Monday, January 1, 2024

Matrix News Network (media file)

Matrix News Network; Pfc. Sandoval, Ashley Wells, Wisdom Quarterly, June 21, 2009

Witch Hunt Africa's Hidden War on Women In villages across Africa, old women suspected of witchcraft are hacked to death, while young girls are mutilated to preserve their virginity. But attitudes are changing – and thousands of lives are being saved.
Guess Who Said, "Outlaw the Shadow Banking System!" The most powerful leader of the Western world and his side-kick has openly and unreservedly acknowledged that we are having a global financial melt-down. And that the cause for this catastrophe is the shadow banking system!
Civil Unrest in America? The elite have realized that the current financial and economic turmoil is much worse than what many experts had foreseen, and that things could really spiral out of control if the present situation deteriorates even further.
UN Condemns Britain Over Torture Cases The report criticizes British co-operation in the transfer of detainees as part of the US rendition program, accusing British ­intelligence officers of interviewing detainees held in ­"so-called safe houses where they were being tortured".
ICC prosecutor mulls 'Gaza war crimes' probe Luis Moreno-Ocampo, the chief prosecutor of the Hague-based International Criminal Court (ICC) announced he may launch an investigation into alleged Israeli war crimes committed during its recent military offensive in Gaza.
Monsanto Shill Trying to Make Backyard Gardens Illegal
Representative Rosa DeLauro, whose husband Stanley Greenburg works for Monsanto, has introduced H.R. 875, a very bad piece of legislation that promises to put every backyard gardener in jeopardy of property seizure.
America's Fiscal Collapse Obama’s plan largely serves the interests of Wall Street, the defence contractors and the oil conglomerates. The bailouts are leading America into a spiraling public debt crisis. The economic and social dislocations are potentially devastating.
Nothing More than Inflation, Voodoo Finance and Smoke and Mirrors Our economy now has been sacrificed by elitist manipulation, the list of problem banks soars, and gold remains as the only real currency. [We've been telling you this for 7 years! Now may be the time to visit! ]
CIA and MI5 Colluded in Torture of U.K. Citizen The worst time in Binyam Mohamed's seven-year ordeal in American captivity, worse even than the medieval tortures he endured in Morocco, came in 2004 when he was held for five months at a secret CIA prison in Afghanistan.
Economic Stimulus to Assist RFID Tracking of Everything
Smart Grid is closely related to the National Animal Identification System and both programs are designed to manage information to spy on Americans. The Obama Administration feels it is so important that it had to be funded in the stimulus package.
18 Army Deaths in February Possible Suicides
As many as 18 soldiers killed themselves in February, Army officials announced March 5.
U.S. Accuses Turkey of Curtailing Media Freedom [In a classic case of the pot calling the kettle black...] The U.S. has accused Turkey of limiting freedom of expression in its annual human rights report and said journalists feared reprisals if they criticised Prime Minister Erdogan's government.
Socialist Propaganda to Benefit Librarians and the Libraries that Recruit Them Even satirist Stephen Colbert took a pot shot at the unsavory lending practices of our public library system, and how they threaten to erode the very fabric of our free market capitalist system.
Israelis Have to Explain why Food Aid in form of Pasta Not Allowed into Palestine
Israel was only permitting limited amounts of humanitarian aid into Gaza, and the definition of what the Israelis consider humanitarian was restricted. Pasta is not regarded as humanitarian aid and is not allowed in to Gaza while rice is.
Panic, Outcry at Government Ban of Charcoal in Chad
A government ban on charcoal in the Chadian capital N’djamena has created what one observer called “explosive” conditions as families desperately seek the means to cook.
Obama's Plans to Stay in Iraq
President Obama won crucial backing Thursday for his Iraq military drawdown plan from leading Republicans. [50,000 troops is not “a residual force”, it is an occupation force, and is unacceptable. See Action Alert for February 28, 2009]
Ron Paul Working to end The Ban on Raw Milk
Americans have the right to consume raw milk without the Federal Government second-guess their judgment. If there are legitimate concerns about the safety of unpasteurized milk, those concerns should be addressed at the state and local level.
Seeding the Oceans with Iron [What Next?]
The "prestigious" German oceanography ship Polarstern is conducting a major experiment of seeding the oceans with iron in order to absorb carbon dioxide, the principal greenhouse-effect gas.
Groups Request Special Prosecutor for Bush, Cheney and others Our laws, and treaties that under Article VI of our Constitution are the supreme law of the land, require the prosecution of crimes that strong evidence suggests these individuals have committed.
Africa looted by U.K. and U.S. allies The conflict in the Congo is a resource war waged by U.S. and British allies. The latest in a series of U.N. reports that clearly documents the systematic looting and appropriation of Congolese resources by Rwanda and Uganda, two of Washington and London's staunchest allies in Africa.
How the Current Financial Rescue Schemes are Following the Failed Model of the Hoover Administration
The government needs to open the books of the insolvent mega banks, declare them bankrupt, auction off their assets, and bring them under public ownership—since taxpayers have already paid for their net assets many times over.
Monsanto's BT Cotton Kills the Soil as well as Farmers At this rate, in a decade of planting with GM cotton, or any GM crop with Bt genes in it, could lead to total destruction of soil organisms, leaving dead soil unable to produce food.
CIA is Beyond Redemption and Should Be Terminated The CIA represents 60 years of failure and fascism utterly at odds with the spirit of a democracy and needs to be closed, permanently.
27 States Planning or Claiming Sovereignty All of these ‘movements’ (except for Hawaii) are explicit restatements of what has always been in place, but not necessarily enforced, as detailed by the 10th Amendment.
Black Sea: Pentagon's Gateway to Three Continents and the Middle East
The US has signed Strategic Partnership Charters with both Georgia and Ukraine over the past two months and the two nations are the centerpieces for Washington's takeover of the Black Sea and indeed the former Soviet Union as a whole.
U.S. Navy Expanding Test Range Without Notification to Citizens
The U.S. Navy, the U.S. Department of Defense have decided, without our consent, that that are going to use the Pacific Ocean off the Coast of California, Oregon and Washington and the land over four states to test weapons of war.
Stop the CO2 Madness
Those “top Obama administration officials” are unnamed and so too are the “scientists” claiming that the planet is “warming.” For the record, although you will never read this in The New York Times, the planet is NOT warming. It is COOLING.
Euro in Big Trouble
The cultural and political divide among member countries is still palpable; at least when you move outside of Brussels. So when things get tough, as they are now, it is every country for itself. Nationalist tensions are rising fast.
Army charity hoards millions
The massive nonprofit — funded predominantly by troops — allows superiors to squeeze soldiers for contributions; forces struggling soldiers to repay loans — sometimes delaying transfers and promotions.
Daley Wants Surveillance Cameras on Every Corner of Chicago Mayor Daley has argued that security and terrorism won’t be an issue if his Olympic dreams come true because, by 2016, there will be a surveillance camera on every street corner in Chicago.
Obama Expands Missile Strikes Inside Pakistan The strikes are another sign that President Obama is continuing, and in some cases extending, Bush administration policy in using American spy agencies against terrorism suspects in Pakistan.
Biden Says Bush gave Al Qaeda Recruiting Tool Visiting the Central Intelligence Agency to swear in Leon E. Panetta as the agency’s 19th director, Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. said Thursday that the Bush administration’s detention and interrogation policies “gave Al Qaeda a powerful recruiting tool.”
U.S. Soldier Found Guilty of Iraq Murder
A US soldier has been convicted of murder for his involvement in the killing of four Iraqis who were shot and dumped in a Baghdad canal in 2007.
Warning for West as Unrest Spills Into the Streets The slump that has swept through developed nations like the UK, the eurozone and the United States is hitting the world's emerging economies with a speed and ferocity that has shocked even the most pessimistic analysts.
A Fraud Bigger Than Madoff In what could turn out to be the greatest fraud in US history, American authorities have started to investigate the alleged role of senior military officers in the misuse of $125bn (£88bn) in a US -directed effort to reconstruct Iraq after the fall of Saddam Hussein. The exact sum missing may never be clear, but a report by the US Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction (SIGIR) suggests it may exceed $50bn, making it an even bigger theft than Bernard Madoff's notorious Ponzi scheme.
Obama Will Get No Warning When The People Truly Respond to His Policies It is a sign of the dislocation between politics and everyday life that while the $787bn stimulus package that Obama is expected to sign today is being hailed as a great victory, nobody truly believes it will work.
U.S. Military to Enlist Foreign Nationals A NY Times article reports on plans of our military to enlist foreign nationals (aliens) in our military. While this might help recruiters meet their quotas of new enlistees, in my judgement, this decision is fraught with real perils.
Mobile Phone Companies Sell UK Customer Info to Advertisers The companies have been collecting the information over the past year and will use it in an attempt to generate more advertising. News that the industry has been monitoring what users do on the mobile web is likely to infuriate privacy campaigners.
BBC Attempts to Patch Up the Cracks in Global Warming Sell No kidding, it’s that bad. For those of you that don’t know, some alarmists claim that "negative climate feedback is as real as the Easter Bunny", which is what makes this BBC factual error so hilarious.
Millionaires Made while Merrill Holding out Hand for Bailout
Merrill Lynch quietly paid out at least one million dollars bonus each to about 700 top executive even when the investment house was bleeding with losses last year, a probe has revealed.
UN Moves to Charge Israel with War Crimes The United Nations moves to set up a commission to look into Israeli war crimes and respond to its human rights violations in Gaza. (Forget the Commissions. Arrest the criminals and try them now.)
Obama Following Bush's Lead on Secrecy (Oh, yeah, that's the kind of change we'd hoped for!) The Obama administration, which vowed to usher in a "new era of openness in our country," either has delayed action on requests for access to government records or refused to disclose them in three early, high-profile tests of the pledge.
Obama Aides Embrace Bush's "War on Terror"
The Obama Administration is rushing to dispel any notions that Obama will fight for civil liberties or war crimes investigations. Eric Holder allegedly assured a senator that there would be no war crimes investigation and seemed to defend Bush policies,
At Least 14 Studies Have Exposed the High Cost of Ethanol and BioFuels While it's true that other factors have helped inflate food prices, including rising energy prices and increased grain demand in other countries, it's also abundantly obvious that the corn ethanol industry has had a major effect on food prices.
Opportunity Knocks When it Comes to a Local Food Community Community-based agriculture has the potential for creating jobs, developing small business entrepreneurships and keeping precious dollars in the community.
Who the Hell Picked This Guy?
God help us. I've watched a lot of bumbling idiots before, but this bozo (Geithner) tops this all. No wonder the market tanked after he spoke. This guy could screw up a wet dream.
Strengthen "Think Tank" Accountability The media should do a better job covering think tanks, especially around think tanks' revolving door with government, functioning in orchestrated lobbying campaigns and claiming credit for others' work.
Pentago Boosts Spending on PR The money the military spends on winning hearts and minds at home and abroad has grown to at least $4.7 billion this year. That's almost as much as it spent on body armor for troops in Iraq and Afghanistan between 2004 and 2006.
Elderly Being Evicted from Nursing HOmes
As health care costs rise and Medicaid rates lag behind, nursing and boarding homes are forcing out sick, elderly and frail residents in what advocates say is a growing trend.
Ohio Congresswoman: Don't Give Up Your Home Without A Fight
The banks foreclosing on families very often can't locate the actual loan note that binds the homeowner to the bad loan. "Produce the note," Kaptur recommends those facing foreclosure demand of the banks.
OPINION: Karen Kwiatkowski on The Coming Fascism (See Karen's interview on Matrix News) Like the great lion with a painful but removable thorn in its paw, we the people will be far better after the military empire and financial fakery is expelled. Not corrected, not improved, just gone.
House Fortifies Whistleblower Protections The bill would "create specific protections for those who expose abuses of authority by those trying to manipulate or censor scientific research in federal agencies for political purposes."
Front Group King Rick Berman The Biggest Crook Ever The groups' non-profit status makes their funding hard to trace, which has permitted Berman to operate in the shadows for decades while pocketing millions from unpopular industries for his work thwarting public interest legislation.
UK Conservative Leader Promises to End UFO Secrecy David Cameron vowed that if he was elected Prime Minister he would bring an end to the era of government secrecy over UFOs and extra-terrestrial activity.
All We've Got Left of Him Abdul's parents are asking the international community to cut their relationship with Israel, because Israel is killing children. During just 10 minutes in thier neighbourhood alone, Israeli soldiers killed 10 children.
Help for Foreclosure Victims For a loan to be valid, the lender needs to be able to produce the paperwork. Guess what? In their mad greed to screw the American people and line their own pockets, Wall Street forgot that little detail.
Banks Getting Bailout Funds Sought Foreign Workers for High Paying Jobs An Associated Press review of visa applications shows banks collecting billions of dollars in federal bailout money asked for permission to bring thousands of foreign workers to the U.S. for high-paying jobs.
New Jungles Prompt a Debate on Rain Forests By one estimate, for every acre of rain forest cut down each year, more than 50 acres of new forest are growing in the tropics on land that was once farmed, logged or ravaged by natural disaster.
California Pension Funds Close to Bankruptcy Hundreds of thousands of retiring state employees and teachers now face the stark choice of accepting much reduced pension checks or working past their retirement age.
Even Disney TV Laying Off Employees The Walt Disney Co.'s television division is cutting 400 jobs, or about 6 percent of its work force, due to the slumping economy. The cuts include 200 layoffs, while another 200 vacant positions will not be filled in a staff between 6,500 and 7,000 people.
NASA warming scientist James Hansen is being publicly rebuked by his former supervisor at NASA who says Hansen “embarrassed NASA” with his alarming climate claims and said Hansen was “was never muzzled.”
Proposed Bill Will Turn Old Military Bases into FEMA Camps For years, the mainstream has denied that the government was putting together a network of FEMA detention camps. But this new law would require that closed military bases be converted into Homeland Security "emergency centers".
A Loophole in Obama's Rules A day before President Obama signed executive orders closing Guantánamo Bay and banning torture, Congress was told that the new president reserved the right to ignore his own (and any other president's) executive orders. (Nice change!)
Bailout This! In all the deliberations and press releases there was not a single mention of the fact that the primary cause of the bank collapse was due to derivatives, the "instruments of mass destruction."
Resistance to Housing Foreclosures Spreads Across the Land "Ten million families are facing foreclosure right now," he said. "Change is not going to come about because President Obama wants it to. He is not going to act unless you hold his feet to the fire."
California's Budget Woes Affecting Environmental Projects In all, more than 750 environmental projects in Los Angeles County and the four surrounding counties have had their funding, totaling $420 million, stopped, according to an analysis of state records.
Obama's "Non Negotiable" Allegiance to Israel I knew on June 4, 2008, that US policy in the Middle East was not scheduled for “change”—and, thus, nothing was going to change at all. The US government would continue its imperial wars in the region and elsewhere.
Ban Appalled by Israeli Carnage in Gaza Thousands of Gazans have been left homeless by the Israeli offensive and Palestinian officials warned it could cost $1.9bn to rebuild the territory.
Taliban Tell Obama to Withdraw The insurgent Taliban said on Wednesday that US President Barack Obama should learn from the Soviet defeat in Afghanistan and pull his troops out of the country to allow Afghans to decide their own fate.
U.N. To Probe Use of Illegal Weapons in Israeli Attacks on Gaza The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) says it will open an investigation into Israel's alleged use of depleted uranium during its 22-day offensive in the Gaza Strip.
Africa's Wars Shame the Media "In Rwanda, we arrived after 30,000 or 60,000 people were killed. And we didn’t care, nobody cared.” Some say the decision from where to report and what to report has nothing to do with the journalists but about money and politics.
Antarctica: Schizophrenia on Warming or Cooling Our foray into the tortured logic of 'consistent with’ in climate science raises the perennial question, what observations of the climate system would be inconsistent with the model predictions?”
Sony Posts First Loss Like other Japanese exporters including Toyota, Sony is taking a beating from the global slump that crimped consumer spending during the critical year-end shopping season.
"Bad Bank" to Take over Bad Loans The administration is considering setting up a "bad bank" to purchase toxic loans from troubled banks in a new program that could cost taxpayers $3 trillion to $4 trillion.
Blind, Burned 14 Year Old Victim of Illegal White Phosphorous Bombs Blinded in both eyes, with third-degree burns over much of his torso, Mahmoud lies unconscious in the Sheikh Zayid Hospital on the outskirts of Cairo, the victim of white phosphorous bomb.
Warner Brothers Laying of 800 People Time Warner Inc.'s Warner Bros. Entertainment movie studio said Tuesday it is eliminating nearly 800 jobs, or 10 percent of its global work force, and is examining further cost reductions.
International Energy Agency Blows Off Wind Power Energy Watch accuses the The International Energy Agency of systematically underestimating the potential of renewable energy sources like wind and solar, "because of its ties to the oil, gas and nuclear sectors."
Hold That Gold There is not a single central bank or financial institution in the world that can create more gold. Meanwhile, every central bank on the planet is printing fiat money like crazy. (See episode #322 featuring Zeitgeist clips on the money system.)
Actvists Vent Their Rage at Departing Bush As George W. Bush prepared to leave the US presidency, protestors hurled shoes at the White House in a symbolic farewell for the man they accuse of gross mismanagement, obstructing justice and war crimes.
US Starting Strangulation of Russia Following this meddling, it was promptly announced that the US will be involved in the pipeline repairs and upgrading in Ukraine, thus putting Russian gas transportation to Europe in jeopardy.
World in Mad Rush for Gold Coins Forget equities and other investment options, the world is now in a mad rush for gold coins. If reports emerging from all corners are any indication, gold coins have witnessed a surge in demand following the global recession.
Global Depression Imminent Words don’t really do justice to the brutality of recent downturn in Korean and Taiwanese exports. But such a big dip in December is most unusual. The current downturn is real.
After U.S. Destruction of Afghanistan, Corruption and Poverty Abound Children beg near the mansions of a tiny elite enriched by foreign aid and official corruption. There is a crisis of governance. Corruption is way up, and poverty is massive. People are disheartened and confused.
More Americans Join Military as Job Losses Soar “When the economy slackens and unemployment rises and jobs become more scarce in civilian society, recruiting is less challenging,” said Curtis Gilroy, the director of accession policy for the Department of Defense.
High Tech Security Bubble Wraps Around Washington In some places, Washington will look like an occupied city. Sharpshooters will be on virtually every building. The FBI is deploying an armored assault vehicle and a weapons-of-mass-destruction response truck.
