Monday, February 19, 2024

Wild Mushroom Hunt, spiritual uses (2/24)

Dhr. Seven, Ananda (Dharma Buddhist Meditation), Jen B., Wisdom Quarterly

Wild plants and mushrooms
Let's go on a Mushroom Hunt, Ethnobotanical Nature Walk, Forest Meditation: Saturday, Feb. 24, 10:00 am-12:00 pm ($25.00).

This walkabout focuses on identifying wild medicinal mushrooms and plants and includes discussion of the therapeutic, shamanic, entheogenic, hallucinogenic, and psychedelic uses of plants that offer alternative treatments.

The native and non-native plants in our local environment have many surprising uses.

This leisurely stroll with guided meditation offers a chance to see and identify various mushrooms in this gloriously wet period. The weather has the mycelium running and fruiting bodies emerging from the ground, like we learned at last week's Wild Mushroom Fair at the LA Arboretum.

"Ego death"?

For a moment, I saw what was real!
Q: Why would anyone want the ego to die, even temporarily? A: The ego is an illusion (maya), an unreality, a painful mirage. That's why. Of course, the ego will never believe it. The ego won't let the ego die. But DMT, the "spirit molecule," makes it see what ultimately real and what is not. This could be enough for a start on a journey to Truth, the Beyond, the Beyond the Beyond. Or one may cling to the fleeting even worse than before, spiraling in delusion, taking the unreal for real, the impermanent for permanent, the disappointing for pleasure with a promise of fulfillment.
Wear comfortable footwear. We’ll meet in Pasadena, near the Rose Bowl, at a predesignated location provided at registration. This is a group event, but individual tours may also be arranged. RSVP:

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