Friday, February 16, 2024

Israeli Jewish settler tells NYT she's a 'fascist'

Emma Vigeland (The Majority Report with Sam Seder, 2/16/24); Pfc. Sandoval, Sheldon S., Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Jewish white supremacy? Illegal Israeli occupier in the West Bank (besieged Palestine) tells NYT that she's a "fascist," reporter calls it a "lack of political correctness"
(The Majority Report w/ Sam Seder) A Jewish human being admits to dehumanizing occupied people in an apartheid state being depopulated.

She learned much from us, yah.
She's proud of erasing Palestinian (Arab Muslim) humanity and their right of return to the land, bragging about being a violent fascist, anti-Arab racist, and genocidal killer, occupying and settling land as a colony for the British Empire.

For what? To launch a "Jewish state" in the Middle East that oppresses all of the natives, a budding empire favorable to its funders int the West, bankrolled principally by the CIA, Pentagon, Washington DC, and countless well-placed Zionist-Jewish figures in the government.

It's one thing for a secular Zionist Jew to think s/he is fighting for to recover a homeland, but it's quite another to compare herself to a Nazi who doesn't hate Jewish people.
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