Are we to Forgive and Forget? If we don’t have an inquest into what happened during the Bush years, this means that those who hold power are indeed above the law because they don’t face any consequences if they abuse their power.
Blast of Arctic Air Chills East Alabama was colder than Alaska, water fountains froze into ice sculptures in South Carolina and Florida shivered through a brush of Arctic air blast that deadened car batteries in the Northeast and prompted scattered Midwest power outages.
Washington Mobilizes 42,500 strong Security Force for Inaugural An unprecedented security effort will be overseen by the U.S. Secret Service and will include 7,500 active-duty soldiers, 10,000 National Guard troops and 25,000 law-enforcement officers, security officials said.
In Farewell Speech, Bush says War on Terror Must Continue (Well, of course it must. How else would the military-industrial complex continue its reign of terror?) Bush defended his legacy of war, torture and domestic repression while vowing that the “war on terror,” the ideological mainspring of his administration, must go on.
200,000 U.S. War Veterans Homeless Veterans who have been brought into the VA and turned away have committed suicide after coming back from the war with post-traumatic stress disorder and every night, 200,000 Iraq and Afghanistan veterans sleep homeless on the streets.
Rangel to Reintroduce Military Draft Measure If a draft had been in place in 2002 when members were making the decision on whether to support the war in Iraq, Rangel has said, Congress never would have approved the war resolution, because the pressure from constituents would have been too great.
Gold Rallies as U.S. Dollar Weakens Nor can we ignore the likelihood of Dollar weakness, perhaps even a dollar bust, as US uncreditworthiness gets called into "question." Gold could surge to new record highs above 1,000 an ounce between now and July 2009.
Harsh Turn of Fortunes for 2 U.S. Banks Both Citigroup and Bank of America had moved their earnings announcements forward from this coming week to address increasing anxieties among shareholders and pressure from the U.S. government to deal with their growing difficulties.
Rescue of U.S. Banks Hints at Nationalization Last fall, as Federal Reserve and Treasury Department officials rode to the rescue of one financial institution after another, they took great pains to avoid doing anything that smacked of nationalizing banks.
California Tax Refunds to be Delayed California's controller says he will begin a 30-day delay on tax refunds and other payments starting Feb. 1 because the state is running out of money.
Judge: Rumsfeld Sanctioned Torture in Guantanamo A top US official has for the first time publicly admitted that a suspect, incarcerated at the Guantanamo Bay prison was tortured.
Bush Warns Obama of Another 9/11 Bush said in his last news conference that the most urgent security challenge Obama will face is preventing another attack like those of 9/11, 2001. "There's still an enemy out there that would like to inflict damage on America – Americans."
One in Five Gitmo Prisoners On a Hunger Strike Of the 248 inmates inside the detention facility, 44 are refusing food — but 33 of those are receiving nutrition with tubes that are forced up their noses and into their stomachs.
Gazans Face Bleak Future Even when the Bombs Stop "A future for Gaza?" Um Mohammed queried, taken aback at the question. "Listen, my son is five years old. He will carry these images in his mind forever. Will he ever believe in peace?"
Banks in Need of Even More Money Bernanke made the case that the $700 billion bailout program needs to pour billions more into the very banks and financial institutions that already received federal money and caused much of the credit crisis in the first place.
World Depression Imminent? The prospects for the coming year are grim. The retail, construction and financial sectors are all in deep trouble, mainly because the United States is going through a fundamental shift away from consumption and toward saving.
Ten Israeli Soldiers Choose Jail over Gaza At least ten soldiers have opted for prison terms rather than going through with their deployment. On "conscience’s grounds," the soldiers refused orders to head to the Gaza Strip, they said. (God bless them!)
Israel Accused of Gaza Genocide in U.N. The president of the UN General Assembly, Miguel d'Escoto Brockmann, said the UN Security Council would not be able to stop the violence in Gaza and that the Israeli prime minister had practically told the UN to "mind their own business".
Cheney Hints at Pardon for Bush Dick Cheney wants to move on as he unexpectedly raised, and drew parallels with, President Ford's pardon of former President Nixon this week, hinting that similar treatment should be afforded President Bush.
Bush's Swan Song
(Bush) refused to discuss any pardons, including pre-emptive pardons for anyone involved in interrogations of captives in the campaign against terrorism.
The Street was Full of Blood, the Nails from the Shells were as Long as Your Hand There was no water in the house. The electricity lines had been smashed down by the tank shell attack on Tuesday and the family's water system is electrically powered.
The Bush Administration's Most Despicable Act Signing a memorandum stating that the Third Geneva Convention did not apply to members of al-Qaeda or the Taliban was Bush's most despicable act. It led to prisoners held by the U.S. being tortured. (See Episode #321)
Oversight Panel Wants Better Answers from Treasury The new document cites an Associated Press investigation that found none of the banks were willing to disclose what they were doing with hundreds of billions of dollars distributed through direct injections of federal money.
Bush Regime Wants the Rest of the Bailout Funds The Bush regime (supported by Obama) is asking lawmakers for the rest of the $700 billion financial rescue package despite intense opposition in Congress. (Note that conditions of the first bailout have not been met. See related story.)
The Real Reason for the Bloodbath in Gaza This is Israel's worst nightmare, not because Hamas constitutes a real threat to Israeli security, but because Israel wants to install its own puppet regime and unilaterally impose its own terms for a final settlement.
Eiffel Tower Closed, Record Snow and Low Temperatures in France A winter storm forced the closure of an icy Eiffel Tower in Paris and temperatures could plunge in the north and northeast, forecasters said. The cold snap could last until the middle of the month in much of the country.
Extreme Alaska Cold Disables Planes, Cars Extreme measures in a statewide cold snap are so frigid that temperatures have grounded planes, disabled cars, frozen water pipes and even canceled several championship cross country ski races.
Hamas' military targets are not the main objective. Operation "Cast Lead" is intended, quite deliberately, to trigger civilian casualties. What we are dealing with is a "planned humanitarian disaster" in Gaza in a densely populated urban area.
Books Burned for Warmth in Bitter Cold in India Police said a group of teachers used some 500 books meant for poor children in the impoverished state's Gaya district for a bonfire to get warm.
State of Emergency over Energy Crisis Governments across Europe declared states of emergency and ordered factories to close as Russia cut all gas supplies through Ukraine yesterday in their worsening dispute over unpaid bills.
Georgia Rumored to be Planning Another Attack on S. Ossetia A major offensive is being planned by Georgian and foreign forces to strike at Russian servicemen in South Ossetia and that Republic´s security, defense and law enforcement authorities.
South East Europe Shivers as Russia Cuts Off Gas Supplies The Balkan region has experienced particularly cold and snowy conditions this winter, with temperatures in Bulgaria dropping to less than -15 degrees Celsius overnight.
Antisemitism on the Rise As A Result of Gaza Massacre Signs are mounting that the conflict in Gaza is starting to spill over into violence in Europe's towns and cities, with assaults against Jews and arson attacks on Jewish congregations in France, Sweden and Britain.
Israeli Shells Kill More than 40 Civilians at U.N. School
Israeli shelling killed more than 40 Palestinians on Tuesday at a U.N. school where civilians had taken shelter, medical officials said, in carnage likely to boost international pressure on Israel to halt a Gaza offensive.
Sea Ice Back at 1979 Levels Earlier this year, predictions were rife that the North Pole could melt entirely in 2008. Instead, the Arctic ice saw a substantial recovery. This was due in part to colder temperatures in the region.
Private Jets May Be Next in Homeland Security Nonsense DHS is proposing to extend many of the security rules imposed on commercial airlines to private jets including fingerprinting pilots, checking passenger names against a watch list and restricting what items may be carried onto the airplane.
Europe Angered by Bush's Refusal to Push for Israeli Ceasefire European leaders are increasing their calls for a ceasefire. And a European Union delegation is on its way to the region. But the Bush administration [and war cast media] is backing Israel's actions and continues to blame Hamas for the violence.
Group Says Farm Plan Disproportionately Benefits Factory Farms This report demonstrates what family farmers have known for years: This corporate-controlled, industrial model of livestock production can't survive without taxpayer support,"
Five Governors Seed Trillion Dollar Federal Bailout The governors of Wisconsin, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York and Ohio say that level of federal aid is needed to deal with state budget shortfalls pegged at $42 billion for the current fiscal year alone.
Worldwide Protests Against Gaza More than 10,000 marched through the Indonesian capital and Israeli flags were burnt and trampled upon in Asia as the Palestinian death toll in the offensive rose above 430, including three young brothers killed this morning.
Perfect Financial Storm And after the presidential election, the federal government finally admitted we were already in a recession. Financial experts called it the greatest economic crisis since the Great Depression.
Yellowstone Earthquakes Raise Fears Could it develop into a bigger fault or something related to hydrothermal activity? We don't know. That's what we're there to do, to monitor it for public safety." (Are the earthquakes under Yellowstone a sign the super volcano is set to blow?)
Israel Guilty of War Crimes The Israeli airstrikes on the Gaza Strip represent severe and massive violations of international humanitarian law as defined in the Geneva Conventions, both in regard to the obligations of an Occupying Power and in the requirements of the laws of war.
Israel's Political Coup on the Bodies of Palestinians At this pace, it will take the Israeli Labor party just about two thousand additional Palestinian corpses to go from rags to riches. For Barak, then, the Gaza obituaries are a matter of political survival: they are pasted up on his party's obituary.
Push Obama Administration to Try Cheney for War Crimes Vice President Cheney admitted on national TV that he authorized torture, including waterboarding. That shocking confession makes Cheney a war criminal. Under the Geneva Conventions, the United States must prosecute Dick Cheney for war crimes.
Blood in the Streets
(Whether or not it gets to that point, there will be an economic bloodbath. The challenge is to make sure it's not yours!) Even in Dongguan, China, nearly half of the 3,800 toy factories have closed or plan to shut down.
With Olympics Over, China Re-Blocks Websites China has resumed blocking access to the Internet sites of some foreign media, reversing itself on earlier promises to expand press freedom as part of its bid to win the games.
Treasury Bailout Documents still Blacked Out
Two months and counting, the Treasury Department still refuses to release key details of contracts it awarded as part of its $700 billion taxpayer-funded bailout plan.
2008 Was the Year Global Warming Was Disproved All over the world, temperatures have been dropping in a way wholly unpredicted by all those computer models which have been used as the main drivers of the global warming scare. This winter, with the whole of Canada and half the US are under snow.
Archbishop Warns of Economic Dogma
The Archbishop of Canterbury warned that governments should not pursue dogmatic solutions to the financial crisis at the risk of the most vulnerable, saying that is what the Nazis did.
Severe Cold Wave to Hit Europe I wish to point out, with no malice intended, that the two countries who have major scientific organizations that have been pushing the global warming idea, Britain and the UKMET and the US with NOAA have been burned by the cold that has developed here.
Chicago in Deep Freeze
High winds, blowing snow, bitter cold temperatures and wind chills approaching 30 below zero greeted Chicagoans on Monday morning. And to make matters worse, snow is on the way--up to a half foot could fall starting on Tuesday afternoon.
Acupuncture Just As Effective Without Needle Puncture, Study Shows
Acupuncture works - but it works equally well with or without needle penetration. This conclusion can be drawn from a treatment study involving cancer patients suffering from nausea during radiotherapy.
Vitamin D Can Alter Color Cancer Cells In Many Ways, Through One Pathway Vitamin D stymies colon cancer cells in two ways to curb division and prod colon cancer cells to differentiate into epithelial cells that settle down instead of spreading.
Scientist Fired by Gore Says Global Warming Alarm Mistaken
Award winning Princeton University Physicist Dr. Will Happer, who was reportedly fired by former Vice President Al Gore in 1993 for failing to adhere to Gore’s scientific views, has now declared man-made global warming fears “mistaken.”
State Dept., Blackwater Conspired to Cover Up Murders
When a drunken Blackwater contractor killed an Iraqi bodyguard, the State Department helped spirit the contractor out of the country within 36 hours Baghdad, Washington and Blackwater then dickered over the compensation for the guard’s family.
Report: Blackwater Should Be Dropped Blackwater should be dropped as the main private security contractor for US diplomats in Iraq, a US State Department panel has recommended. Blackwater could be denied a license to operate in Iraq, rendering it unable to provide security for US diplomats, a US State Department internal report says. The report, commissioned by Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, said the department should look for other ways to protect diplomats, US media said.
Russia Alarmed by U.S. Bases in Central Asia A senior Russian military official expressed concern on Tuesday about what he said were U.S. plans to set up military bases in the former Soviet republics of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. (Where is all this money coming from????)
FDA (Reluctantly) Admits Amalgam Fillings Dangerous to Kids For the first time, the FDA has issued a warning that the mercury contained in silver dental fillings may pose neurological risks to children and pregnant women.
FDA Approval Could be Death Knell for Stevia
The U.S. FDA may soon decide the future of what some in the food industry are calling the holy grail of sweeteners -- a low-calorie, natural substance derived from the South American Stevia plant.
Feds Lower Interest Rates By cutting its benchmark lending rate to historic lows Tuesday and promising to combat the U.S. recession head on and aggressively, the Federal Reserve served notice that more unconventional actions probably are ahead as it fights to reverse the nation's economic woes.
Phoenix New Times Addresses Chemtrail Issue While the reporter was biased, the comments from researchers and observers is fantastic! And be sure to check out the Chemtrail page on this website.
Denver Breaks Cold Record On December 15th, Denver's temperature bottomed out at -19 degrees. This is a new record for low temperatures for the date.
Despite Below Normal Temperatures, Global Warming Scam Still Spinning for Obama Obama is stacking his Cabinet and inner circle with advocates who have pushed for deep mandatory cuts in greenhouse gas pollution and even with government officials who have achieved results at the local level. (See Matrix News Episode #320 for the REAL story on climate.)
Limits on Bailout Honchos Pay May be Toothless Congress included a mechanism for reviewing executive compensation and penalizing firms that break the rules. But the Bush regime insisted on a one-sentence that looks like a giant loophole, according to lawmakers and legal experts.
Bush Sneaks In Rules to Undermine New Administration After spending eight years at the helm of one of the most ideologically driven administrations in American history, George W. Bush is ending his presidency in characteristically aggressive fashion, with a swath of controversial measures designed to reward supporters and enrage opponents.
Across Mideast, Arabs hail shoe-hurling Journalist Shoes hold a special place in the Arab lexicon of insults as a show of contempt — effectively saying, you're lower than the dirt on my shoes. Even sitting with the sole of a shoe pointed at another person is seen as disrespectful.
Bush Excluded by Latin Summit as China, Russia Loom Latin American and Caribbean leaders gathering in Brazil tomorrow will mark a historic occasion: a region-wide summit that excludes the United States.
Iran Says it has Proof U.S. and U.K. Back Killer Police Group Iran has documents to prove the United States and Britain, the Islamic Republic's two Western arch foes, back a group that killed 16 abducted Iranian police officers, state radio reported on Saturday.
NY Governor's Budget includes Taxes on Non-Diet Sodas N.Y. Gov. David Paterson's budget includes increased taxes on hospitals and a so-called obesity tax on non-diet soda to raise $404 million. (Makes sense – encourage diet sodas so you can get more taxes from consumers’ hospital visits.)
Agriculture Secretary: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly As a lobbyist, Stenholm represented the horsemeat industry and even advocated against a measure to stop wild horse slaughter. Stenholm is quoted as encouraging livestock producers to call "animal waste" "surplus animal nutrients that can be converted into energy".
Hypocrisy with NWO Impunity For any nation to have a future its people must have real and growth-oriented jobs along with job protection and benefits that do not drain the money that employees can earn.
Ex Nasdaq Chairman Arrested for Fraud A Wall Street powerbroker for nearly 50 years who built an influential firm has confessed to a massive fraud scheme that will cost investors at least $50 billion, federal authorities say.
Greeks Riot for Seventh Straight Day Greek youths hurled rocks and Molotov cocktails and heavily armed Athens police responded with stun grenades and tear gas Friday, as deep discontent with the government and the global economic meltdown erupted.
Ecuador Goes Into Default President Correa, who holds a doctorate in economics from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, has said he will not sacrifice spending on health and education to pay the debt.
How to Eliminate Gout Without Drugs Although gout is commonly blamed on eating high-purine foods such as organ meats, there is clearly another dietary culprit: high fructose corn syrup (HFCS).
Six Ways to Reduce Inflammation Without Statins Stop smoking. Think olive oil, fish, and nuts. Get active. Shrink your waist size. Get enough sleep. Reduce stress.
Doctor Recommends Avoiding Flu Shot
A cardiac surgeon and Professor of Surgery at the University of Washington recommends avoiding the flu shot and taking vitamin D instead. Donald Miller, MD, says “Seventy percent of doctors do not get a flu shot.”
GMO Foods: Major Threat to Fertility and Human Life on Earth A long-term feeding study commissioned by the Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety confirms genetically modified (GM) corn seriously affects reproductive health in mice.
Creating an "Arc of Crisis" The recent attacks in Mumbai represent the latest phase in a “strategy of tension” in the region; to destabilize the region and control of its economies, all in the name of preserving the West’s hegemony over the “Arc of Crisis.”
Media Giant Tribune Files for Bankruptcy Media conglomerate Tribune Co. filed for bankruptcy protection Monday, as the owner of the Chicago Tribune, the Los Angeles Times, the Chicago Cubs and other properties tries to deal with $13 billion in debt
New National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility Kansas State University in Manhattan is the site that the Department of Homeland Security recommends for the building of a new National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility to replace the aging national laboratory at Plum Island, N.Y.
Could Energy Islands Power the Future? The ocean harbors abundant energy in the form of wind, waves and sun. All of these could be sampled on something called an Energy Island: a floating rig that drills for renewables instead of petroleum.
Roger Helmer Warns of Devastating Effects of Climate Policy
Roger Helmer MEP, Chairman of The Freedom Association, has led the growing opposition to the EU's plans to destroy jobs through its draconian attempts to reduce CO2 emissions. Here is the speech he made in the European "Parliament" today:
Justice Department Says Pentagon Must Clean Up Fort Meade
The Justice Department dealt a blow to the Pentagon this week, saying it has no legal authority to resist orders from the Environmental Protection Agency to clean up Fort Meade in Maryland and two other military sites that have been contaminated by chemicals.
