Thursday, January 11, 2024

Muslims, masturbation, sex, staring, hijab

Apologist Ali Dawah, March 27, 2022; Pat Macpherson, Sheldon S. (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Saudi girl refuses hijab and then this happens
Don't look at me. Lower your gaze.
(Ali Dawah) Get help with pornography and masturbation addiction!! ( Ali Dawah is a fast-talking Islamic apologist in the UK.

He, like many well-read Muslims, is convinced that he has airtight arguments to "prove" everything he believes. He does not. But in thinking so, he is self-assured and ready to debate with anyone anywhere, except maybe people who are equally well read but hold a different view, opinion, or side of any subject. How does he feel about females (and just because he called this woman a "girl" is no reason to hold that against him)? He loves, respects, and honors them in accordance with Koranic teachings, always "lowering his gaze" so as not to objectify them. He is sure that by believing as he does and acting in accordance with his beliefs, he will after death go to paradise to be with his creator, the great God Allah. If Islam means "surrender," and it does, Dawah has surrendered. Anyone who listens and believes his urgent fast talking may want to surrender, too, and should do as he says and repeat the chapter and verse of the Koran (Quran) or Everyday Fiqh he's quoting. What a great religion where all one has to do is read, listen, obey and be saved. The great Garden in the sky is paradise.

Fellow Brit Nick Blinko (Rudimentary Peni) subtly mocks the notion of this kind of heavenly eternal existence in "The Gardener":

In the garden
The roses have no thorns
Their growth is steady
And quite natural
No parasites no harm
Immortal existence
Perpetual motion
Forever peace and charm
Forever peace and charm
Forever peace and charm
Forever peace and charm

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