Saturday, March 30, 2024

Adm. Byrd in Agartha, enter in Antarctica

Ancient Aliens: Unbelievable Extraterrestrial Encounters in Antarctica
(HISTORY) March 28, 2024: Discover Antarctica's secret past in this compilation from #Ancient Aliens. Watch favorite episodes of Ancient Aliens on The HISTORY Channel website at
  • UFO coverup at McMurdo Station
  • Pyramids all over the world, including Los Angeles
  • We cam confirm multiple pyramids in LA County that are buried and being exposed by weathering. The most obvious are visible from the city of Eagle Rock, along the 134 Freeway, heading west before the 2 Fwy turnoff. Stand at the highest point on Figueroa St. looking northwest to see them.
  • Coverup: dig into land, say that made the shape
    There is a more obvious structure at Pyramid Lake. When asking about these structures coming out of the foothills, all one is told is that they are "natural formations." But nature does not have straight lines or edges that hold up when all around them the crumbling limestone gives way. We previously reported on a California pyramid exposed by a landslide or earthquake but did not find corroborating evidence for it. Unless one goes up to these public lands and secures a core sample, it will be a witness's word against people duped into believing we are new to the land and the most technologically advanced people to have ever lived. The earth is super ancient, and it has been inhabited for hundreds of millions of years, and we are generally devolving not evolving from a time of more advancement, and many things and places on the planet are not our doing because many other beings live here as well.
  • Antarctica's Hidden History: Secret Space
    Hollow Earth (Agartha) revealed by U.S. Navy Admiral Byrd
  • Archeological structures under the Antarctic ice
  • Nazi revelations and why they claimed Neuschwabenland
  • Corey Goode and David Wilcock tried to tell us (Gaia TV)
  • Alphabet agencies from the Pentagon and DARPA hide it
  • Linda Moulton Howe ( spills the beans
  • Dr. Michael Salla, author of The US Navy's Secret Space Program, Antarctica's Hidden History: Corporate Foundations of Secret Space Programs, Space Force, and many more whistleblower books on secret space and human contact with Galactic Federation space aliens visiting earth
When one enters the opening Google Maps covers up, as Adm Byrd did, one sees a civiliaiton

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  • Pfc. Sandoval, Seth Auberon, Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

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