Saturday, March 30, 2024

All hail the Easter Bunny (Pagan Jesus?)

The Pagan Jesus? - Apollonius of Tyana
Bunny fertility bait at the Playboy Club (59 pics)
Playboy Bunnies Then and Now (
(Let's Talk Religion) This episode explores the fascinating life of /the wandering hippie vegetarian sage Apollonius of Tyana, a Neopythagorean philosopher whose life in many ways mirrors that of Jesus Christ. He went to India to study with the Brahmins, the source of Pythagorean theory and gnostic knowledge, casting out demons, raising the dead... #Apollonius #PaganJesus

Sources/Suggested Reading
  • Bunniness (
    Dzielska, Maria (1986). Apollonius of Tyana in Legend and History. L'Erma Di Bretschneider. Kirk, G.S., J.E. Raven & M. Schofield (1983).
  • The Presocratic Philosophers. Second Edition. Cambridge University Press. Huffman, Carl A. (ed.) (2017).
  • A History of Pythagoreanism. Cambridge University Press.
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Who is Apollonius of Tyana, source of many Jesus of Nazareth myths?.
Apollonius of Tyana
Apollonius of Tyana [\app-puh-lone-ee-us of tee-ann-uh\] (Ancient Greek Ἀπολλώνιος, Arabic بلينس;, Sanskrit अपालुन्य, circa 15–circa 100 AD [2]) was a wandering sage with mystic powers, possibly the source of many of the stories of Jesus of Nazareth.

He was a first-century Greek philosopher and religious leader from the town of Tyana, Cappadocia in Roman Anatolia, who spent his life as a celibate wanderer, traveling and teaching in the Middle East, North Africa (Israel), and South Asia (India).

I raise the dead, learned in India
He is a central figure in Neopythagoreanism and was one of the most famous "miracle workers" of his day.

His exceptional personality and his mystical way of life, which was regarded as exemplary, impressed his contemporaries and had a lasting cultural influence.

Numerous legends surrounding him and accounts of his life are contained in the extensive Life of Apollonius, which collects a large part of the legendary material about his life and work.

A sage bunny wanders and sits in silence.
A large part of the ancient legends of Apollonius consists of numerous reports about miracles that he was said to have performed as a wandering sage (Indian-style shramana) with his lifelong companion Damis. [This is an echo of the Buddha and Ananda.]

He was tried for allegedly having used magic as a means of conspiring against the emperor; after his conviction and subsequent death-penalty, his followers believed he underwent heavenly ascension [3]. Most modern scholars of antiquity agree that Apollonius existed historically [4, 5]. More

"No bunny saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must hop the path. Buddhas only point the way" (, Wisdom Quarterly, wandering quote sages)

Easter and the Goddess Ishtar
(RevivalProphecy) This video is a presentation detailing the connection between the worship of the Babylonian Goddess Ishtar and apostate Christian practices, exemplified by the Holy Roman Imperial Catholic observance of "Easter." The so-called Easter worship in nominal (in-name-only) Christianity. It is 100% paganism and 0% true Christian practice.

Happy to see me, Bunny? - Yes, Goddess! You know I am! - Worship me.  - OK, but in secret.

Kirstie Alley (Cheers) was once a Playboy bunny? ( UK)

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