Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Survival mode to thriving: nervous system ; CC Liu, Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

It can seriously feel like we are constantly under siege. The barrage of news is relentless, politics are dismal, Israel won't let up, the economy is uncertain, coffee/stimulants to counter exhaustion, and our family responsibilities can be overwhelming.

Burnout is a very real danger and can affect anyone — even those who seem to have it all together. But the warning signs of burnout are easy to miss.

If we know what to look for, we can take steps to manage stressors effectively and prevent burnout from taking over our life.

Let's discuss the causes of burnout and suggest solutions that will help calm the nervous system so we can thrive during difficult times.

How does prolonged stress impact the nervous system? The economy (and our personal finances), family responsibilities, and fast breaking news all cause fatigue and contribute to the current stressors impacting our nervous system.
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Other things (financial, job instability, long-term financial planning) all add to the weight of daily life. At the same time, caring for children and elderly family members, balancing work and home life, and maintaining relationships under stress can be emotionally draining.

To top it all off, the constant stream of negative news and the emotional toll of global events can lead to information overload.

When these stressors become too much, our nervous system struggles. This can manifest in physical symptoms like
  • headaches,
  • fatigue,
  • digestion problems,
  • muscle tension,
  • mood swings.
It can also lead to mental-emotional issues like anxiety and depression. If left unchecked, burnout can take hold and have a devastating impact on our overall wellbeing. More: From survival mode to thriving, regulating our nervous system in challenging times

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