Paulson Shoots Another Arrow Into the Heart of the Economy
U.S. taxpayers are now on the hook for $205 billion courtesy of an institution which played in the Wall St. casino and lost. Under the "Free market" system, so expounded upon by Government and Wall St. alike, A.I.G should be in chapter 11.
Gulf Oil CEO Says Lower Gas Prices Ahead Gulf Oil CEO Joe Petrowski said on Wednesday that the price of oil could sink to $20 per barrel, and there is a chance gasoline prices could drop as low as $1 per gallon by early next year.
NBCU and Other Media Companies Laying Off Hundreds NBC Universal could slash as many as 500 jobs across the company. The news also comes in the wake of a flood of layoff news today. Earlier Thursday Viacom announced it would slash 850 employees, and AT&T will lay of 12,000 workers.
A Russian View of Black Friday
There is only Chinese made goods at the end of this stampede, the same goods that have driven many of these mindless consumers out of their well paid jobs. The images to those outside the USA are of mindless Christless, soulless greed.
One Million Innocent People Could Have Their Profiles Wiped Out Of UKs Orwellian DNA Database In an excoriating attack on the system, 17 senior judges ruled unanimously that retaining the information of law-abiding citizens 'could not be regarded as necessary in a democratic society'.
Russian Scientist: USA Is a Pyramid that Has To Collapse Several days ago, US and other Western mass media discussed the interview of Russian Professor Igor Panarin, who predicted a civil war in the United States by 2009 and said that the war would eventually result in the collapse of the nation.
How Much Melamine is Safe in Baby Formula?
Late last week, the agency set acceptable levels of melamine in domestic infant formula -- one month after stating that no levels were acceptable.
PepsiCo PepsiCo Pursues Ancient Leaf as Cola ‘Breakthrough’ Approval by the FDA may allow the world’s two largest soda makers to reverse three years of U.S. soft-drink sales declines with beverages containing the natural extract, stevia.
Health Hype About Statins Merrill Goozner of the Integrity in Science Project points out that AstraZeneca will make an additional $2 billion-plus in sales if it can get two million more people to take its statin drug from a recently released “study”.
Neocons Still Here Drudging up Unfounded Fear and Loathing The report describes a military effort dedicated to making the US vulnerable enough to Chinese nuclear attack to deter the US from intervention in a Taiwan-China war. This claim depends on ignorance of 40 years of Chinese military history.
US masses naval-air-marine might in Arabian Sea opposite India, Pakistan, Iran Three US aircraft carriers with task forces and nuclear submarines have piled up in the waters of the Arabian Sea. Tehran responded with a threat of retaliation should the Americans use the Mumbai terrorist attack to hit Iran.
What's Really Going on With Gold and Silver?
To say the U.S. dollar rally is real or sustainable is like saying everything we know about economics is wrong! How can the U.S. dollar get stronger as the U.S. economy deteriorates? The obvious answer is that it can't!
Obama Proposes Economic Suicide for U.S. The holder of the most powerful office in the world is espousing a policy guaranteed to inflict untold damage on his own country and many others on the basis of claims so demonstrably fallacious that they amount to a string of self-deluding lies.
Doomsday Seed Vault in the Arctic On this God-forsaken Norwegian island of Spitsbergen, SBill Gates is investing tens of his millions along with the Rockefeller Foundation, Monsanto Corporation, Syngenta Foundation and others, in what is called the ‘doomsday seed bank.’
Press and "Psy Ops" to merge at NATO Afghan HQ The U.S. general commanding NATO forces in Afghanistan has ordered a merger of the office that releases news with "Psy Ops," which deals with propaganda, a move that goes against the alliance's policy, three officials said.
Christmas Without all the Stuff Despite the fact that people spend relatively large portions of their income on gifts, as well as time shopping for and wrapping them, such behavior apparently contributes little to holiday joy.
It is Cold That Kills The World Health Organisation claims that some 150,000 deaths every year can be attributed to the effects of global warming. But in Europe and Russia alone, more than 100,00 people die each year as a result of cold winter temperatures.
Tracking the $8.5 Trillion Bailout Folllow the $8.5 Trillion bailout - How the government is distributing the so-called "Rescue Funds."
VIDEO Neuroscience Professor Talks About Dangers of Cell Phones
What researchers like Dr. Olle Johansson from Sweden’s Karolinska Institute are finding out is that the frequencies of cell phones and other wireless technologies are interfering with those in your brain and body in a very bad way.
You Need to Know This if you Eat Tyson Chicken
Tyson Foods, the world's largest meat processor and the second largest chicken producer in the U.S., has admitted that it injects its chickens with antibiotics before they hatch and then labels them as raised without antibiotics.
U.K. Could Collapse like Iceland
In essence the domestic banks are largely bust. The Government’s £500 billion bailout plan is primarily designed not to keep banks lending to small firms and to homebuyers but to prevent an unimaginable financial calamity.
The Ghosts of Desert Storm
"The extensive body of scientific research now available consistently indicates that Gulf War illness is real, that it is the result of neurotoxic exposures during Gulf War deployment, and that few veterans have recovered or substantially improved with time."
Feinstein Wants Guantanamo Closed Feinstein wants to see the closure of Guantanamo Bay within one year and to outlaw "once and for all" the nation's use of torture and give the Red Cross access to prisoners.
The Truth Behind the Citigroup "Nationalization" The clumsy way in which US Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson, himself not a banker but a Wall Street ‘investment banker’, has handled the unfolding crisis has been worse than incompetent. It has made a grave situation into a globally alarming one.
Media Reports Did Not Reflect Accuracy of Venezuelan Election The people spoke and registered a resounding, but not one-sided, victory for Hugo Chavez's United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) candidates - and sent a message. They affirmed the success of Bolivarianism and want it continued.
Israeli Crimes Under Observation of IPO Dr. Hans Koechler demanded that the UN, EU and other concerned intergovernmental organizations should take political and coercive legal measures to bring to an end the illegal acts of the occupying power in Palestine.
The Price of Dissent on Global Warming
WHEN I first stuck my head above the parapet to say I didn't believe what we were being told about global warming, I had no idea what the consequences would be.
"Enviropig": Engineered for Environmentally Friendly Poop As the guidelines stand now, companies do not have to conduct human trials to test the safety of transgenic meats. Nor do they have to specially label products made from genetically engineered animals.
Toy Dangers Eighteen deaths. More than 230,000 injuries. About 45 million recalls. Those are the government statistics of toy-related incidents in the U.S. from 2007, but they're only part of the story.
In Iraq, Former Enemies on the U.S. Payroll When I met Saif Abdallah,in the winter of 2006, he was proud to have helped kill dozens, possibly hundreds of American soldiers. He was a geeky electronics engineer who made trigger devices for IEDs – the NO. 1 cause of U.S. troop casualties.
Las Vegas Cops Injured in Training Sue Taser
The department cannot come out swinging against Taser because, when Tasers are used in the field, and a citizen sues the department because of a resulting injury, Metro hires the Taser company to provide expert witness testimony on the device.
21st Century Black Plague Spreads from Rats to Humans A new plague which jumps from rats to humans has been discovered by scientists. Fears are growing that increasing numbers of brown rats are carrying a strain of bacteria that can cause serious illness in humans.
Rich Buying up Farmland in Poor Nations Rich governments and corporations are triggering alarm for the poor as they buy up the rights to millions of hectares of agricultural land in developing countries in an effort to secure their own long-term food supplies.
Obama Eyes 20,000 more Troops for Afghanistan (Change, what change?) "The commanders are looking for well north of 20,000 forces. Gates wishes to fulfill the commanders' request," Morrell told reporters as the U.S. defense chief returned from Cornwallis.
US Will Guarantee Up To $4 TRILLION in Bank Debt Federal regulators will guarantee as much as $1.4 trillion in U.S. banks' debt in a bid to get the distressed financial system pumping again. They also took steps to make it easier for private investors to buy failed banks seized by the government.
NPR Shrink Off The Air After Drug Ties Discovered Dr. Goodwin reassured his radio audience, “mood stabilizers have been proven both safe and effective in bipolar children.” That very day, GlaxoSmithKline paid Dr. Goodwin $2,500 to give a promotional lecture for its mood stabilizer drug.
Prosecutor Who Won Indictments Against Cheney and Gonzalez "Missing" After the prosecutor who won the indictments, lame duck Willacy County District Attorney Juan Angel Guerra, was a no-show in court, Banales ordered Texas Rangers to go to his house, check on his well-being and order him to court on Friday.
Surprising Call for Return to the Gold Standard Mr. Obama needs to stop the next asset bubble from being inflated by imposing a commodity standard on the Fed. That would impose discipline on a central bank because it forces it to acquire commodity reserves in order to increase the money supply.
Gold Rises on News Interest Rates to Fall Gold climbed for a second straight day on speculation the Federal Reserve will lower interest rates to stimulate the U.S. economy, boosting the appeal of the precious metal as an alternative asset.
U.S. Soldier Mans Checkpoint in Iraq Thousands of mostly Shiite followers of the firebrand anti-American cleric Moqtada al-Sadr gathered in Baghdad Friday to protest a security accord that would allow US troops to remain until 2011.
Obama Win Spurs Rash of Hate Crimes Cross burnings, black figures hung from nooses, and schoolchildren chanting “Assassinate Obama” are just some of the incidents that have been documented by police from California to Maine.
Pakistan Condemns US Raids US Ambassador to Pakistan Anne Patterson was summoned by the Foreign Ministry in Pakistan and told U.S. missile attacks by unmanned drones violate Pakistan's sovereignty and should be stopped immediately.
Graybeards Urge Overhaul of "Global Governance" Reforms should begin with Washington's own re-engagement with the international community by closing Guantanamo and affirm its commitment to uphold the Geneva Conventions and other laws of war in order to re-establish itself as a good-faith partner.
U.S. Asks Gulf States for $300 Billion to curb Global Financial Crisis Kuwait's daily Al-Seyassah also reported Thursday that the United States has asked Kuwait to forgive its Iraqi debt estimated at around 16 billion dollars.
Cheney and Gonzales Indicted by Texas Grand Jury A Willacy County grand jury under District Attorney Juan Angel Guerra returned multi-count indictments Monday against Vice President Dick Cheney, former U.S. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, plus several other public officials.
Bush Protects Appointees by Converting Positions to Career Civil Service Jobs
The transfer of political appointees into permanent federal positions, called "burrowing" by career officials, creates security for those employees, and at least initially will deprive the incoming Obama administration of the chance to install its preferred appointees in some key jobs.
TSA's "Behavior Detection" Drawing Fire as Flawed The TSA program trains screeners to become "behavior detection officers" who patrol terminals and checkpoints looking for travelers who act oddly or appear to answer questions suspiciously. But complaints reveal that too many innocent people are stopped.
Top Judge: US and UK Acted as "Vigilantes" in Iraq Invasion One of Britain's most authoritative judicial figures last night delivered a blistering attack on the invasion of Iraq, describing it as a serious violation of international law, and accusing Britain and the US of acting like a "world vigilante".
On Top of Humanitarian Disaster, Israel Blockades Media Last week we were unable to feed 60,000 of Gaza's neediest refugees due to our warehouses running out of food. (One can only wonder what Israel is doing to the region if they should impose a media blackout, even against the warcast networks!)
Lawmakers Press for Direct Aid to Homeowners One member after another urged Paulson to do more to encourage modifications of costly mortgages on houses that have plummeted in value.
Gasoline Prices Have Plunged, so Why Isn't Everybody Cheering? The effect of cheaper gas is being overwhelmed by the housing crash and the financial crisis. Until food and rent decline as much as gas it doesn't make a whole lot of difference. "This is a depression, and I'm living through it."
FDIC, Treasury Clash over Bailout Spending A top U.S. banking regulator unveiled a plan on Friday to prevent about 1.5 million foreclosures, breaking ranks with the Bush administration by demanding bailout funds be diverted from banks to consumers.
Bust Finally Reaches Technology Industry The technology industry, which resisted the global economy's growing weakness over the last year as customers kept buying laptops and iPhones, has finally succumbed to the slowdown.
List of Who's Received Bailout Money So Far Half that money was allocated to nine big banks, the Treasury Department has said.
World Leaders Have Plan to Fight Deep Recession World leaders on Saturday backed a rapid response to the global economic crisis, agreeing on the need for measures to kick-start growth, better financial market regulation and more say for emerging countries.
U.S. Strikes Kill 12 More in Pakistan Hayden said several al Qaeda veterans had been eliminated "by violence or natural causes" in the past year and the hunt for Osama bin Laden was "at the top of CIA's priority list."
The Foreign Policy of an Obama Administration The Foreign Policy of an Obama AdministrationThe most important revision that could be made is the way Americans see their country in the world. Is the U.S. an old-style empire that uses empty phrases to advance imperialistic interests through military force?
Open Letter to President Elect Obama and the People of the United States Open Letter to President Elect Obama and the People of the United States
Obama's New Team Has Links to Influence Peddlers
Among the roster of about 150 staff members being assigned to government agencies between now and Inauguration Day are dozens of former lobbyists and some who were registered as recently as this year.
Credit Card Firms Attacked for Hiking Rates to 17% Credit card companies are being told to end sudden rises in charges after Gordon Brown criticised some of them over claims that they were exploiting the vulnerable during the recession.
Citigroup Freezes Repossessions Citi said it was imposing a moratorium on foreclosures for all clients willing to work "in good faith" to restructure mortgages, as long as they have sufficient income to make payments of some sort.
Organic Farming Could Feed Africa New evidence suggests that organic practices – derided by some as a Western lifestyle fad – are delivering sharp increases in yields, improvements in the soil and a boost in the income of Africa's small farmers who remain among the poorest people on earth.
Barack Obama to Appoint Republicans to Key Cabinet Roles Among the Republicans under consideration for senior posts in the cabinet are Senator Richard Lugar of Indiana, a possible Secretary of State, Colin Powell, being looked at for Pentagon chief or Education Secretary, and Robert Gates, who could be kept on at the Pentagon.
Concerns over Obama's Ties to Google CEO
So an open question for Google is whether the search-engine giant’s newfound closeness with the Democratic president-elect will give the company the muscle it needs to win disputes with the government over deals such as the Yahoo partnership.
Study: Chemotherapy Does More Harm Than Good (Du-oh!) Doctors have been urged to be more cautious in offering cancer treatment to terminally-ill patients as chemotherapy can often do more harm than good, a study suggests.
Corn Refiners' Association: High Fructose Is Natural! High-fructose corn syrup could be all-natural, if cornstarch happened to fall into a vat of alpha-amylase, soak there for a while, then trickle into another vat of glucoamylase, get strained to remove the Aspergillus fungus likely growing on top, and then find its way into some industrial-grade D-xylose isomerase.
How the Illuminati are Trading Prisoners Like Cattle They are charging prisoners under a bond; the prisoner signs the bond and the bond becomes the agreement for the payback. This is done when the prisoner signs the final court papers at a sentencing hearing.
Incidence of Gulf War Syndrome Skyrocketing Thousands of soldiers coming home from the war have been exposed to chemicals that are known to cause cancers and neurological problems. What's most tragic is that the veterans themselves don't realise that they are in danger from chemical poisoning.
Stocks Plunge on Paulson Remarks U.S. stocks plunged on Wednesday after a shift in how the U.S. government will use its $700 billion bailout fund fed uncertainty and oil prices slid to 21-month lows on fears of a deep global recession.
Terror Accused: I Love England, But Support Iraqi Insurgency AN IRAQI doctor accused of terrorist car bombings said yesterday he supported insurgent fighting in his homeland.Bilal Abdulla said he was born in England, studied in Cambridge, held a British passport and saw the UK as home.
Radioactive Leak Hits River in U.K. Radioactive liquid spilled into a river during maintenance work on a nuclear submarine, the Ministry of Defence has confirmed. The Royal Navy said up to 280 litres (62 gallons) of contaminated water spilled from a ruptured hose as it was used to pump out coolant from HMS Trafalgar at the Devonport Naval Base in Plymouth.
Who Orchestrated the Economic Meltdown? The October 2008 financial meltdown is not the result of a cyclical economic phenomenon. It is the deliberate result of US government policy instrumented through the Treasury and the US Federal Reserve Board.
Asian Stocks Fall As Earnings Outlook Worsens MSCI's Asian Index is down 45 percent in 2008 as the credit- market turmoil slows global growth. The IMF said last week the U.S., Europe and Japan may experience the first simultaneous recession in the post-World War II era.
Fiat Money or Backed by Metals The dichotomy between paper and metals, US owes 3 trillion to foreigners, the wiemarization is coming, more banks go belly-up, gold manipulation poses problems for economic stability, consider the recent rallies to be as good as it will get
Don't Panic Over Flu! In the same way that flu viruses circulate and replicate before triggering epidemics, so rumours and idle gossip seed themselves in a million websites and blogs before achieving a critical mass that thrusts them to the top of national news agendas.
Probe sought of Bush Handling of Oil Spill An environmental watchdog group asked the Department of Justice's inspector general on Monday to investigate whether the department had prematurely halted a criminal prosecution of BP for a 2006 oil spill in Alaska.
The Real Price of Farmed Salmon "We've seen a regional collapse of all sea life in the 20 years since the salmon farms moved in," said Chief Bob Chamberlin of the Kwicksutaineuk Ah-kwa-mish Canadian First Nation in the province of British Columbia on Canada's west coast.
Eco Friendly Lingerie The current mania for ever more disposable, ever faster fashion that is not only bad for our wallets, it’s devastating for the environment. But there is hope for fashion to take responsibility in a factory in Sri Lanka.
Bottled Water Nightmare Our tests strongly indicate that the purity of bottled water cannot be trusted. Given the industry's refusal to make available data to support their claims of superiority, consumer confidence in the purity of bottled water is simply not justified.
ACLU Calls on Obama to Close Guantanamo on Day One of Presidency Obama, as a candidate, pledged to "close Guantanamo, reject the Military Commissions Act and adhere to the Geneva Conventions." In an ad in the New York Times, the ACLU urges Obama to fulfill those promises and restore America's moral leadership.
Federal Reserve Defies Transparency Aim in Refusal to Disclose Recipients of Money The Federal Reserve is refusing to identify the recipients of almost $2 trillion of emergency loans from American taxpayers or the troubled assets the central bank is accepting as collateral.
Why Obama's "Green Jobs" Plan Won't Work Obama's "green jobs" plan includes regulations, subsidies, and renewable-power mandates while causing lost jobs and capital in the coal, oil, gas, nuclear, and automobile industries which currently employ more than one million people directly.
