Wednesday, January 31, 2024

More popular, Taylor or Trump? (comedy)

Rising (The Hill); Jimmy Kimmel (ABC); Seth Auberon, CC Liu (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
It's wall to wall "Tralor" (Travis+Taylor), conspiracy, Superbowl, and a big Grammy win.
Rapist ex-Pres. Trump is a loser who keeps losing. Now he's entering this popularity contest?
Trump thinks he’s more popular than Taylor Swift, senators grill social media CEOs, Elmo goes viral
More popular, Nazi Barbie or Wannabe Adolf?
Jimmy Kimmel Live
) Jan. 31, 2024: Cases of syphilis (the STI) in the United States skyrocketed to the highest numbers since the 1950s, in Washington DC they held the annual lambasting of the social media CEOs event, and most of the senators are too old to figure any of it out, a ruling is expected any day now on how much ex-Pres. Don John Trump will have to shell out as he loses yet again in his the multi-million dollar fraud case, Trump is reportedly telling people he’s more popular than Taylor "Nazi Barbie" Swift, we check in with Sesame Street's Elmo after he went viral for asking everyone on Twitter (X) how they were holding up, and Jimmy plays a new round of “Foreigner or Not?”

MAGA(ots) nuts melt down over TrayLor (Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce), Trump goes totally off the rails, and A.I. Joe Biden
(Jimmy Kimmel Live) Jan. 30, 2024: Guillermo celebrated his birthday in Puerto Rico over the weekend, there is a bunch of right wing crazy talk about Taylor "Nazi Barbie" Swift and Pres. Joe Biden in relation to the Super Bowl and 2024 election, Trump has gone completely off the rails, he is very proud of the fact that he is nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize (which anyone can be), Biden’s Super PAC is said to be planning to spend $250 million dollars on ads in the three months leading up to the election, Jimmy Kimmel is making waves in Canada surrounding his Honorary Mayorship of Dildo, and a number of businesses are using what they call “dynamic pricing” to charge more when demand is high.

Trump’s courtroom confusion, Jimmy actually agrees with Ted Cruz, and a birthday prank on Guillermo!
(Jimmy Kimmel Live) Jan. 25, 2024: Jimmy tells a harrowing story involving his newly adopted dog Todd getting sick all over the house, Los Angeles had a 4.2 earthquake last night, Donald Trump testified in the defamation trial related to his rape of E. Jean Carroll, Eric Trump was on TV with Hannity where he set a new world record for namedropping daddy, Trump is bigly upset that Nikki Haley hasn’t dropped out of the race, he claimed that anyone that makes a contribution to her campaign will be permanently banned from MAGA Camp, Jimmy agrees with Ted Cruz for the first time ever, and he sends Guillermo on a special and memorable experience for his birthday.

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