Sunday, February 25, 2024

California man 'cured' of cancer, HIV (AIDS)

Editors, Wisdom Quarterly; Jess Cockerill,, 2/25/24;

Wrong "medical" advice comes at a HIGH price.
The medical industry, a for-profit business endeavor, tells us things are incurable.

It further says, settle for a treatment because all we can offer is alleviation of symptoms through "sorcery" (poison pharmaceutical intervention), surgery, radiation: burn, kill, cut off things in the body, block enzymatic processes, destroy the liver trying to protect and keep us alive in spite of the efforts of allopathic prescriptions and procedures.
  • BIBLICAL SORCERY: The word pharmacy (pharmaceuticals, pharmacology) is derived from Greek word φάρμακον, pharmakon, meaning "poison" or "drug," together with -λογία, logia, which means "knowledge of" or the "study of" [3,4]. (Compare with the etymology of "pharmacy"). Pharmakon is related to pharmakos, the ritualistic sacrifice or exile of a human scapegoat or victim in Ancient Greek religion. As in the Vietnam War, the authorities as, "What can we kill in you, or for you, to "save" you?
We never said it "cured" anything!
It might not be so bad if they worked as promised. They don't. So the promises are kept to a minimum. Nothing in the headline says "cure." Shut up, take this, pay the bills when we send them, and if you pass away, well, at least we tried. So you can't sue us.

In fact, it has become illegal to refer to anything as a "cure." Nothing cures. And Big Pharma has no interest in "cures" because they make no money that way; money is made by endless "treatments," with medications or interventions we stay on the rest of our miserable lives.
  • How foolish are knee replacements putting metal in the body that at best can last ten years and at worst will soon need to be redone for big profits to the surgeon and hospital?
Capitalism is the "cure" for poor executives.
And if Big Pharma stumbles on a cure by accident, like the cancer cure it once found in a patented medicine that already went into the public domain and therefore could not be milked for profits and exploited by a private corporation, it backpedals and explains why it can't be used.

How about safe and effective antiparasitic Ivermectin for Covid? Fuhgeddaboudit. So how to explain today's ScienceAlert headline that a California man is now free of HIV [~AIDS] and cancer in astonishing medical recovery?

Stem cells can "cure" incurable diseases?
I may look sickly but I'm alive and healthier than this doctor. Paul Edmonds (center) with doctors Jana K. Dickter and Monzr M. Al Malki (City of Hope, Duarte, California)
More shots!? - If this doesn't kill you, you'll live
On the list of illnesses that nobody wants, cancer and HIV [AIDS] both rank pretty high, and Californian man Paul Edmonds had both.

But ever since one particular [stem cell] "treatment" five years ago, he's been free of both cancer and HIV. The patient is now considered in remission from acute myelogenous leukemia (AML).

Let's see how TOXIC we can make this batch.
In another two years, he could be considered "cured" of HIV, as that will mark five years from his last treatment.

To celebrate, the medical team behind his astonishing recovery have published a letter describing the case in the New England Journal of Medicine.

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