Monday, January 15, 2024

Iowa votes for BiDump: What happened?

Seth Auberon, Ashley Wells, Pfc. Sandoval (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly Wiki edit

Trump gets 52%
Who in the world could explain the Trump won? Well, of course he won by the simple principle of the one thing he did right: He followed the ancient maxim, "Better to be silent [absent from all the debates] and thought a fool than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt."

It's a horserace, Tweedledee vs. Tweedledumb. This is the most important election of our lifetime, except for the next one. And if I get back in there, there won't be a next one.

We can have Tweedledee or Tweedledumb. It's your choice, America. Need AI's help?
The Iowa caucuses are quadrennial electoral events for members of the Democratic and Republican parties (the two halves of our American one-party system, the Money Party) in the U.S. state of Iowa.

US elections, are they a real horserace or a complete farce of interest to nearly no one?
Hey, Finnegan, let's do it.
Unlike primary elections in most other states, where registered voters go to polling places to cast ballots, Iowans instead gather [unless it's freezing cold] at local caucus meetings to discuss and vote on the candidates.

During both the presidential and midterm election seasons, registered Iowan voters vote in a per-precinct caucus for the party of which they are registered as a member [1].

I can run this country from jail! Vote for me.
The caucuses are also held to select delegates to county conventions and party committees, among other party activities [2. 3].

Does Indian American Nikki Haley have a chance against Indian American Kamala Harris? Not if Indian American Vivek Ramaswamy or Indian American Hirsh Vardhan Singh have anything to say about it. More

Truden Bidump is the best choice for America -- more of the same old white male, Christian and mostly straight and working for the military-industrial complex and Big Pharma.

Vivek Ramaswamy, a new kind of right-wing maniac, is young, greedy, nonwhite, bailing out.

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