Thursday, February 15, 2024

War criminal Hillary Clinton humiliated (video)

Pfc. Sandoval, Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

"YOU'RE A WAR CRIMINAL" - angry mobs humiliate scared Hillary Clinton
(U.S CONGRESS TODAY) Feb. 14, 2024: "Lock her up," candidate Trump used to be fond of saying, until he got into office. Now the tables are turned, and he's likely the one to be going to prison before his 90 criminal charges are processed through the legal system.

This just in
: Angry mobs wipe the floor with a shivering former Secretary of State and failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. Just as Code Pink: Women for Peace is happy to call out unindicted war criminals and their co-conspirators like Donald Rumsfeld, Condoleezza Rice, and the genocidal team of "Dick, Bush, & Colon" (virtual Pres. Dick Cheney, dumb VP George W. Bush, and US Warlord Colin Powell).

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