More Money for AIG The Federal Reserve and the Treasury Department is purchasing $40 billion of AIG’s stock. The new measures, they said, would help the company and promote market stability while protecting the interests of the U.S. government and taxpayers.
The Cost of War When fighting takes place where civilians live, as it is in the Congo, farming, housing, health care, businesses and education are all interrupted in armed conflict, and the long-term effects in the North Kivu region have been devastating.
Shell Secures 25 Year Hold on Iraqi Natural Gas, Oil The joint-venture company would give Shell the largest foreign role in Iraq's oil and gas sector since the 1960s, when Iraq expelled the world's big oil firms after 40 years of foreign control of exploration, production and exports.
Sarah Palin Blamed by Secret Service for Death Threats Against Barack Obama. Palin attracted criticism for accusing Obama of "palling around with terrorists", citing his association with sixties radical William Ayers. The attacks provoked a near lynch mob atmosphere at her rallies.
Federal Judge Rules Anti-Terrorism Law Unconstitutional A federal judge in Oregon has ruled a law prohibiting material support for terrorists is unconstitutional because it is too vague and that the Treasury Department had violated the rights of the Oregon chapter of a defunct Islamic charity.
Bush Refuses to Admit U.S. in Recession Bush again pointed to what he called aggressive and decisive measures his administration has taken to stabilize markets, adding it will take some time for various measures to have an impact on the economy.
Carbon Price Collapse WHILE you were distracted by crashing banks and clashing US senators, you may have missed a small environmental earthquake. The price of carbon has collapsed.
Mammograms a Danger to Health? While mammograms are highly touted to screen for breast cancer, there is no solid evidence that they save lives. Plus, they expose you to 1,000 times more radiation than you’d get from a chest x-ray.
Mandatory Flu Shots for Preschoolers Cause Outrage Parents flooded the statehouse, carrying signs with slogans like "Parent Power" and "My Child, My Choice," and chanting "No American should be forced to play vaccine roulette with their child."
Natural Treatment for Autism with Enzymes Unlike many drug therapies, enzymes are a quick and relatively inexpensive option to try, with a high probability for success. You will usually see results within the first four weeks, and often with just one bottle.
Obama May Delay Climate Package Until Economy With unemployment at a five-year high, an early effort to create jobs by encouraging electricity production from solar and wind will get top priority, energy lobbyists and analysts said.

Around the Globe, Ready for Change Nelson Mandela said in a letter to Obama: "Your victory has demonstrated that no person anywhere in the world should not dare to dream of wanting to change the world for a better place."
A Catharctic Decision The election of Obama amounted to a national catharsis — a repudiation of a historically unpopular Republican president and his economic and foreign policies, and an embrace of Obama's call for a change in the direction and the tone of the country.
Mideast: For Peace, The U.S. Must Change The number of extremists has risen dramatically since the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003, going by the resistance to Western forces in the region. The U.S.-led 'war on terror' has itself now become a threat to peace.
North Korea Building Better Missile Base North Korea is building a new missile base near its border with China to launch rockets that exceed its current range capability, South Korea's defence minister said today.
U.S. Army Commits $50 Million For Research into Soldier Suicides It's a five-year study to examine the mental and behavioral health of soldiers. (One can only wonder if that $50 million might not be better spent helping the soldiers recuperate from injuries, and pay for food and shelter.)
Police Issued Riot Gear In Case of Civil Unrest over Election Toledo police are gearing up for possible "civil unrest" during and after tomorrow's elections.
Bush's Approval Rating Sinks to All Time Low Bush's approval rating, according to the latest CBS News Tracking poll, has dipped to 20%, the lowest ever recorded for a president. His disapproval rating of 72% matches his all-time high, reached last month.
Top Obama Advisor Has Long Ties to Neocons Dennis Ross was Bill Clinton's Mideast envoy whose record includes supporting the pro-Iraq War advocacy campaigns of the Project for the New American Century and serving as a consultant to the Washington Institute for Near East Policy. With the 2008 presidential campaign at its end, pundits have begun to discuss in earnest what expected winner Barack Obama's administration might look like.

13 Year Old Rape Victim Stoned To Death in Somalia Amnesty International said al-Shabab militia, which controls the southern city of Kismayo, arranged for 50 men to stone Aisha Ibrahim Duhulow in front of about 1,000 spectators.
Israeli Settlers Preparing for War "Our investigation found a very high willingness among this public to use violence - not just stones, but live weapons - in order to prevent or halt a diplomatic process."
Fossil Fools: UK Government Urges Oil Sheiks to Buy Up UK Assets Gordon Brown has urged Gulf states to buy up British assets, despite fears over the growing influence of sovereign wealth funds.
Watchdogs Criticize IMF and Mega Bank Projects In 2008, the World Bank pulled the plug on support for the Chad-Cameroon oil pipeline over failed promises to spend oil profits on programs for the poor. Instead, the government of Chad used most of the revenues to bolster its military.
Pakistan Gives U.S. General an Ear Full "Continuing drone attacks on our territory, which result in loss of precious lives and property, are counterproductive and difficult to explain by a democratically elected government.

The End of Economic Prosperity All the world's leaders and all their radical new measures can't" contain, let alone undue, all the damage. They can't "turn back the clock or reverse decades" of excess and greed.
Debt Linked to Huge Buyouts Deepening Crisis People who work for companies owned by private equity firms could lose their jobs as firms cut costs to meet their debt obligations. And private equity firms that own Harrah's and Linens 'n Things, face deep markdowns on the value of their holdings.
Author Warns If Obama Loses, Blood Will Run in the Streets If Obama loses it will spark the second American Civil War. Blood will run in the streets, believe me. And it's not a coincidence that President Bush recalled soldiers from Iraq for Dick Cheney to lead against American citizens in the streets.
(VIDEO) The Melamine Contamination Scandal - US Government Too Busy Forcing Vaccinations To Protect Consumers from Chinese Food Contamination
Nobody - not the FDA, the food manufacturers, the retailers, or the Bush administration - are doing anything to protect the public. In fact, they are deliberately NOT releasing this information - gathered with tax payers' dollars - to the public.
CLICK HERE to View Full Story
T. Boone Pickens' Wind Farm Plans On Hold T Boone Pickens' multibillion dollar project to build the world's biggest wind farm in Texas has been delayed because of the fall-out from the credit crunch and the drop in the price of natural gas, it emerged today.
Rise in Greenhouse Gas Levels Confuse Scientists Since all worldwide levels rose simultaneously throughout the same year, it is now believed this may be part of a natural cycle in mother nature - and not the direct result of man's contributions. (Watch episode #313 with Hans H.J. Labohm for more info.)
Australian Police Spying 'Infringing on Civil Liberties' The revelation that police in the state of Victoria have infiltrated a number of community and protest groups has been met with indignation by the targeted organizations.
VIDEO and a Chuckle - The DIfference Between Men's and Women's Brains Have you ever wondered why men and women sometimes have trouble communicating? In this hilarious video from, comedian Mark Gungor gives you one theory having to do with the differences between men’s brains and women’s brains.
New Blood Test for Human Variant of Mad Cow Disease The breakthrough blood test which will be able to diagnose variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob diseases (vCJD), is currently undergoing clinical trials but experts are worried it will reduce the number of people prepared to donate blood - research suggests 1 in every 4,000 people might harbour vCJD in their blood, though 95% of them may never actually develop the full blown disease.
Green Energy Crash Until credit becomes more available, big solar and wind projects will be more difficult to finance, and certainly more expensive. A drop in demand will also mean lower prices on solar panels and wind turbines, hurting manufacturers' profitability.
Gold Coins in Short Supply "We've seen a tremendous increase in demand for these tangible assets from private, individual investors who are, quite frankly, shocked and appalled at the steep decline in the value of many of their paper assets over the past few months.
The DIrty Little Secret of the Banking Bailout It was never really intended to get the banks to resume lending to businesses and consumers. Its aim was to engineer a rapid consolidation of the banking system by subsidizing a wave of takeovers of smaller financial firms by the most powerful banks.
Fearful Aussies Tell Rudd To Shelve Climate Plans A new poll has shown that support for the emissions trading scheme promised by Prime Minister Kevin Rudd is slipping - with the loudest calls for its delay or axing from the young, previously its strongest supporters.
Iraq Demands All U.S. Troops Out by 2011 Iraq has demanded a clear commitment from the US that its forces will have left its soil by the end of 2011.
Calls Grow to Save UK Hacker from Extradition to U.S. The supporters say the unemployed UFO obsessive, who suffers from Asperger's Syndrome, has become a recluse and is on suicide watch after becoming depressed while awaiting his looming extradition.
Judge Rules Ohio Homeless Voters May List Park Benches as Addresses A federal judge in Ohio has ruled that counties must allow homeless voters to list park benches and other locations that aren't buildings as their addresses.
North Korea Threatens to turn the South Into Debris The North's statement appears to be a response by Pyongyang to the South Korean government's refusal to ban private activist groups floating propaganda materials attacking Kim's regime across the border attached to balloons.
Iceland Raises Interest Rates to 18% Iceland's central bank unexpectedly raised the benchmark interest rate to 18 percent, the highest in at least seven years, after the island reached a loan agreement with the International Monetary Fund.
Record Cold Across U.S. Snow accumulated Tuesday in the North Carolina mountains, and the rest of the Carolinas is shivering in the first cold outbreak of the season. Temperatures are more than 15 degrees below normal for this time of year.
Crooks on High Street Target Poor with 222% Credit Cards Woolworths, Comet, B&Q and Mothercare and 92 other retailers have been accepting vouchers that are repaid by borrowers at an annual percentage rate of 222 per cent – more than 10 times the rate of a credit card.
How to Bankrupt a Nation A national debt grows, the interest payments are shifted to future taxpayers; and this provides an incentive to borrow now, spend now, and avoid having to pay in full for one’s consumption.
You'll Have a Revolution on your Hands It is starting to appear as if one of Treasury’s key rationales for the recapitalization program -- namely, that it will cause banks to start lending again -- is a fig leaf,
Barack Obama Assassination Plot Foiled Agents said they broke up plans by two "neo-Nazi skinheads" to rob a gun store and threaten a predominantly African-American high school, unsealed court records have revealed.
McCain "Guarantees" Squeaker Win McCain "Guarantees" Squeaker Winplaces where they're not capable of exercising that sovereignty, and the need for our force protection."
U.S. Drones Kill More Pakistani Civilians Twenty people were killed last night in a missile strike by CIA Predator drone aircraft inside Pakistan amid reports that Washington is intensifying its aerial bombardment of the country after being forced to back away from plans to send in ground forces.
Pharmaceutical Industry: Sell and Let Die Stockmarket pressure to find “blockbuster” drugs has forced drug companies to push products to market ever more aggressively. In the case of Merck’s painkiller Vioxx, this had disastrous and lethal results.
Cell Tower Fears Grow as More Locals Suffer Cancer RESIDENTS of a West Dublin housing estate, which lies next to a phone mast, are calling on the HSE to conduct a full health assessment in the area after an apparently large number of cancer diagnoses.
Russian Default Threat Grows Russia's financial crisis is escalating with lightning speed as foreigners pull funds from the country and the debt markets start to price a serious risk of sovereign default.
Iraqi's Prime Minister Won't Sign U.S. Troop Deal The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said Iraq's forces "will not be ready to provide for their security" after the current U.N. mandate runs out. "And in that regard there is great potential for losses of significant consequence," Mullen said.
Iraqis Are Being Attacked and Killed For Returning to their Homes Many Iraqi families have returned to their old homes in peace, but a they're being targeted and attacked, and in some cases killed, for trying to go home. Others have found explosives tied to their front doors. Some have had their homes blown up.
The Housing Bubble and Crash Were Engineered The “toxic debt” from the collapse of the housing bubble brought about a full-scale crash of the U.S. financial system by September. The stock market immediately fell, with 40 percent of its value lost in a year…$2 trillion in retirement savings.
Why You Want to Avoid Using Chemical Disinfectants Chemicals used to kill bacteria could be making them stronger. Low levels of biocides, which are used in disinfectants and antiseptics to kill microbes, can make the potentially lethal bacterium Staphylococcus aureus remove toxic chemicals more efficiently, potentially making it resistant to being killed by some antibiotics.
The Importance of Scheduling Down Time I know, downtime just sounds like something that shouldn’t be scheduled, like it ruins the whole idea of relaxing. But if you’re the type who is always tempted to keep working until it’s late at night, it may be the only way.
Cervical Cancer Vaccine: 'dangers Mean More Research Is Needed' An independent health researcher is calling on the government for more research into the possible side-effects of the cervical cancer vaccine that is currently being given to teenage girls throughout the U.K.
Oil Falls Despite Opec's Planned Production Cuts OPEC said at an emergency meeting Friday that it will slash oil production by 1.5 million barrels to stem the "dramatic collapse" of oil prices, but crude prices plunged 5 percent anyway as financial markets spiraled downward across the globe.
Greenspan "Shocked" That Banks Wouldn't Police Each Other "I made a mistake in presuming that their self-interests were such as that they were best capable of protecting their own shareholders…," Greenspan said. (Ah, like the proverbial foxes guarding the henhouse!)
More Bombing in Afghanistan than Iraq "The average family lives on one dollar per day, two million people are seriously mentally ill, 70 percent of Afghanis are traumatised. The society is being murdered by the occupation, and it's being done on live television."
Bahrain Questions U.S. War on Terror Bahrain's Prime Minister says that despite the alleged objective to reinstate security and stability in Afghanistan and Iraq and purge terrorism, the U.S. war on terror has actually bolstered violence and terrorism in those countries.
From Goldman Sachs to JCB, Jobs Being Lost Worldwide Goldman is ditching 10 per cent of its staff, about 3,200 well-paid employees worldwide. JCB's approach is more down-to-earth, so to speak. About 2,500 staff have agreed to a four-day week and a £50-a-week pay cut.
World Bank Assails Israeli Chokehold on Palestine Israel's illegal settlements, security cordons, and hundreds of roadblocks pose the most significant obstacle to the movement of people and goods on the West Bank. Violence and vandalism by Israeli settlers further deters investment.
US-Iraq SOF A Defeat for Bush The final draft of the U.S.-Iraq Status of Forces agreement on the U.S. military presence represents an even more crushing defeat for the policy of the George W. Bush administration than previously thought, the final text reveals.
Worst Polluters Least Recognized The health of hundreds of millions of people is affected and millions die because of preventable pollution problems like toxic waste, air pollution, ground and surface water contamination, metal smelting and processing, used car battery recycling and artisanal gold mining, the "Top Ten" report found.
Green Shift: A Loser Worldwide Despite all the scare-mongering from the UN and hand-wringing about an alleged "scientific consensus," Canadians nonetheless refused to swallow the carbon tax. If courteous Canadians say "no thanks", might not voters in other democracies?
GOP "Goner List" Warns of Republican Bloodbath One well-connected Republican operative told Politico that the list, if anything, understated the number of members needing a political lifeline.
The Biggest Breast Cancer Risk No One is Talking About Radiation is a 100 percent known cause of cancer. We are exposed to radiation in a variety of ways, through X-rays, CT scans and mammograms, but also by living near a nuclear power plant or having been exposed to weaponry that uses depleted uranium.
NY Votes to Extend Term Limits Despite two voter referendums that specifically installed term limits, the New York City Council voted, 29 to 22, on Thursday afternoon to extend term limits, allowing Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg to seek re-election next year
Palin's Wardrobe Another Noose on GOP Neck The embarrassing price tag of her campaign wardrobe and her blooper about the job description of US vice president confirm what recent polls say: Sarah Palin is a burden to the Republican presidential ticket.
Lemmings Seek Safety of Yen and Dollar While Dumping Gold Down go equities, down goes gold. Same play, same act, same scene. About the only commodity that I can see that went up today is natural gas and that was on account of colder weather setting in.
Canada Had a Role in Torture Frank Iacobucci, a retired supreme court judge who conducted the inquiry, concluded the men had been tortured with methods such as beatings with electric cables, burning with cigarettes and being kicked in the genitals.
ACLU Demands Information on Military Deployment in U.S. The American Civil Liberties Union today demanded information from the government about reports that an active military unit has been deployed inside the U.S. to help with "civil unrest" and "crowd control" – matters traditionally handled by civilian authorities. This deployment jeopardizes the longstanding separation between civilian and military government, and the public has a right to know where and why the unit has been deployed, according to an ACLU Freedom of Information request filed today.
Early Voting Problems - Touch Screen Machines Err in favor of McCain Two more Putnam County voters have come forward about problems they experienced on early-voting (ES & S) electronic machines. Last week, other early voters said touch-screen voting machines changed their votes after they tried to punch them in.
Candidates and Groups Spending More than $5 Billion on this Election The total is larger than the gross domestic product of some countries, naming Belize and Greenland. (This while millions are losing their homes and camping out in tent cities because there are no shelters!)
Bush Again Excuses Himself from the Law
Washington, DC… President George W. Bush this week rejected a Congressional effort to bar the U. S. military from controlling Iraq’s oil resources.
Banksters Told Salary Caps Wouldn't Be Too Onerous Neil Kashkari told banksters that placing caps on executive pay, were "quite reasonable" and "a pretty modest hindrance to you," in a Sept. 28 conference call made public on video-sharing Web site YouTube.
Carbon Trades - A Windfall for Big Banks The Carbon Cash-InFresh from the devastation they have wrought on the global financial system, some of the world's leading investment banks meet in London today to discuss how "investment banks can profit today from an carbon-related investment opportunities".
Australia: Eat Kangaroos to Save Climate An Australian economist argues that with cattle and sheep being large emitters of methane -- a greenhouse gas, a shift in diet to a less polluting source of meat remains an option to help reduce emissions.
Merck's Gardasil Problem Since Merck cannot go direct to minors to advertise, they tried to bribe state legislatures to make HPV vaccination mandatory for school girls. That backfired. (Especially with reports to the CDC of 21 deaths and almost 10,000 side effects.)
Mobile Phones Cause Skin Rash Mobile phones users are developing rashes on their faces and ears caused by an allergic reaction to the nickel on handsets, skin experts warn. The dermatologists said the phenomenon is being seen in people who spend long periods of time on the phone.
Europe's Climate Revolt To prevent a financial crisis from turning into a calamity, the EU has pulled the emergency brake on green policies. Aside from the uncertainties caused by the global financial crisis, there are increased anxieties regarding dependence on Russian energy.
