Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Heal planet, stop pollution, but not Greta-Gore

Dr. Drew, J. Dore (Jimmy Dore Show); Pfc. Sandoval, Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
C'mon, Gen Z, be like me! Get arrested by The Man in public. Sell books. Produce carbon.*
Stop making sense! I don't want to think! I like Greta and Gore. They're nice! Leave us alone!

GOP's D'Souza calls out Left for "Nazi tactics"
We wish Greta Thunberg were the real thing -- the same as we wished billionaire Al "I Give Up" Gore were honest in his making of An Inconvenient Truth. He left out the "inconvenient truth" that raising animals for slaughter is one of the world's worst causes of pollution.

But since the Gore family made its fortune by ranching (raising animals for slaughter with cesspools of their waste contaminating waterways and the environment, unthinkable animal suffering, the burning down of the Amazon rainforest to make way for pasture to feed American-inspired meat consumption rates and fast-food habit.

I need the money. Buy it.
Gore was called out for his hypocrisy for his mansion and heating bills, with the largest carbon footprint in the state. We live in a disposable culture, and Gore and Greta are symptoms. She was called out for taking planes all over, promoting her tinsel book. Gore sold his Current TV network to Al Jazeera. His motive? Millions.

We are radically left leaning liberals, and we love Mother Nature, and we want to save the environment and all the creatures in it (not eating flesh so that all may live in safety). Yet, we see through Greta being foisted on an unsuspecting public. And history tells us what a fake Gore was. He gave us George W. Bush and Dick Cheney, rolling over to hand them a stolen election. Them's is swamp politics. Trump isn't the first to complain. Black box voting machines, what a joke. Manipulation of the mainstream media, a bigger joke.

CARTOON: Al Gore's sale of cable network to Al Jazeera an inconvenient truth (Missoulian)
FACT: Green plants and sea creatures like plankton THRIVE on carbon, the more the better.
Burn coal (big carbon polluter) to make electricity to charge Teslas. Use gas if they go empty

*White-on-white violence, German cops like modern Nazis attacking autistic Nordic girl?

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