the narrower Jewish community that matters.

This is because important Jews agree that selling out fellow Jews, in the context of both the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as well as the harm they cause by giving credibility to antisemites worldwide, is never an acceptable Jewish ideological position if we are to win the propaganda wars and public relations battles.

  • 00:00 Intro
  • 00:39 Anti-Zionist Jews
  • 01:22 Early Zionism and religious Jews
  • 01:48 Religious Zionism vs. Religious anti-Zionism
  • 02:43 The 3 oaths
  • 03:18 Formation of religious anti-Zionist groups
  • 03:49 1936 Arab Riots
  • 04:09 Splintering off of Neturei Karta
  • 04:37 The Holocaust as divine punishment
  • 05:14 Jewish rejection of Neturei Karta
  • 05:33 Selling out secular Zionist Jews
  • 06:25 Relationship with Yasser Arafat and terrorist organizations
  • 07:28 Weaponization of Judaism and tokenization for terrorists
  • 08:32 Outro
Did Jews always support Zionist settler colonial Israel? No, but who cares; England said we could have the land

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