Canadian Judge Dismisses Kyoto Suit Against Government Friends of the Earth and Ecojustice Canada sued the government to comply with a law requiring it to prepare a plan to meet the emissions targets of Kyoto. A federal judge said he couldn't issue a meaningful order for the government to follow.
Palestinian group says Israelis killed 68 children in Gaza in year A prominent Palestinian human rights group says it has found evidence that 68 children were killed in the Gaza Strip in the 12 months to June this year as a result of "disproportionate and excessive lethal force" by the Israeli military.
Rice says Bush Has Made The Middle East a Better Place Rice said, "I don't think that you have had an administration that has more actively been seeking a Palestinian state. The Palestinians now have a peace process that is the most serious one in many years." (no food or water, but…a peace process!?)
Homeless Numbers Alarming More families with children are becoming homeless as they face mounting economic pressures, including mortgage foreclosures, according to a USA TODAY survey of a dozen of the largest cities in the nation.
Bush Says Economy Improving The US president has suggested that Americans are starting to feel more positive about their economic future. During a meeting with business leaders, George Bush said people's attitudes had changed from "near panic" to a "more relaxed" approach.
Powell Stands By his War Crimes Here is one outright lie right out of the gate -- a brazen, blazing, breathtaking lie: "We tried to do that [avoid the war]. We couldn't get it through the U.N." This is murderous bullshit of the highest order.
Social Security Checks To Rise Every little bit helps, but the boost is coming after a year when people living on fixed incomes have been pounded by surging energy prices and higher food costs — and lately have been seen their lifetime savings shrivel along with the stock market.
Execs Get Bonuses For Destroying the Economy Financial workers at Wall Street's top banks are to receive pay deals worth more than $70bn (£40bn), a substantial proportion of which is expected to be paid in discretionary bonuses, for their work so far this year - despite plunging the global financial system into its worst crisis since the 1929 stock market crash, the Guardian has learned.

Hard Times bring Big Business for Pawn Shops The customers who arrive in motorized wheelchairs — yes, customers, plural. They ride through the door, struggle to stand, pawn their chairs for ready cash and then hobble out the door.
Attack in Afghanistan Kills 17 Civilians The issue of civilian casualties is an emotive one in Afghanistan and feeds the perception of many Afghans that foreign troops do not take enough care to avoid killing ordinary citizens and fuels resentment at the NATO presence in the country. Chavez Attacking Capitalism and the U.S. in Tough Election As crucial elections approach, President Hugo Chavez is ratcheting up attacks on opposition forces and wielding other polarizing tactics to distract Venezuelans from the nation's glaring problems, including soaring inflation and a record-high crime rate.

Former Head of MI5 Says Reaction to 9/11 a Huge Overreaction (No Kidding!) A former head of MI5 today describes the response to the September 11 2001 attacks on the US as a "huge overreaction" and says the invasion of Iraq influenced young men in Britain who turned to terrorism.
Joe The Plumber a Plant? The more he speaks, the more “Joe the Plumber” looks like the GOP plant liberal blogs are starting to claim that he is... If it proves true, the McCain campaign could go down as the most corrupt and inept in history.
Washington Post Endorses Obama for President The choice is made easy in part by Mr. McCain's irresponsible selection of a running mate who is not ready to be president. It is made easy in larger part, though, because of our admiration for Mr. Obama.
“It’s clear that Dion had a difficult time explaining the shifting of the tax from income to pollution, and so it’s unfortunate that the message did not get through — he made it difficult to resonate with Canadians,”
Italy to Veto EU Climate Pact over Economic Fears Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi said he intended to veto a European Union action plan on climate change. "Our businesses are in absolutely no position at the moment to absorb the costs of the regulations that have been proposed."
The Best Explanation of Derivatives and The Current Financial Crisis I use these IOUs as collateral to borrow even more money, which I lend out to even more people, or sell them to others like myself who do the same. I also buy insurance to cover me in case the borrowers default, and I pay for it with those same IOUs!
Flu Shots a Tough Sell for Health Care Workers (Health care workers have often seen the terrible side effects of dangerous vaccines. They see that they are not effective, and that they cause problems.) Despite the (propaganda), there are few cases of flu outbreaks caused by health care workers.
Missouri Children and Pregnant Women Jabbed with Mercury Filled Vaccines Last year, some Missouri children got flu vaccines containing a mercury compound called thymersol. This year state health officials are making sure people don't receive the wrong one. (They are all wrong – see Episode #291)
High Security Research Labs Not So Secure Intruders could easily break into two U.S. laboratories where researchers handle some of the world's deadliest germs, according to congressional investigators. The Associated Press identified the vulnerable lab locations as Atlanta and San Antonio.
GM Closes Plants in Michigan and Wisconsin Workers at both plants will get most of their pay from the company and unemployment benefits for up to two years under their union contract. They will have the option of transferring to other GM factories if jobs are open.General Motors Corp.'s efforts to hoard cash and outlast a prolonged economic slump claimed the jobs of more than 2,700 workers Monday as the automaker announced the demise of factories in Michigan and Wisconsin.

McCain Transition Chief Aided Saddam in Lobbying Effort William Timmons, the Washington lobbyist who John McCain has named to head his presidential transition team, aided an influence effort on behalf of Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein to ease international sanctions against his regime.
GOP Statesman: Dems Trying to Steal the Election by "Bringing New Voters into the System"
John Danforth's appearance yesterday at a press conference in Washington marked the first time such a prominent figure has questioned the legitimacy of the November 4 elections because of the dramatic rise in voter participation this year.An elder statesman of the Republican party cast doubt about the legitimacy of the presidential election yesterday - three weeks before Americans go to the polls - by declaring the process was already "tainted" by voter fraud.
Nobel Prize to Arch-Critic Krugman a Blow to Bush President George W. Bush, whose approval ratings are at historic lows as the U.S. veers toward a recession or worse, got yet another thumb in the eye when one of his most vociferous critics was awarded the Nobel Prize in economics.
Iranians Protest Eye Scans and Fingerprints of Pilgrims Iran's Hajj and Pilgrimage Organization on Monday voiced protest against the American troops' insulting behavior towards Iranian pilgrims in Iraq.
Iraqi Government Fuels "War For Oil" Theories Most of the terms of what is being offered have not been disclosed. There are security, political and reputational risks here for oil companies but none of them will want to see one of their competitors gain an advantage.
Politics in Canada Turn Ugly and Dangerous The decision to stick a Liberal Party lawn sign in her yard has brought an unnerving new ritual to Marla Daschko's daily routine. Every morning, she walks around her station wagon and then peers underneath its chassis searching for signs of sabotage.
British Pilots and Students Standing Up Against ID Card Scheme In a move that could wreck the government's strategy, the British Airline Pilots Association is vehemently opposing the National ID card e, fearing misuse of information collected under the scheme.
Justice Department Scandal Almost Buried by Financial Crisis We’re supposed to be a country that requires “equal justice under the law,” not tainted justice under political consideration. But that’s what we had under shameless administration zealots like Mr. Rove and Mr. Gonzalez.
EU Tells Music Lovers to Turn Down MP3 Players The European Union told music lovers Monday to turn down the volume of MP3 players, saying they risk permanent hearing loss from listening too long at maximum levels.
EU Decision May Lead to Skin Cancer Epidemic Leaving alone the fact that mercury can cause much more than just “migraine and dizziness,” the EU ministers seem to have completely ignored the medical studies showing a strong link between long-term exposure to fluorescent lighting and melanoma.
Green Hypocrisy The WWF laments on its web site that the average American produces 19.6 tons of CO2 annually, which is nearly five times the world average of 3.9 tons per person. But during the WWF’s posh excursion, travelers will produce 14 tons of CO2 per person.
Financial Crisis Clouds EU's Climate Ambitions The financial crisis and slumping economic activity are threatening Europe's ambitious plans to slash greenhouse gas emissions, with governments eager to avoid saddling companies with additional burdens.
Fuel Costs Could Force Winter Shutdowns of U.K. Factories Power prices have surged amid worries that the country might not have enough power stations available to meet higher demand this winter, due to nuclear repairs and coal-fired plants being fitted with pollution controls.
German Industry Calls for Moratorium on EU Climate Bill Representatives of German business have called for a moratorium on any European Union legislation that would impose higher costs on companies at a time when they are grappling with the fallout from the financial crisis.
What Will the Future Bring: Warming or Cooling? Hans was interviewed on The Matrix News Network in October, 2008. His interview is airing on the America One and AMGTV Networks in the U.S. on the weekend of October 18 and 19th. It is also available online at beginning October 16th. Do not miss this important show - because, when bad science, fear mongering and alarmist schemes threaten the lives and livelihood of people around the world, we must call to task those who continue to spew a "politically correct" but "factually incorrect" version of reality.
Inside Account of U.S. Eavesdropping on Americans
Despite pledges by President George W. Bush and American intelligence officials to the contrary, hundreds of US citizens overseas have been eavesdropped on as they called friends and family back home, according to two former military intercept operators who worked at the giant National Security Agency (NSA) center in Fort Gordon, Georgia.Brian Ross reveals what the government heard on wiretaps.
Massachusetts May Ban All Drug Industry Gifts to Doctors The Massachusetts Senate will consider a bill to ban all gifts by pharmaceutical companies to doctors, which would be the first such ban in the United States.
Frank Says Congress Will Weigh Economic Stimulus Plan The U.S. Congress will consider after the Nov. 4 election an economic stimulus package targeted at the middle class, House Financial Services Committee Chairman Barney Frank said.
Vaccinate Now Against Bird Flu! (NOT!)
(IN another attempt to scare the masses into getting jabbed) ....When the pandemic arrives, "pre-vaccinated" people could then be given a booster shot, and be protected far quicker, said researchers.
The Politics of Mad, McCain Style
"I'm mad! I'm really mad!" a man said, taking the microphone and refusing to surrender it. Standing at the center of the crowd, McCain and Palin drew on the crowd's energy as they repeatedly trained their fire on Obama. (Beware Mob Mentality)
U.K. Used Anti-Terror Laws To Seize Icelandic Bank Assets
Darling used anti-terrorism rules to take control of assets held in Britain by a troubled Icelandic bank. Darling stepped in to protect deposits made by U.K. residents in Landsbanki Islands hf, which the government of Iceland seized yesterday.
In Food Crisis, Cuba Limits Sales So All Can Eat
Cuba is limiting how much basic fruits and vegetables people can buy at farmers' markets, irritating some customers but ensuring there's enough—barely—to go around. The lines are long and some foods are scarce, but because the government has maintained and even increased rations in some areas, Cubans who initially worried about getting enough to eat now seem confident they won't go hungry despite the destruction of 30 percent of the island's crops by hurricanes Gustav and Ike last month.
Critics Slam McCain Housing Plan
The proposal has been greeted with a collective sense of puzzlement that is raising questions not only about the substance of the plan, but of the seeming hastiness surrounding its rollout.
Swagger Turns to Shudder as Wall Street Crashes
This contraction looks like it could be particularly painful, with home prices in their steepest slide since the Great Depression and banks in their shakiest condition since the S&L crisis wiped out thousands of federally insured institutions
Bush's Accomplishments In one fell move, Bush was able to unite the fractious Arab street against the US, but unite them he did. At no time, not even during the Crusades, have the Muslim Arabs been so united against one enemy or series of enemies.
N. Korea Off Terrorism List? The United States has notified Japan that it will remove North Korea from its list of terrorism sponsoring states later this month, the Kyodo news agency reported Thursday.
What and Who is the IMF? Most emerging economies have no more than a cursory interest in the IMF. They do not trust it as a political forum within which to negotiate, nor as an institution that will establish and apply rules with an even hand.
Paulson, Bernanke Seek Global Help As U.S. Economy Crashes The two have worked to come up with novel strategies, but so far, they've made scant progress in restoring calm to the markets and are turning abroad for help, including joint interest-rate cuts yesterday.
USDA's New Biotech Regulations Could Allow Drugs in Food The USDA ignored recommendations for a ban on the outdoor production of pharma food crops from the Grocery Manufacturers Association, major food companies, UCS, and more than 100 environmental, agricultural, health, and consumer organizations.
Phthalates Linked to Abnormal Genitalia in Boys
Mothers exposed to high levels of phthalates during pregnancy are more likely to bear sons with abnormal genitals, says new environmental research published in the journal Environmental Research. (See what we did there?)
While the Media and Public were Distracted with Bailout, Senate slips Huge Pentagon Funding Bill Under the Radar The (Defense) spending bill was bundled in with a bill which also offers aid to victims of flooding in the Midwest and recent hurricanes across the Gulf Coast. The total cost of the spending legislation exceeds $630 billion
The Fed Now Owns the World's Largest Insurance Company, but... Who Owns the Fed? The Fed's mandate has always been to keep the private banking system intact, and that means keeping intact the system's valuable monopoly on creating the national money supply. Every dollar in circulation is a debt to the banking system it heads.
Sheriff Thomas J. Dart says too many renters are being evicted for landlords' problems An outraged sheriff in Illinois who refuses to evict "innocent" renters from foreclosed homes criticized mortgage companies Thursday and said the law should protect victims of the mortgage meltdown.Cook County, Illinois, Sheriff Thomas J. Dart says too many renters are being evicted for landlords' problems.
Seven Trillion Reasons to Buy Gold You know that debt clock in New York's Time Square — the one that logs how deep in the hole American taxpayers are? It ran out of spaces to display the $10 TRILLION in red ink that the government hit last week with the cost of the bailout!
German Double Arm Transplant Patient Doing Well A German farmer who received the world's first complete double arm transplant said Wednesday that incredulity gave way to joy when he woke from surgery to discover he had arms again.
Could Splenda Make You Fat? Duke University scientists just published research demonstrating health detriments of the guilt-free sweetness: Besides contributing to obesity, it damages "good" intestinal bacteria and inhibits the absorption of prescription drugs.
What Effect the Economic Crisis on your Health? Most people are worried about the health of the economy. But does the economy also affect your health?It does, but not always in ways you might expect. The data on how an economic downturn influences an individual's health are surprisingly mixed.
Lehman Sought Millions For Execs While Seeking Aid Lehman Brothers arranged millions in bonuses for fired executives as it pleaded for a federal lifeline, lawmakers learned Monday, as Congress began investigating what went so wrong on Wall Street to prompt a $700 billion government bailout.The now-bankrupt investment bank Lehman Brothers arranged millions in bonuses for fired executives as it pleaded for a federal lifeline, lawmakers learned Monday, as Congress began investigating what went so wrong on Wall Street to prompt a $700 billion government bailout.ADVERTISEMENTThe first in a series of congressional hearings on the roots of the financial meltdown yielded few major revelations about Lehman's collapse, and none about why government officials, as they scrambled to avert economic catastrophe, declined to rescue the flagging company while injecting tens of billions of dollars into others.But it allowed lawmakers still smarting from a politically painful vote Friday for the largest federal market rescue in history to put a face on their outrage at corporate chieftains who took home hundreds of millions of dollars while betting on risky mortgage-backed investments that ultimately brought the financial system to its knees.That face was Richard S. Fuld Jr., the Lehman chief executive who sat for a two-hour-plus grilling before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee as the panel combed through his pay history, management practices and financial strategies."You made all this money by taking risks with other people's money," Rep. Henry Waxman, D-Calif., the panel's chairman, said. "The system worked for you, but it didn't seem to work for the rest of the country and the taxpayers, who now have to pay $700 billion to bail out our economy."A subdued Fuld opened his testimony declaring, "I take full responsibility for the decisions that I made and for the actions that I took," but he conceded no errors or misjudgments in the chaotic period that led to the firm's bankruptcy.And he said a compensation system that he estimated paid him about $350 million between 2000 and 2007 even as the company headed for disaster was appropriate."We had a compensation committee that spent a tremendous amount of time making sure that the interests of the executives and the employees were aligned with shareholders," Fuld said.That wasn't good enough for some lawmakers who decried what they called a culture of entitlement at Lehman even as the company's performance nosedived.The panel unearthed internal documents showing that on Sept. 11, Lehman planned to approve "special payments" worth $18.2 million for two executives who were terminated involuntarily, and another $5 million for one who was leaving on his own.That was just four days before the government let Lehman go under, touching off a cascading series of financial shocks and failures that put Washington on track for the multibillion-dollar rescue the Bush administration urgently requested from Congress at the end of that week.On Wall Street, uncertainty Monday about the effectiveness of the rescue sent the Dow Jones industrials sinking below 10,000 for the first time in four years. Investors fear the crisis will weigh down the global economy and the bailout won't work quickly to loosen credit markets.The bailout, now law, was so rushed that the usual congressional scrutiny is only coming now, after the fact."Although it comes too late to help Lehman Brothers, the so-called bailout program will have to make wrenching choices, picking winners and losers from a shattered and fragile economic landscape," said Rep. Tom Davis of Virginia, the committee's senior Republican.Fuld said Lehman did everything it could to limit its risks and save itself. It failed, he said, because of a "crisis in confidence" on Wall Street, market manipulation in which investors preyed on distressed financial players by betting on their demise, and would-be buyers who waited for the government to step in to help fund a sale."In the end, despite all of our efforts, we were overwhelmed," Fuld said, looking uncomfortable seated by himself at a witness table where he fiddled with a pencil and removed and donned his glasses habitually as he fielded at-times angry questions."Do you think it's fair?" Waxman demanded of Fuld as he outlined his exorbitant pay packages and noted that shareholders ended up with nothing.Fuld said he is haunted nightly wondering what he might have done to avert Lehman's bankruptcy, the largest in U.S. history.
Bernanke: More Pain Ahead Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke warned Tuesday that the financial crisis has not only darkened the United States' current economic performance but also could prolong the pain.
Fed Considers Plan To Buy Companies' Unsecured Debt While the move will put more taxpayer dollars at risk, it underscores the growing sense of urgency felt by policy makers in a climate where lending has virtually dried up.
The Financial Crisis May Not Be All Bad "The economic crisis might offer an opportunity for restructuring social institutions in industrialised countries, with the objective of living well without the imperative of growth. Happiness is not necessarily a function of economic growth."
German Automakers Shutting Down Production German carmakers Opel and BMW said Tuesday they were calling a temporary halt to production, following a fall-off in demand triggered by the global credit squeeze. Opel announced it was halting production in nearly all its European plants for periods of up to three weeks from October 13.
