Wednesday, January 3, 2024

I'm not lesbian, not bi; call me "abrosexual"

Emma Flint, Metro; Ananda (Dharma Bu Meditation), Seth Auberon (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

I came out for support not criticism (Emma Flint)
I’m abrosexual, but it took me 30 years to understand what that meant.

"When did you decide this? Is this even a label? I’ve never heard of it. I support you, obviously, but this doesn’t sound real."

These are just some of the words that greeted me when I came out as abrosexual to a close friend, back in 2020, claims an incredulous Emma Flint. Needless to say, we’re not friends anymore. [I can't believe she thought I was some kind of lesbian].

I know I look like an aggro-sexual, but don't judge me or body shame me, sexist a-holes!
C'mon. Do I look like a lesbian? I'm hot.
For those who don’t know what abrosexuality is, in layperson’s terms, it simply means when someone’s sexual identity fluctuates and changes.

I read and re-read the text, the dismissiveness of the message cutting deeper each time. Here I was, sharing my identity with someone I trusted, only for her to scoff at my words.

You all have to treat me like what I say I feel that I am today even if it changes, or it's violence!

Lost in Trans Nation (Dr. Grossman)
Although the easy defense is that one can’t determine someone’s tone from a text message, I think it’s clear that the vibe was far from supportive. It was judgmental and immediately doubtful [as if I'm gay or bi. Where's all that LGBTQIA+ support for my identity? The A stands for asexual, and that's not even a real thing, or I for intersex]. More

Maybe later she'll announce she's transgender or transsexual half the week? Then she'll (they'll?) be gendered correctly and accepted and cherished by Western society.

Lost in Trans Nation

This book by Dr. Grossman, with a foreword by Dr. Jordan B. Peterson, has a 4.7 out of 5 stars with 279 ratings.

Throughout the U.S., atrocities are taking place in doctor’s offices and hospital operating rooms. Physically healthy children and adolescents are being permanently disfigured and sometimes sterilized.

Those youth say they’re "transgender," and we — their parents, teachers, therapists, and doctors — are supposed to agree with their self-diagnosis and take a back seat as they make the most consequential decision of their lives: to alter their bodies in order to, we are told, “align” them with their changeable minds.

Medical, educational, and government authorities advise us to support the “gender journeys” of still developing kids, including medical interventions with poor evidence of long-term improvement.

This would be unacceptable in any other field of medicine. Indeed, the same treatments U.S. medical authorities backed by Washington D.C. call “crucial” or “life-saving” have been BANNED in progressive Scandinavian Sweden and Finland, as well as liberal Britain.
How can we make money from confusion?
AUTHOR: Dr. Miriam Grossman, MD, is a child and adolescent psychiatrist whose practice consists of trans-identified youth and their families. In Lost in Trans Nation, she implores parents to reject the advice of gender "experts" and politicians and trust their guts — their parental instincts — in the face of an onslaught of ideologically-driven misinformation that steers them and their children toward risky decisions they may end up mourning for the rest of their lives.

What started small has exploded all over U.S.
The beliefs that maleness and femaleness are human inventions, that the sex of a newborn is arbitrarily “assigned” at birth, and that as a result the child requires “affirmation” through medical interventions — these ideas are divorced from reality.

They are therefore hazardous, especially to children. The core belief that biology can and should be denied is a repudiation of reality and a mockery of what hard biological science teaches about being male and female.

Dr. Grossman believes that parents know their child best; they especially know if they have a son or daughter.

What is going on in America?

But currently in the U.S. when it comes to gender identity, everyone and anyone knows better (school officials, doctors, politicians, therapists, trans activists, crossdressers) than mom and dad.

Schools enable students to live double lives: He's Patrick at home but Patti at school.

Activists tell kids their loving homes are “unsafe” when parents voice doubts about the child’s new identity experiment.

Refusing to see their son as their daughter because the child says so, parents might be reported to child protective services, a development that can lead to the child being taken away and the family’s destruction, so the state can govern the child's life.

Lost in Trans Nation arms parents with the ammunition to avoid or, if necessary, fight what many families describe as the most difficult challenge of their lives.

Why read this book?
What does Buddhism know?
Parents learn what to say and how — at home, at school and, if necessary, to police if they appear at the door.

“Don’t be blindsided like so many parents I know,” warns Dr. Grossman. “Be proactive and get educated. Feel prepared and confident to discuss trans, nonbinary, or whatever your child brings to the dinner table.”

Whether it’s the “trans is as common as red hair” claim, or the child’s “I’m not your son, I’m your daughter” proclamation, or the “Do you prefer a live son or a dead daughter?” threat, says Dr. Grossman, no family is immune, and every parent has to be prepared.

No child is born in the “wrong” body, Dr. Grossman reassures us. Their bodies are just fine; it’s their emotional lives that need healing.

Whether you’re facing a gender identity crisis and battle at home right now, or want to prevent one, read this book as a guide for loved ones rising above the madness.

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