Thursday, February 22, 2024

One more rainstorm to come for California

Live Storm Tracker (KTLA TV LA); Pfc. Sandoval, Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
Another storm system expected to bring rain to Southern California (KTLA Los Angeles)

Wet weather pattern persists: New storms to soak waterlogged California (AccuWeather)

Nothing can stop surfing aficionados (LA Times)
Why does rain keep coming? Now that we can manipulate the weather, modifying it with persistent aerosol trails and HAARP, the powers that be can place the rain and flooding anywhere by guiding atmospheric rivers to create downpours as desired. The damage to infrastructure and municipalities is no matter, just as it was not when the U.S. military created massive downpours in the jungles of Vietnam to inundate the jungle and flush out the Viet Kong guerrilla fighters trying to repel an imperial force there to rape, plunder, establish freedom-of-capitalism (aka "free trade") in the guise of democracy and opposing communism, just as the French had been doing for years. The ridiculously high weather anomaly preventing rain and causing a terrible drought throughout the West Coast while flooding neighboring states in the Southwest. Now the tables are turned and not enough water has been turned to too much. Enjoy the surf, and look up. Chemtrails are real and visible every time a storm is approaching and rain is "predicted." For footage, see

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