Democracy in Action "And, according to the New York Times, Bill Ayers was a domestic terrorist and part of a group that, quote, 'launched a campaign of bombings that would target our U.S. Capitol,'" Palin continued. "Kill him!" proposed one man in the audience.
FDA Gives Pet Food Companies Loophole to Bypass the Law The law clearly states 'food' means human and animal food, the law clearly prohibits use of diseased animals in food or animals which have died other than by slaughter in food; yet the FDA allows pet food manufacturers to by-pass the law.
You Can Run But You Can't Hide, McCain Pushing back hard against pointed new attacks from the Republican campaign of John McCain, Democrats on Monday unveiled an ad about McCain's role in a savings and loan scandal of the 1980s that they say has resonance in today's financial debacle.As both sides turned increasingly negative, Governor Sarah Palin, McCain's running mate, acknowledged the new tone."From now till election day it may get kind of rough," she said with a smile at an event in Clearwater, Florida. With the Republican ticket lagging in the polls, Palin's own attacks on Obama have grown much more personal.The new 13-minute Obama ad describes the 1987 scandal in which McCain and four other senators were accused of intervening improperly to help shield Charles Keating Jr. and the Lincoln Savings and Loan Association, which he headed, from a federal regulatory investigation."Many of our fellow citizens apparently believe that your services were bought by Charles Keating," the ad shows Howell Heflin, then the Senate Ethics Committee chairman, telling a younger McCain.More CoverageElections 2008Related ArticlesObama and McCain describe differences on Iraq policyMcCain-Obama debate scheduleToday in AmericasObama campaign girds for attacks by McCainBernanke indicates the Fed will cut interest rates soonU.S. judge orders release of Chinese MuslimsPalin, for her part, said this weekend that criticism of incendiary comments by Obama's former pastor, the Reverend Jeremiah Wright, seemed appropriate, though McCain had declared it out of bounds in April, saying, "there's no place for that kind of campaigning."And on Monday, Palin again assailed Obama for his past association with William Ayers, a Chicago professor and onetime member of a violent anti-Vietnam War group."Barack Obama says that Ayers was just someone in the neighborhood," Palin said, "but that's less than truthful. His own top advisers said that they were, quote, certainly friendly." She did modify her earlier comment that Obama was "palling around with terrorists," calling Ayers a "former terrorist."Ayers was the host at a fund-raising event for Obama in 1995 and the two cooperated on education reform, but a New York Times examination of the relationship concluded that they did not appear to have been close, personally or philosophically. Ayers was never convicted of a crime.Earlier, Palin told William Kristol, a New York Times columnist, that she thought Obama's ties to Wright deserved a fuller airing."I don't know why that association isn't discussed more, because those were appalling things that that pastor had said about our great country," she told the conservative columnist. But she said it was up to McCain "whether he wants to bring that up."The two sides thus found themselves fighting both offense and defense in an increasingly bitter rivalry.The so-called Keating Five scandal is considered one of the darker chapters in McCain's political biography. The Obama campaign had largely stayed away from the topic.Amid the savings and loan debacle of the 1980s and early 1990s, Keating, under pressure from federal regulators who wanted to seize his troubled Lincoln Savings and Loan, donated a total of $1.3 million to McCain and the four other senators.They forced meetings with the regulators and the seizure was avoided. The institution collapsed in 1989, costing the government $2 billion and many investors their life savings.The Senate Ethics Committee concluded that Senators Alan Cranston, Dennis DeConcini and Donald Riegle had improperly interfered with the regulators. McCain, who had accepted $112,000 in donations from Keating, and Senator John Glenn were merely criticized for "poor judgment."McCain since has said that he was deeply chastened by the experience and that it stoked an interest in stricter ethics and campaign finance rules.
David Ray Griffin and 9/11 Truth Movement Submitted to Nobel Peace Prize Committee by Norwegian Professors The decision to actually Nominate David Ray Griffin as a candidate for the Nobel Peace Prize for 2009 must be taken by the Nobel committee, but his name has been submitted, along with the arguments for nominating him, and the support of at least ten Professors and present or former Parliamentarians.
11 Iraqi Citizens Killed in U.S. Raid in Mosul A report by the Wyoming chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union contends that the federal Forest Service has engaged in systematic harassment of people who attend Rainbow Family gatherings on public lands.The A.C.L.U. opened an investigation this summer after a clash on July 3 between members of the Rainbow Family, an informal group of professed hippies and peace activists, and Forest Service law enforcement officers.About 7,000 members of the group attended its annual gathering this summer, held in the Bridger-Teton National Forest near Big Sandy in western Wyoming.Forest Service law enforcement officers fired pepper balls — like paint balls but containing a pepper substance — at Rainbow Family members during the incident.Scores of witnesses told the A.C.L.U. that the officers had lacked justification. The A.C.L.U. did not talk to Forest Service officials for its report. The report also said that officers had taken the smallest violation as an excuse to search participants’ cars and campsites for drugs.“This type of harassment and general overzealous enforcement appear to have been the pattern in the U.S.F.S. relationship with the Rainbow Family,” the report said. It reported that the Forest Service had set up roadblocks and safety checkpoints and had “searched and ticketed people on the narrowest of pretexts.”Linda Burt, executive director of the A.C.L.U. in Wyoming, said her office had interviewed about 60 Rainbow Family members who attended this year’s gathering and reviewed court records of charges against members.In response to the report, the Forest Service said officers had fired only after a crowd threw sticks and rocks at officers and otherwise interfered in the arrest of a man on drug charges.John Twiss, the national head of law enforcement for the Forest Service, said Friday that he strongly disagreed with the report.
Charles Targets GM Crop Giants Despite vicious attacks the last time he spoke out against GM foods, Prince Charles has stepped up his campaign because he says he believes that restoring equilibrium with nature is essential survive on this planet.
The "Christmas Tree" Bailout Bill The pork included in the 442 page bailout plan includes tax breaks and related pork for kids' wooden arrows, Puerto Rican rum producers, auto race tracks, and StarKist's parent company that just happens to be located in Nancy Pelosi’s district.
Is This The Beginning of Global Cooling? The best fit polynomial shows a strong declining trend. Further cooling, with upward and downward variability, is expected because the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) has returned to its cool phase, as announced by NASA this year.
Palin Accuses Obama of "Palling Around" with Terrorists The two men do not appear to have been close. Nor has Mr. Obama ever expressed sympathy for the radical views and actions of Mr. Ayers, whom he has called 'somebody who engaged in detestable acts 40 years ago, when I was 8.'
Lights Out in U.S. in 2009? The study, "Lights Out In 2009?" warns that the U.S. "faces potentially crippling electricity brownouts and blackouts beginning in the summer of 2009, which may cost tens of billions of dollars and threaten lives."
House Passes Bailout, Bush Signs "Pray for our republic," said Rep. Marcy Kaptur, D-Ohio, a leading opponent of the measure. "She's being placed in very uncaring and greedy hands."
U.S. Radar in Israel Might be Trained on Russia A Time Magazine article citing Israeli military officials suggests a sophisticated long-range American radar system about to be deployed in Israel may be less about providing early warning of an Iranian missile attack, and more about hemming in Russia.
French PM Says World On "The Edge of an Abyss" French PM Francois Fillon said the world stands on the edge of an abyss, gripped by a global financial crisis caused by an irresponsible system of lax regulation of financial markets and excessive lending now threatening industry and jobs worldwide.
Russia Sees End of U.S. Domination in Credit Crisis Russia has argued that the freewheeling Anglo-American style of capitalism is to blame for the crisis, a position echoed by Germany and other Continental European nations. Medvedev even called it financial "egoism."
BREAKING NEWS - House Passes Bailout Bill The U.S. House of Representatives gave final approval Friday to the $700 billion bailout for the financial system, reversing course to authorize what may be the most expensive U.S. government intervention in history.
Military Recruitment Bonuses Grow by 25 Per Cent The money — particularly in these shaky economic times — has proven to be a strong recruiting tool, even as the U.S. death toll in Iraq surpasses 4,100 and violence in Afghanistan escalates.
President's Final U.N. Address Attracts Protests "He has broken the Geneva Conventions. He shredded our Constitution and he sent the same military members back to an illegal and immoral war many times, " said Elaine Brower, whose son is fighting in Iraq. "It's time that people call him on it."
Alaskans Cringe After Month of Listening to Palin on Campaign Trail Sarah Palin’s claim that she said "thanks but no thanks" on the Bridge to Nowhere drew winces back home among those who knew Palin had supported the $400 million Ketchikan bridge and only turned against it after Washington backed off its financing.
Middle Americans Unite Against Great Bank Bailout Willie Benway, 45, a Bush-voting truck driver with a Harley-Davidson jacket and a faded blond goatee, has little in common politically with Sharon Valentine, 60, a retired English teacher and self-confessed “woolly liberal”. On the subject of the $700 billion bank bailout plan, however, both are on the same page.
Buffett girds General Electric GE got a helping hand Wednesday from investor extraordinaire Warren E. Buffett. An investment banker said, "In any sane environment, it has been GE and Goldman playing the role that it appears only Buffett can provide today." (FYI - GE owns NBC)
Soros: Recapitalize the Banking System (The bailout plan) does very little to enable house owners to meet their mortgage obligations and it does not address the foreclosure problem. If the government bids up the price of mortgage backed securities, the taxpayers are liable to lose.
The Financial Crisis and the Food Crisis: Two Sides of the Same Coin Both the food crisis and the financial crisis are rooted the failings of free market fundamentalism. When the sub-prime mortgage crisis hit, investors began to scramble for safe places like agriculture and oil speculation for their investments.
Thousands of Families Sue over Vaccine Link to Autism The U.S. Court of Claims is hearing a series of arguments from parents who charge that vaccines gave their children autism.
Rice Admits She Sat in on High Level WH Talks About Torture Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has admitted for the first time that she led high-level discussions beginning in 2002 with other senior Bush administration officials about subjecting suspected al-Qaeda terrorists detained at military prisons to the harsh interrogation technique known as waterboarding, according to documents released late Wednesday by Carl Levin, the Democratic chairman of the Senate Armed Service Committee.
Kucinich on the Bailout (An Excellent Explanation of the whole system) The banks do not have the money to loan to the government. So they create it into existence (through a mechanism called fractional reserve) and then loan it to us, at interest, so we can then give it back to them.
Methane Gas Plumes in the Arctic Although it is likely that methane has been released continuously for 15,000 years, it is not known how much the process has been accelerated by recent climate changes or how much the releases themselves will contribute to global warming
EPA and Bush Administration Finally Busted for Gutting Factory Farm Pollution Laws The clustering of large factory farms can result in large amounts of manure that cannot be effectively used as fertilizer on adjacent cropland and increases the potential of pollutants reaching nearby waters and degrading water quality.
Agribusiness Profiteering Condemned by U.N. The essential purpose of food, which is to nourish people , has been subordinated to the economic aims multinational corporations that monopolize all aspects of food production, and they have been the prime beneficiaries of the world crisis.
How DU Causes Cancer
Minute quantities of the material lodged in the body may kick out energetic electrons that mimic the effect of beta radiation. This could explain how DU could be increasing the risk of cancers and other problems among soldiers and local people.
Grid of 100,000 Computers Heralds New Internet The Grid is the latest evolution of the internet and the world wide web and computer scientists will announce on Friday that it is ready to be connected to the Large Hadron Collider (LHC).
U.S. Drone Attack Kills 6 in Pakistan A missile strike by a suspected US drone has killed at least six people in a Pakistani tribal region near the Afghan border, according to intelligence officials.
Poll: U.S. War Against Al Qaeda a "Bust" Despite its overwhelming military power, America's war against al Qaeda is widely seen as having achieved nothing better than a stalemate and many believe that it has even strengthened al Qaeda, this according to a new poll of 23 countries.
Malaysians Protest Against Draconian Anti-Terror Laws Ordinary, usually apolitical Malaysians have joined the chorus to force reconsiderations of the more horrendous provisions of the law such as solitary confinement without access to family or lawyer. (A good example for the U.S. Stop this nonsense!)
Briton Wins U.S. Battle Over Papers A British resident now held at Guantanamo Bay has won an order in the US courts requiring the country's government to hand over material that might help his defence against terrorism charges, it was revealed at the High Court in London
Greenspan: Fiat Money is accepted by Nobody "Fiat money, in extremis, is accepted by nobody,” Alan Greenspan, the former chairman of the US Federal Reserve, told lawmakers in Washington almost a decade ago. “Gold is always accepted,” he added.
P&G CEO Pushing for Legislators to Fix the Economy "Mid-sized and smaller suppliers are having great difficulty obtaining loans to ‘take advantage of new opportunities to supply P&G’," he said. (This is where P & G and other huge conglomerates like them should step up and help these small businesses.)
Michael Moore: Here's How To Fix the Wall Street Mess It is clear that we cannot simply keep protesting without proposing exactly what it is we think Congress should do. So, after consulting with a number of people smarter than Phil Gramm, here is my proposal, now known as "Mike's Rescue Plan."
Camera With Secret MI6 Files Sold on E-Bay When the new owner of a Nixon Cool Pix Camera took delivery, he went on holiday with it. When he went to download his holiday pictures he found photos of terror suspects, along with their names, fingerprints and images of launchers and missiles.
U.K. Faces Blackouts This Winter Homes could be plunged into darkness this winter as the nation faces the shocking prospect of power cuts. The warning, following the release of grim industry figures yesterday, will dredge up memories of the last electricity crisis in 1974.
Congratulations Corporate Crime Fighters: Coup Averted for Three Days Sane people know that nobody "lost" anything yesterday, that stocks go up and down. But for now, Wall Street and its propaganda arm (the networks and media it owns) will continue to try and scare the bejesus out of you.
Oops! Ice is Still There! It must stink being a network global warming alarmist. They just can't get their stories straight. A couple months ago, the networks were screaming about Arctic ice disappearing this summer. They were entirely wrong. By 1.74 million square miles.
It's Snowing on Mars! Scientists studying the coded signals from the lander Phoenix on the planet's arctic surface detected the snow falling lightly from clouds drifting across the sky some 2 1/2 miles above the spacecraft, said James Whiteway, an atmospheric scientist in Canada.
Gulf Stream is Here to Stay! "It hasn't only been possible to show that the currents instead have maintained a surprisingly constant strength during the last 50 years, but we can also point out where earlier signs of weakness were misleading," said Steffen M Olsen of DMI.
Stock Surges Up, Credit Worries Persist Though the blue-chip index rose nearly 500 points by late afternoon, the main worry for traders is that a lack of a plan will make it nearly impossible for some companies to fund basic operations like making payroll. (Isn't that what sales and income are for?)
Our Surrender Has Been Negotiated
The public allowed the institutions of higher learning, the think tanks, the media and the government to publicly murder everything to do with being a "citizen," and to replace those rights with becoming a "consumer."
Credit Crunch on Main Street
Even the most iconic Main Street brands are not immune. Franchisees of McDonald's were told Sept. 19 that Bank of America could not provide any new loans to pay for the equipment and remodeling needed for the rollout of new coffee bars.
Gold Will Be Most Profitable Investment in History
At some point, there will be a 1929-type credit squeeze, the world economy will tank, and international bankers will clamor for a 'One World Currency'. That currency will be commodity based, and that commodity will be gold.
The Nonsense of Global Warming
That's the Greens' stock response to anything weather-related. Too much sun? "Global warming." Too little sun? "Global warming." Drought? "Global warming." Floods? "Global warming." Freezing cold? "Global warming."
Asian Stocks Plummet
Uncertainty swept Asian markets after the U.S. House of Representatives' surprise rejection of the bipartisan bailout plan. Investors fled into “safer” assets, like gold and currencies of countries relatively unaffected by the mortgage debacle
Melamime Found in Chinese Made Chocolates
One of the world's largest chocolate makers, Britain's Cadbury, became the latest victim of China's tainted milk scandal Monday, ordering a recall of its Chinese-made products after questionable findings in tests.
Giuliani Trolling for Bailout Business
Rudy Giuliani has begun drumming up business to advise corporate clients on how to navigate business dealings involving the government's proposed $700 billion bailout of financial companies. (Bet he’s disappointed it failed!)
Chlorine in Pools Increases Asthma Risk Five Fold Since these associations were not found with the attendance of the copper–silver pool, they are most likely due to some airways damage caused by chlorine-based oxidants added to pool water or released at the surface of the pool as aerosols or gases.
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Shock Scientists The new numbers, which some scientists called "scary," were a surprise... (That is because the model is flawed. CO2 levels are only marginally related to human causes. See MNN interview with Hans Labohm – Episode #313 coming week of October 5)
Russia Challenges West with Nuclear Overhaul Russian President Dmitry Medvedev’s defence comes amid bitter opposition from Moscow to Washington's plan to site a missile defence system in central Europe - a project the Kremlin says upsets Europe's strategic balance.
Puppet U.S. Candidates Lash Out At Russia Obama and McCain agreed to trash Russia during the debate while simultaneously agreeing to work with Russia for space and technology purposes. Can the U.S. sit on two chairs criticising Russia and demanding its co-operation at the same time?
The Real Reason for the Bailout Rush The Fed is very close to being illiquid. That is the fear factor we are seeing at work, and the reason no one will discuss why the bailout is needed - only emphasize the urgency. (This could be a good thing. The Fed should be abolished. Now!)
McCain's past collides with the present Wall Street debacle. Keating went to prison, and McCain's Senate career almost ended. Together with the rest of the so-called Keating Five, McCain was investigated by the Senate Ethics Committee and ultimately reprimanded for "poor judgment."
Air Force Instructor Testifies on Torture in Iraq An Air Force instructor said he was shocked to see harsh Air Force Trainee methods used haphazardly on Iraqis in a U.S. prison camp. "I told the task force commander that the methods were unlawful and were in violation of the Geneva Conventions.”
U.S. Mint Suspends Sales of American Buffalo Gold Coins "Demand has exceeded supply for American Buffalo 24-karat gold one-ounce bullion coins, and our inventories have been depleted. We are, therefore, temporarily suspending sales of these coins," the Mint said in a memorandum to authorized dealers.
DHS Agents Can Now Read and Copy Travellers Personal Papers CBP agents could previously copy materials only where they had "probable cause" to believe a law had been violated, but in 2007 they were empowered to copy travelers' papers without suspicion of wrongdoing and keep them for a "reasonable period.”
