Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Covid lies are funny: excess deaths, lawsuits

In those heady days of easy riches, they were calling any and everything "Covid." It paid to.
I may have done a thing or two for the money.
Mainstream media FINALLY covers "excess deaths" due to undergoing an experimental medical procedure known as "taking COVID-19 shots" to become a GMO (genetically modified organism), which were induced on consumers by a Big Pharma payment schedule that went to shooters (medical providers) who scared their patients into taking them as a "medical necessity" (necessary to their fast and easy enrichment) whether those experimental vaccine shots worked or not.

"They, they," who are "they"? Blame Dr. Fauci
They certainly have never been proven to work; they have always been "experimental." It was right there in the fine print.

That's why the shots were rushed, when they were neither ready nor effective, in a big rush of government propaganda. Sadly, it was the Left (not the Right) taken in by this one.

No one cares about actual science
If consumers were injured in the rush to transfer billions in subsidies into the pockets of hospitals, doctors, and drug distributors (like Rite Aid, CVS, Savon, Walmart, and other pharmaceutical outlets, some may be able to avoid the immunity clause Big Pharma lawyers conned the government into giving them (for all the vaccines they make nowadays) and successfully sue.

Cases are being won, if not for the actual direct injury of taking toxic chemicals, metals, and agents that modify our human genes into our veins, at least for being fired for refusing such draconian and foolish Frankenstein-level medical interventions.

We could not admit that safe human medicine like anti-parasitic Ivermectin worked because then the government could not qualify for "emergency use authorization," which is not available when there is a treatment already existing for a disease. Never mind that the rollout of 5G was and is causing many symptoms of this so-called infectious agent.

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