Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Research: spirituality and psychedelic use

PsyPost, 2/27/24; Bill Shapiro, Esquire; Dhr. Seven, Pat Macpherson, Ananda (Dharma Buddhist Meditation) (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
New research explores the relationship between spiritual well-being and psychedelic use.
What it's like to take a psychedelic trip without drugs
Ecstatic breathing, yoga, cold plunge, NDE, sex?
(Esquire) It doesn’t take a third eye (Buddhist dibba cakkhu) to see that Americans, at long last, are primed to turn on, tune in (and possibly drop out).

OK, ready, everyone's doin it
If you’ve heard yourself utter the phrase “plant medicine” when what you mean is “shrooms,” if you’ve found yourself absently Googling “Ayahuasca retreats” the way you used to look for beach getaways, if you’ve got a friend who flew across the country to take a “heroic dose” of magic mushrooms (psilocybin) in the care of a psychedelic shaman and you felt the sharp pinch of jealousy…you are, well, hardly alone. MoreWhat it's like to take a psychedelic trip without drugs

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