Tuesday, February 20, 2024

17 scientific finds suggest Noah's flood real

Pat Macpherson, Sheldon S., Dhr. Seven (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
17 scientific finds that suggest Noah's flood could be historically accurate (ark not so much)
We took it from ancient Sumer. (Mt. Sumeru?)
Could there have been a worldwide flood? Of course. It might not be literal, flooding everywhere and everything at once. But if sea levels only rose a foot or more, that would be devastating. It's an ancient Sumerian story appropriated by Hebrew speaking Jews who abrogated to themselves all of these events that were far older than Semitic tribes wandering around the modern North Africa. Mesopotamia (Iraq), Babylon, Persia, Iran, and all the places that may be called the "geopolitical Middle East" have connections to more ancient histories.
Tiny house to survive the coming apocalypse, made of a simple concrete pipe, fitted with a round wooden door, slats to a bed, add foam outside to make it float on water. Or stick it in the side of a hill to be a great, insulated artificial "cave" that can be locked. Hole on top provides light and air. Add more to build a pod or hive, a community network as in ancient Anatolia/Turkey.

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