Bailout Protestors Picket White House A coalition of groups calling itself the Main Street Coalition marched from the Treasury Department down Pennsylvania Ave., chanting 'No deal for Wall Street, New Deal for Main Street' and handing out copies of a 'Taxpayer Invoice' for $700 billion."
Aspartame Again Linked to Neuron Degeneration High intake of the artificial sweetener aspartame may lead to the degeneration of brain cells and various mental disorders, according to a research review conducted by South African scientists from the University of Pretoria and the University of Limpopo and published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
JP Morgan's Newest Asset JPMorgan’s acquisition of WaMu fulfills its long-held goal of becoming a retail bank force in the western United States four months after JPMorgan acquired the failing investment bank Bear Stearns Cos at a fire-sale price.
Radical Settlers Resorting to Violence Authorities found fliers offering nearly $300,000 to anyone who kills a member of Peace Now, a leftist Israeli advocacy group, leading them to suspect that militant Israeli settlers or their supporters were behind the attack.
China Fakes Reports from Space China's state news agency published a dispatch from the country's three latest astronauts describing their first night in space... before they had even left Earth.
Israel Asked U.S. For Green Light to Bomb Iran Israel gave serious thought this spring to launching a military strike on Iran's nuclear sites but was told by President George W Bush that he would not support it and did not expect to revise that view for the rest of his presidency, senior European diplomatic sources have told the Guardian.
Iran's Leader Criticizes U.S. Government, Not the People "I really don't think that the American people like what they see either. If American people had the chance to truly express themselves they would definitely express opposition to how the world has been run."
McCain Running Scared from Debate McCain's campaign recognizes the danger in skipping the debate when the host, debate commission and their opponent is going forward. The rhetoric from McCain reflects a search for some measure of political cover that can muddy the waters.
Guantanamo Bay Prosecutor Quits over Ethical Issues A US Military Prosecutor at Guantanamo Bay has resigned over ethical disputes with his superiors, claiming they suppressed evidence that could help clear a young Afghan detainee of alleged war crimes.
Bailout Outrage Races Across the Web The anger fueled much of the political theater in Washington this week. Yet Democrat and Republican lawmakers are working behind the scenes to bat out a deal with Paulson and the Bush Administration.
Fascist Business Model in the U.S. The Fascist Business Model as implemented by Clinton and enhanced by Bush has criminal fraud and corruption as its chief characteristic, alienation & resentment as its chief foreign effect, and systemic failure & collapse as its chief outcome.
Ron Paul on the Bailout Proposal Whenever a Great Bipartisan Consensus is announced, and a compliant media assures everyone that the wondrous actions of our wise leaders are being taken for our own good, you can know with absolute certainty that disaster is about to strike.
McCain-Palin Campaign Increasingly Staffed by Bush Officials "If the McCain campaign is trying to prop up Palin as its change agent, and its inoculation against the 'third Bush term' rap, then why on earth is she surrounded by a cast of Bush advisors?" (Three guesses.)
Waters: Providing Additional War Funding in Time of Crisis is "Shameful" The measure does not include a ban on private interrogators in U.S. military detention facilities, does not include a freeze on the hiring of private contractors, and does not include congressional veto power over the planned security pact with Iraq.
Emotionally Disturbed Brooklyn Man Killed when Police Taser Him “My first take is that while I’m sure there are no experts out there on how to handle a crazy naked man with a weapon on top of a ledge, I’m also sure this wasn’t the right way, ” Mr. Vallone said on Wednesday evening.
Americans Saying 'No' to Bailout. Will Congress Listen? The backlash, in phone calls as well as e-mail messages, is putting lawmakers in a quandary as they weigh whether to agree to President Bush’s request to spend an estimated $700 billion in taxpayer money to rescue the financial services system.
Palin Getting Foreign Policy Education from Kissinger Former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger has briefed Sarah Palin about foreign policy challenges regarding Moscow, particularly Russia's invasion of Georgia in August. (Don't you feel much better now about her foreign policy experience?)
Chinese Banks Told to Stop Investing in U.S. Chinese regulators have told domestic banks to stop interbank lending to U.S. financial institutions to prevent possible losses during the financial crisis, the South China Morning Post reported on Thursday.
Sun's Wind is Lowest Ever Recorded A wind of charged particles that stream constantly from the sun is at its lowest level ever recorded in the 50 years since spacecraft have made the measurement possible.
First Sun Spot in Two Months is ... Square? Superheated plasma dancing randomly can be seen everywhere in this image. Each of these tiny peaks are actually hundreds to thousands of miles high. Yet this lone, square sunspot appears out of nowhere.
Italy Bans Pesticides Linked to Bee Deaths The Italian government banned the use of several neonicotinoid pesticides that are blamed for the deaths of millions of honeybees. The Ministero del Lavoro della Salute e delle Politiche Sociali issued an immediate suspension of the seed treatment products clothianidin, imidacloprid, fipronil and thiamethoxam used in rapeseed oil, sunflowers and sweetcorn. The Italian government will start a monitoring program to further investigate the reasons of recent bee deaths.
What Was That About Sea Ice Melting? Sea Surface temperatures along the Alaska Chukchi and Beaufort Sea coasts are 2 to 8 degrees Celsius colder this year than at the same time last year. Significant ice will begin developing within the next 10 to 14 days.
Some Fats are Good for your Heart Many people with heart disease try to banish fats, but they're missing out on lots of foods that can protect the heart.Some fats help, some harm your heart
Splenda Contributes to Obesity and Prevents Absorption of Prescription Drugs New ammunition has been added to the battle that is pitting a leading artificial sweetener against sugar, leading the two sides to claim fresh grievances.
Mobile Phone Use Raises Childrens Risk of Brain Cancer Fivefold Children and teenagers are five times more likely to get brain cancer if they use mobile phones, startling new research indicates. The study, experts say, raises fears that today's young people may suffer an "epidemic" of the disease in later life.
The Morgellons Mystery She caught her image in the mirror. A 2-inch-long filament—stiff, like a dog's whisker—was emerging from the outer corner of her right eye and running along the skin of her cheek to her lip. When she scraped it off, it left a shallow red scar.
Paulson/Bernanke Bailout Plan Very Smelly Bernanke is a liar. You know it, I know it, and Bernanke knows it. As more and more details of the Paulson proposal become clear, the smellier the package is. The idea that taxpayers are going to get "good value" of out $700 billion of pure garbage is insanity.
Financial and Economic Collapse Has Begun Generally, the folks at the very bottom of the food chain are those who begin to hurt first. And the poor middle class turtles at the very bottom of the stack carrying the greatest weight on their backs are the first to cry out.
Trash that Talks " It can also be a way to control the whole process, to have a record of how many times a bin has actually been emptied. Any anomalous activity is recorded and we can also know what kind of trash is in the bin, and that can help with recycling."
Bread and Butter Up 43% in U.K. The cost of basic foods has soared by nearly 10 times the official inflation rate. Critics immediately accused the Government of having its priorities wrong and of neglecting families and pensioners struggling to pay the bills.
Bailout is the Financial Equivalent of the Patriot Act The Treasury secretary - whoever that may be in a few months - would be vested with perhaps the most incredible powers ever bestowed on one person over the economic and financial life of the United States. It is the financial equivalent of the Patriot Act, after 9/11.
Action to End the Federal Reserve
Ninety-eight years after its illegitimate conception, we will gather at the gates of its lair.
CLICK HERE for more information
Dirty Secrets of the Bailout: Paulson's Scheme The so-called "mother of all bailouts" will be conducted in a manner unchallengeable by courts and ungovernable by the People's duly sworn representatives. All decision-making power will be consolidated into the Executive Branch.
Changing the Status Quo with an Alliance of Independents Our presidential election process is controlled by the powerful elite to make sure that neither major party candidate will challenge the status quo. The amazingly long campaign is designed to make sure the real issues are ignored.
Bush's Approval Rating at 18% George W. Bush's overall job approval has matched its low in American Research Group monthly polling as 82% of Americans say the national economy is getting worse, according to the latest survey from the American Research Group.
McCain in Wonderland Channeling his inner Queen of Hearts, John McCain furiously, and apparently without even looking around at facts, said the chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission, should be decapitated.
U.S. Can't Block Release of Detainee Photos The United States cannot conceal pictures of abusive treatment of detainees by its soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan by saying their release might cause enemies to hurt someone, a federal appeals court said in ordering the release of 21 photographs.
Protection Against the Coming Economic Meltdown We have been urging our viewers to buy precious metals for years now. We have always believed that it was the only way to truly protect your wealth, and with the events of the last week, today, more than ever, we feel a sense of urgency to encourage our wonderful viewers and website visitors to pay attention.
The Planet is Running Out of Clean Water One sixth of the world's population does not have access to clean drinking water. More than 2 million people, most of them children, die each year from water-borne diseases.People in India, where millions don't have access to clean drinking water, fill buckets from a supply pipeline.
An Investigation into 9/11
ZERO: An Investigation into 9/11, has one central thesis - that the official version of the events surrounding the attacks on 9/11 can not be true. This brand new feature documentary from Italian production company Telemaco explores the latest scientific evidence and reveals dramatic new witness testimony, which directly conflicts with the US Government's account.
U.S. Raid Kills Iraqi Family Eight people, including five men and three women, were killed by a US air strike targeting their home. They are all members of the same family," Firaz al-Duri, first lieutenant of Al-Dawr police said.
Common Cell Phone Tower Complaints and Actions to Fight Several decades ago, mind control experiments proved that microwave energy is detected by the brain. Many are actively fighting these structures as cell companies attempt to place them dangerously near schools, playgrounds and homes.
VIDEO Ron Paul on the Financial Crisis “Our problems start with the Federal Reserve. The Federal Reserve is a monopoly and it controls interest rates artificially low, causing people to make mistakes. That’s the basic source. But then on top of that in the housing market we had the Community Reinvestment Act which told investors that they had to loan to risky borrowers, and that was the complication.
Ron Paul on Gold and Sound Money Can sound money really bring about peace? It does play a big part in peaceful international relationships. Money based on commodities, rather than paper, is not subject to government manipulation, and is a key component to free and honest trade.
Vermont Candidate to Prosecute Bush If She Wins Charlotte Dennett, 61, the Progressive Party's candidate for Vermont AG, said Thursday she will prosecute President Bush for murder if she's elected Nov. 4. She says Bush must be held accountable for the deaths of thousands of people in Iraq.
Gold Forecast Target $2,500 and Silver $250 The action in gold and silver during the past few days is an indication of how rapid the price rise can be. In a previous article I used the metaphor of a beach ball held under water. The deeper you push the ball the faster it rises once released.
Potential Infinite Bailouts To Explode Money Supply Gold is the only currency with no liability attached to it which, as you have seen recently, will be selected as the currency of the people.
The Green Scam Green politics itself is a money-spinner, which makes the green agenda advocates beneficiaries in their own right. Big government gains considerably, as do national governments which are able to expand their tax bases with rafts of green taxes.
Anti-Cancer Mechanism Found in Small Bodied, Long-Lived Rodents "Squirrels know a cure for cancer," says Gorbunova. "Short-lived small species display continuous rapid proliferation of their cells, but these long-lived rodents have somehow found a way to slow down that proliferation when they need to."
Criminal Complaint Palestinian Refugee to Austria files criminal complaint against Israel for war crimes including kidnapping, genocide, destruction of property and terrorism.
The U.S. Has Created Socialism for the Rich With the nationalisation of Fannie and Freddie, comrades Bush, Paulson and Bernanke started transforming the US into the USSRA (United Socialist State Republic of America).This transformation of the US into a country where there is socialism for the rich, the well-connected and Wall Street (ie, where profits are privatised and losses are socialised) continues today with the nationalisation of AIG.
Tent Cities Springing Up Everywhere A few tents cropped up hard by the railroad tracks…within weeks, more than 150 people were living in tents barely a foot apart in a patch of dirt slated to be a parking lot for a campus of shelters Reno is building for its homeless population.
Rohrer on REAL ID: Connecting the Dots to International I.D. REAL ID exemplifies a scenario in which a difficult tension exists between freedom and security. By commandeering every state's driver's license issuing process, REAL ID threatens the results warned by Franklin - loss of both freedom and security.
Vaccine Insanity - Job Moms to Protect Unborn Infants The shots are not licensed for children younger than six months old -- who are in turn more likely to be hospitalized for influenza than any other group. (According to whose studies? Who benefits from this study?)
How to Buy a Senator... or a President One of the recipients of our "generosity" was John McCain. He openly sought our support and campaign checks. We happily complied. McCain went into our files as a "friend" who would deliver when we called. We called often. He always delivered.In 1987, I ran the Political Programs Division of the National Association of Realtors, the largest trade association in the country. One of my jobs was to serve as the association's "go to" guy when they needed to sway the opinions of Congress.One afternoon, Steve Driesler, Senior Vice President for Government Affairs, walked into my office."We've got a problem," he said. "A member of the House Ways and Means Committee told one of our lobbyists today that mortgage interest deductibility in on the table.""On the table" meant the committee was considering reducing or even eliminating the ability of American homeowners to deduct the interest on their mortgages on their income taxes. Mortgage interest deductibility is, and continues to be, a bread and butter issue for the real estate industry."Don't worry," I told Driesler. "I'll take care of it."We put together a series of radio ads to run over the next two weeks during morning and evening drive time radio in the districts of every Democratic and Republican member of the committee. Each one targeted that member.For example: In Rep. Tom Downey's district in New York, a solemn voiced announcer came on and said: Did you know Congressman Tom Downey and his fellow members of Congress want to take away one of the main reasons you bought your home? That's right. They want to do away with your right to deduct the interest you pay on your mortgage on your income taxes. We don't think that's a good idea and we bet you don't either. If you don't, why don't you call Congressman Tom Downey and tell him to leave your mortgage interest alone.The ad included a toll-free 800 number that people could call. They gave their zip code and the operator immediately connected them to their Congressman.I pulled the campaign after just three days because Illinois Congressman Dan Rostenkowski, then chairman of the Ways and Means Committee, called Driesler into his office and said: "Call off your attack dogs. This sucker is dead."It took just three days and $2.2 million to force Rostenkowski, then one of the most powerful members of Congress, to back down. The Realtors got their way because we had the largest political action committee (PAC) in town and we had no hesitation on spending money to exercise clout.
Galveston a No-Fly Zone for "National Security"??
Many were seen is marshes, ditches. People who have access to the island are now being patted town by officials to ensure no camera footage would be shot and get into the media.
OPINION: Indulging the Greenies Must Stop The idea that the Greens hold any moral high ground is sentimental rubbish. Many of their so-called ethical investments will cripple us, while impoverishing the poor even further.
Russia Threatens to Seize Swathe of the Arctic Its aggressive policy towards a region whose melting icecap offers access to possibly huge energy and mineral deposits was dramatically illustrated last year by the planting of a Russian flag on the seabed at the North Pole.
Venezuela to Buy Gold, Mint Coins Venezuela's central bank may buy 15 metric tons of gold a year to develop gold investment products including coins, said Eli Sanchez, head of the gold department at Venezuela's central bank.``Part of our function is to increase participation in the gold market,'' Sanchez said in an interview in London today. ``The point is in Venezuela you don't have the opportunity to invest in gold at this moment.''
Iran's Ahmadinejad Ready to Debate U.S. Presidential Hopefuls Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said on Thursday he was ready to debate the men running for US president when he visits New York for the UN General Assembly, and dismissed Western threats of more sanctions over Tehran's nuclear drive.
Gold Largest One Day Price Rise in History Every day brings a host of worrying financial and economic news and yesterday saw a resultant flight to quality as investors sought the safe haven of gold. Gold and silver surged yesterday with gold up $69.30 to $847.30/oz and silver up $1.11 to $11.59/oz.
City Uses DNA to Fight Dog Poop An Israeli city is using DNA analysis of dog droppings to reward and punish pet owners.
New Counter-terror Policy Backfires on Washington A controversial new US tactic to mount counter-terrorist operations inside Pakistan has met with fresh hostility, it emerged yesterday, as Pakistani tribesmen representing half a million people vowed to switch sides and join the Taliban if Washington does not stop cross-border attacks by its forces from Afghanistan.
Television Crew Slain in Northern Iraq BAGHDAD - The Iraqi TV crew brought the gifts that had come to be the trademark of their reality show: some basic household appliances and a delicious supper to break the Ramadan fast for a family of little means.
Jewish Settlers Burn Palestinian Olive Orchards Settlers of the Israeli settlement of Itamar, south of Nablus city, on Sunday burnt olive groves in the village of Awarta as Israeli occupation forces continued to kidnap Palestinian citizens in the West Bank.
Some Water Bottles Linked to Diabetes An ubiquitous ingredient in plastics has been linked to diabetes and heart disease in adults, according to a study being released today, heightening concerns about the widespread use of the chemical BPA.Water bottlesA new study has found a link between BPA, a chemical found in some water bottles, and medical disorders, such as diabetes.
How the Masters of the Universe Ran Amok and Cost Us the Earth SLAM. Slam. Slam. Slam. Like a scene from a gathering of Mafia dons, the doors of 30 black Lincolns slammed shut as their besuited occupants stepped out into a Manhattan downpour – and into a global financial storm.
Implications of a 10 Day Refinery Outtage Some of the pipelines will be short of oils to ship. In the immediate aftermath of Ike, lack of electricity may also interefere with the operation of some pipelines, but it is too soon to have information about these disruptions.
Americans Should Worry About Bank Deposits if Congress Doesn't Act There is already a "slow-motion run on retail banks" that could accelerate as people realize the FDIC fund has only about $50 billion to "insure" about $1 trillion to cover deposits. "They're going to run out of money" unless Congress acts soon.
NYPD Sued Over Spycams The NYPD is happy to talk about its plans to ring lower Manhattan with security cameras. But they won't say exactly where the cameras are, or what will be done with the data. So the NYC Liberties Union is NYPD to force 'em to fess up on the spycams.
Eating Veggies Shrinks the Brain
Scientists have discovered that those on a meat-free diet were six times more likely to suffer brain shrinkage. And, researchers found that the part of the brain that stores memories was 10% smaller in beer drinkers than those who stuck to wine.
Google Considering Setting Sail
The “water-based data centres” would use wave energy to power and cool their computers and their offshore status would also mean the company would no longer have to pay property taxes on its data centres, which are sited across the world.
Wall Street Privatizes U.S. Government - Be Very Afraid
When free-market principles came into conflict with the survival of business as we know it, priorities were clear. The Federal government's full faith and credit should be urgently deployed to preserve as much as possible of the financial industry.
