Thursday, February 22, 2024

Science: Can DANCING cure depression?

Olivia Hebert, LA based correspondent (The Independent, 2/22/24); Fall Out Boy, "Dance Dance"; Pat Macpherson, Dhr. Seven, Ananda (Dharma Buddhist Meditation), Wisdom Quarterly

I was like this. Then I got up, started moving...
What did the ancients know that we have forgotten? They, too, had bodies like this, only they used them. They moved them. They kept them moving, particularly in patterned, synchronized ways with others.

and someone saw me and joined in.
Social dancing, or even isolated moving around, seems to get the mind going rather than stagnating, ruminating, and falling into an abysmal emotional state. Release. Move. Reach catharsis. And most of all, have fun.

This just in: scientific discovery made by eggheads in a lab wearing white coats and very stiffly avoiding physical contact: New study says dancing is the best exercise to combat depression.*

It's not just for the kids, Agnes! - Oh, you're right, Herbert. I feel better already! Ha ha ha!
Wait, White Man only now figuring out it's joyful to move to drumbeat and feel elation?
Kathleen and Bree use yoga, dance, breath, sound
At Yogini Bree's Process Class, we always have a component of freeform dancing, just jumping around with some Huhs!. Guess she was onto something even without a science degree and university lab.

Even Johann Hari saw that there was something wrong in the way our civilization -- motivated by capitalist Big Pharma corporations to keep us sick and dependent on symptom alleviation -- was approaching the darkest emotionally fraught mental illness from which we suffer.

Why You're Depressed: How...
The corporations were never going to solve, never going to let a "cure" get out their and ruin their business plans.

There's a cure for diabetes, too, but one never hears about it. It's nutritional, getting enough natural chromium GTF (not fake picolinate) grown on nutritional yeast. Yeast overgrowth a problem?

There are cures for candida and other gut issues. Reforming the diet to leave out all the depression-inducing (after a little false pick-me-up from) processed sugars and starches like white flour and all gluten.

Are We Addicted to Feeling Bad?
These things are available from, which came up with a product it calls "Sweet Ease" particularly for diabetics and prediabetics.

But who the Hades would want that if allopathic sorcery medicine promises us that we can just pop overpriced synthetic chemical in pill form to overwork our livers instead?
  • What does the latest scientific study reveal and say about exercise?
New study says dancing is best exercise to combat depression
What can dancing possibly offer a human?
(The Independent) A new study indicates that dancing is one of the best forms of treatment for depression.

Australian researchers have published a study that shows that the best form of exercise to treat depression is dancing, beating out several exercises including yoga, walking, jogging, tai chi, and strength training among others.

The meta study aimed to identify what kind of exercise would be best for treating major depressive disorder, either in tandem with another treatment or compared to the [commonplace and failed] prescription of psychotherapy and antidepressants.

Through 218 different studies with 14,170 participants, the researchers found that moderate reductions were made across the board with exercise, more so than simply prescribing participants with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) or cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). More

Psychedelics psilocybin (magic mushrooms), DMT, ketamine (Special K) also help (MAPS).

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