Last Gasp of a Doomed Currency
When the dust settles, the Federal government will be left with staggering liabilities that will be impossible to repay with legitimate means. To make good, they must rely on the printing press to create money out of thin air.
Taking Political Lying To The Next Dimension
Despite all the chatter about how "historic" Campaign 2008 has been, it is the McCain-Palin ticket that it is truly testing the limits, not of race or gender politics, but whether the United States is ready to enter into a new dimension of political lying.
Andover Law School Convenes Bush War Crimes Tribunal
"For Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and Yoo to spend years in jail or go to the gallows for their crimes would be a powerful lesson to future American leaders," Velvel said in an advisory. (Note: conference completed, but excellent source of information.)
Ultra-Orthodox Vigilantes Spread Fear in Jerusalem
Shaking as she recalled her brutal beating at the hands of Jewish ultra-Orthodox vigilantes, a 28-year-old Jerusalem woman who would only identify herself as M. said she feared for her life. Some residents say the self-styled "modesty squads" are spreading terror among those seen as straying from the strict moral code demanded of the ultra-Orthodox in the more conservative neighbourhoods of the Holy City.
Saudi Clerk Wants Death for TV "Sorcerers"
A senior Saudi cleric has said purveyors of horoscopes on Arab television should face the death penalty, days after another cleric argued death for TV owners. In their capacity as judges, clerics often sentence "sorcerers" to death.
U.S. Gives Banks Urgent Warning to Solve Crisis
As Lehman Brothers teetered Friday evening, Federal Reserve officials summoned the heads of major Wall Street firms to a meeting and insisted they rescue the stricken investment bank and develop plans to stabilize the financial markets.
The Worsening Debt Crisis and War A failure to provide investment guarantees to foreigners would thwart the continuation of U.S. overseas military spending! And once foreigners are bailed out, the Treasury has to bail out domestic American investors as well for political reasons.
Senators Call for New Intelligence Appropriations Committee
Stating that “dozens of billions of dollars” had been secretly wasted on misconceived intelligence programs, Senator Christopher Bond (R-MO) and other members of the Senate Intelligence Committee yesterday called for creation of a new subcommittee on intelligence within the Senate Appropriations Committee that would exercise greater control on intelligence spending.
GOP Trying to Suppress Voting
With the help of a 2008 Supreme Court decision, white Republicans in some areas of Indiana will keep eligible blacks from voting by requiring driver's licenses. Not only is this new-fangled discrimination constitutional, it's spreading.
Proposed New FBI Rules Draw Civil Liberties Concerns
The U.S. Justice Department unveiled proposed new rules on Friday for FBI investigations, changes a civil liberties group criticized for giving agents powers to investigate Americans without proper suspicion.
Pakistani Army Ordered to Strike Back at U.S. Forces
The Pakistani Army has been given orders to retaliate against any unilateral strike by the Afghanistan-based U.S. troops inside the country. Army Spokesman Maj Gen Athar Abbas confirmed the orders in a brief interview with Geo News on late Thursday night.
Russia Today Reports on 9/11 Truth Questions On the anniversary of 9/11, an Italian-produced documentary called ZERO, investigating the tragedy, is opening in Russia. The authors believe that the U.S. official version of events surrounding the attacks can't be true. U.S. networks have rejected the film.
Medvedev: Georgia Attack on S. Ossetia Russia's 9/11
Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said Georgia's attack to regain control over South Ossetia marked a defining moment for Russia like 9/11 did in the U.S. and warned that Russia would make friends elsewhere irrespective of Western opinion.
Cold War in the Caribbean
"Yes, eat your heart out, 'pitiyanquis' (little Yankee imitators)," said Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez. "What's more, I'm going to pilot one of those insects (planes)," he added jokingly, while confirming that the bombers are at the airbase for training flights
West Makes Terror Fight Harder
Indonesia's head of counter-terrorism said that there needed to be a balance between force and negotiation, and that war - as pursued by America in Iraq and Afghanistan - was not an effective strategy against terrorism
Iraq Appeals to Japan for Help Dealing with Depleted Uranium Contamination
Nermeen Osman, the Iraqi Minister of Environment visited Japan where she was to ask for assistance in decontamination and health measures for residents of the more than 105 sites contaminated by deadly Depleted Uranium munitions.
Powerful Earthquakes Strike Asia
Two powerful earthquakes have struck the north-eastern Indonesian Moluccas islands and Japan's northern island of Hokkaido, triggering tsunami alerts.
The Basics on the Food Fight Over Irradiation
A few isolated studies in animals have hinted at possible reproductive effects associated with irradiated foods. And critics argue that the technology discourages farms and manufacturers from developing better farming techniques.
What do GM Foods do to Kids?
Genetically modified foods have genes inserted into their DNA. But genes are not Legos; they don't just snap into place. Nevertheless, we're being fed GM foods daily, without knowing the impact of these foods on our health, our behavior, or our children.
Almond Growers USDA To Halt Mandatory Chemical Fumigation of Raw Almonds
The mandatory almond fumigation requirement is seen by health-conscious consumers as not merely bizarre, but downright fraudulent. The USDA's regulations allow fumigated and pasteurized almonds to be labeled "raw," deceiving the consuming public
Kim's Health Triggers Nuclear, Ally Concerns in US
The uncertainty over Kim's health raises the question of who would have ultimate authority over North Korea's nuclear arsenal, which US President George W. Bush's administration wants disbanded before he leaves office in January.
Bush Gave Orders to Allow Raids Into Pakistan
President George W. Bush secretly approved orders in July that for the first time allow American Special Operations forces to carry out ground assaults inside Pakistan without the prior approval of the Pakistani government, according to senior American officials.
U.S. Oilfield Deaths Rise Sharply
The death toll among those working in the nation's oil and gas fields has been climbing rapidly.
The Associated Press has found that at least 598 workers have died on the job between 2002 and last year. During that time period, the number of annual deaths rose by around 70 percent.
Buffet Votes No Confidence in U.S. Banking System
Two weeks ago, during the live talkback at the I.O.U.S.A premier, Warren Buffett played Pollyanna, waxing enthusiastic about the prospects for the American economy. But his latest biz decision doesn’t match his public rhetoric.
Italian Filmmaker Calls for International Tribunal To Probe 9/11 Events
Italian film-maker Giulietto Chiesa, who was in Berlin for a screening of his documentary which questions the official US version of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, has called for an international tribunal to probe events.
French Cabinet Row over "Big Sister" Database
An embarrassing row has erupted within the French cabinet over a controversial "Big Sister" database in which the intelligence services will store details on millions of citizens, including their health, social life or sexual orientation.
Iraqi Youths Beaten and Raped in Iraqi Jails
Hundreds of children, some as young as nine, are being held in appalling conditions in Baghdad’s prisons, including being subject to frequent sexual abuse by guards, current and former prisoners say. (Operation Iraqi Freedom “mission accomplished”)
Woodward: Secret Killing Program in Iraq
The dramatic drop in violence in Iraq is due in large part to a secret program the U.S. military has used to kill terrorists, according to a new book by Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Bob Woodward. (How is the military certain that they are terrorists?)
U.K. Farmers Face Worst Crop in 40 Years
Britain is facing its worst harvest for at least 40 years as 30 per cent of the country’s grain lies in waterlogged or sodden ground. Hilary Benn, the Rural Affairs Secretary, is expected to give the go-ahead today for farmers to salvage what is left of their crops by using heavy machinery on wet fields.
16 U.S. Troops Commit Suicide in Iraq
Iraqi security sources have revealed that 21 US troops had committed suicide inside a former Iraqi air force base 27 days ago, Fars News Agency reported on Monday. Security officials said they used potent narcotics to kill themselves.
NC State Aims to Develop Energy Internet
The center will develop technology into an alternative-energy-friendly "Internet for energy” that can easily store and distribute energy produced from solar panels, wind farms, fuel cells and other energy sources.
National Science Foundation (NSF) announced today that North Carolina State University will lead a national research center that aims to revolutionize the nation's power grid and speed renewable electric-energy technologies into every home and business.
Watchdog Group Sues Cheney Over Records
WASHINGTON (AP) — A watchdog group sued Vice President Dick Cheney on Monday, seeking a court order that he comply with the Presidential Records Act.
The group that sued is concerned that Cheney will argue that his records are not subject to the post-Watergate law aimed at safeguarding White House records for eventual release to the public.
Ron Paul Rejects McCain's Plea for Endorsement
WASHINGTON (AP) - Ron Paul says he rejected John McCain's appeal for his endorsement.
At a news conference Tuesday, Paul said he received a surprise call from McCain's campaign on Tuesday asking for his endorsement. Paul turned them down.
Lose your House, Lose Your Vote
The chairman of the Republican Party in Macomb County Michigan, a key county in a key swing state, is planning to use a list of foreclosed homes to block people from voting as part of the state GOP’s effort to challenge some voters on Election Day.
MRSA Outbreak in State Prisons
HARTFORD, Conn. -- More than three dozen prisoners have been diagnosed with the potentially fatal infection MRSA and prison guards and lawmakers are concerned.
Blackout Britain Warning
Britain is “quite simply running out of power” and blackouts are almost inevitable within the next few years. This is the stark warning from the head of an energy think-tank who believes power cuts could be serious enough to spark civil disorder
Venezuela to Host Russian Warships
The US has postponed a deal on nuclear power with Russia as Moscow confirmed plans to send warships to the Caribbean. The agreement, was shelved due to "deep concerns about Russian behaviour," according to Condoleezza Rice, the US Secretary of State.
Venezuela to Host Russian Warships
"Go ahead and squeal, Yankees," Chavez said in a national broadcast in which he announced the exercises wherein Russia will send a naval squadron and long-range patrol planes to the Caribbean for joint military exercises with Venezuela.
Shocking Video Shows Massacre of Children by US Attacks
One grim, eight-minute clip, filmed on a mobile phone in the aftermath of the bombing, shows rows of bodies laid side-by-side in a makeshift morgue. Among them are at least 11 children, many of them toddlers.
Debate Must Replace Scaremongering Amongst Climate Alarmists
It seems that there is a branch of the environmental movement which almost rejoices in every environmental disaster be it local or international. The bigger the disaster the better because it helps reinforce their demands...
Electronic Smog Disrupting Nature on a Massive Scale
Mobile phones, Wi-Fi systems, electric power lines and similar sources of "electrosmog" are disrupting nature on a massive scale, causing birds and bees to lose their bearings, fail to reproduce and die, a conference will be told this week.
Sarah Palin's Abyssmal Environmental Record
A particularly worrisome aspect of the Palin candidacy is her abysmal record on the environment during her two years as Alaska governor, and how that would translate into national environmental policy if she became vice president.
Liver Disease Plagues Many Obese Teens
In a new and disturbing twist on the obesity epidemic, some overweight teenagers have severe liver damage caused by too much body fat, and a handful have needed liver transplants
How 9/11 Broke The Back of the FDA
The FDA’s clinical review and approval procedure, “does not work.” In candid interviews conducted over the last couple of weeks, concerned employees within the FDA say, “We do not have good science.”
British Companies Fleeing Heavy Taxes
Already struggling with an economy on the brink of recession and a record budget deficit, Britain's government is facing another problem: how to stop an exodus of British companies fleeing the local tax regime.
Monopoly Money - Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
The really bad news is that Freddie Mac CEO Syron knew, but just ignored the obvious. He ignored it because he and the former Fannie Mae CEO paid over $174 million to government lobbyists to keep them from increasing oversight of the organizations.
Woman Sues U.S. Airways For Denying Passage
The lawsuit says she was carrying the water because she was 4 1/2 months pregnant. Because of the incident, the terminal was evacuated and kept closed for more than nine hours
Ron Paul To Make Special Election Announcement Wednesday September 10
Congressman Ron Paul will hold a press conference in the Ball Room at the National Press Club Wed., Sept. 10th at 10:00 am. Dr. Paul will announce his intentions for the fall presidential election and will be accompanied by several special guests.
An Inconvenient Truth Exaggerated Sea Level Rise
Al Gore's Oscar-winning environmental documentary exaggerated the likely effects of global warming on sea levels, a new study shows.
Climate change: Rising tidesReservoirs keep sea levels downLondon-on-Sea: the future of a city in decay
Markets Drowning in U.S. Dollars Seek Gold
The poor central banks now drowning in Dollars are different, too. Caught with no hope of swapping their paper for gold, might China , Japan , Russia and South Korea not move to Buy Gold in the market instead?
"...My God, this is the time. If everyone wants gold we're all going to be ruined, because there is not enough gold to go around..." – J.F.K. to the Fed chairman, Aug. 1962
Bank Tied To John McCain's Son Goes Under
(AP) Regulators on Friday shut down Silver State Bank, saying the Nevada bank failed because of losses on soured loans, mainly in commercial real estate and land development.
It was the 11th failure this year of a federally insured bank.
Quiz: Palen or Bush? See if you know your hockey mom from your Dubya.
On rocking the boat
1. I've got a reason for running. I talk about a larger goal, which is to call upon the best of America ... It's reform and renewal. Part of the renewal is a set of high standards and to remind people that the greatness of America really does depend on neighbors helping neighbors and children finding mentors. Palin or Bush?
Alaskans Speak In A Frightened Whisper - Palin is Racist, Sexist, Vindictive and Mean
“So Sambo beat the bitch!”
This is how Republican Vice Presidential nominee Sarah Palin described Barack Obama’s win over Hillary Clinton to political colleagues in a restaurant a few days after Obama locked up the Democratic Party presidential nomination.
Will Putin Bait U.S. With Nuclear Aid to Iran?
The Kremlin is discussing sending teams of Russian nuclear experts to Tehran and inviting Iranian nuclear scientists to Moscow for training, according to sources close to the Russian military.
Kremlin Watchers Warn of Direct U.S./Russia Clash
In the aftermath of last month's war between Russia and U.S.-backed Georgia, Kremlin-watchers in Moscow are worried that Russia and America are closer to direct confrontation than at any point since the end of the Cold War.
Zoning Approves Blackwater Range in Illinois Town
"If I had known about this earlier, I'm sure we could have packed this room with people opposed to Blackwater," he said. "I think the public has a right to know, and zoning is really a way for us to protect our land."
Tasers: Not Just For People Any More
After two hours of chasing it on the road, troopers finally decided to stun the bird with a Taser rather than shoot it. The bird fell to the ground after the shock. Troopers moved the emu to the side of the road where it took its last breath.
Journalist Arrests at RNC Police in riot gear charged her, yelling, "Get down on your face." The camera drops to the pavement and Nicole's face was smashed into the pavement, and she was bleeding from the nose, with the heavy officer with a boot or knee on her back.
Get Ready For September Surprise
While the rest of the pundits opine about the meaning and implications of Sarah Palin's ascension from small town mayor to prospective vice president – and whether or not her daughter's private life is fair game for any media outlet other than the National Enquirer – those of us whose job it is to stand watch on the ramparts and report the real news are wondering when – not if – the War Party will pull a rabbit out of the proverbial hat.
Pakistan Enraged Over U.S. Attack
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan - A deadly American-led raid on a Pakistani village embarrassed the government and eroded support for the pro-U.S. presidential front-runner Thursday just two days before the election.
Japanese Hospital Workers to Wear "Bird Flu" Suits
The Japanese government as well as stocking the Tamiflu drug to prepare for an outbreak of the bird flu virus has also put out tenders for the purchase of special all in one protective suits for health workers dealing with infected patients.
House Price Crash Goes Global
The property crash that began in the US is spreading across the globe, according to international estate agents Knight Frank, which said today that steep declines are now taking place across Europe and into Asia.
The country recording the sharpest fall is Latvia, where house prices have plummeted 24.1% over the past year. New Zealand, Denmark and Lithuania have all seen falling prices, along with Malta, Germany, Ireland, Estonia, Britain and the US.
Protests Not Allowed - 200 Arrested at RNC ST. PAUL, Minn. -- Police surrounded and arrested about 200 protesters Thursday night after a lengthy series of marches and sit-ins timed to coincide with Sen. John McCain's acceptance of the Republican Party's nomination for president.
Soldiers' Suicide Rates Setting Record Suicides among active-duty soldiers this year are on pace to exceed both last year's all-time record and, for the first time since the Vietnam War, the rate among the general U.S. population, Army officials said yesterday. Ninety-three active-duty soldiers had killed themselves through the end of August, the latest data show. A third of those cases are under investigation by the Armed Forces Medical Examiner's Office. In 2007, 115 soldiers committed suicide.
Cheney colleague admits bribery in Halliburton oil deals
A former colleague of the US Vice-President, Dick Cheney, has pleaded guilty to funnelling millions of dollars in bribes to win lucrative contracts in Nigeria for Halliburton, during the period in the Nineties when Mr Cheney ran the giant oil and gas services company.

Albert Stanley, who was appointed by Mr Cheney as chief executive of Halliburton's subsidiary KBR, admitted using a north London lawyer to channel payments to Nigerian officials as part of a bribery scheme that landed some $6bn of work in the country over a decade.
Storm Devastated Haitians Starving on Rooftops
Haiti was reeling last night from a series of tropical storms which devastated crops and infrastructure and left bodies floating in flooded towns. Three storms in three weeks unleashed "catastrophe" and submerged much of the impoverished Caribbean nation, said President Rene Preval. A fourth storm, Ike, was gathering force in the Atlantic and could strike next week.
EU approves proposal to try Britons in their absence in foreign courts
British citizens could be convicted in their absence by foreign courts for traffic, credit card or other criminal offences under plans approved in principle by the European Parliament.
The proposals would allow citizens to be extradited automatically under fast-track procedures at the request of another European Union country on the basis of a decision by the foreign court.
Clones' offspring may be in food supply: FDA
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Food and milk from the offspring of cloned animals may have entered the U.S. food supply, the U.S. government said on Tuesday, but it would be impossible to know because there is no difference between cloned and conventional products.

Cancer risk of anti-cholesterol drug Inergy played down
British Heart Foundation reassures patients but calls for further studies into suggested link.
A study, published in the New England Journal of Medicine, linked Inergy, a combination of two statins, to an increased risk of developing cancer.
Alternative Energy from Waves (The inventor of this has disappeared - save this offline and distribute widely)
Action Alert!
STOP FRANKENTREES! A massive experiment, which is on the verge of being green-lighted, will literally be using nature as the laboratory to test more than 260,000 frankentrees. Scientists... More: ACTION ALERT JUNE 12, 2009
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