Thursday, March 21, 2024

Hey, B*tch. When ya holler at a gal (comedy)

"Bitch" is a compliment? Sometimes

WARNING: May offend sensitive viewers. This short film is not a documentary but a creative project depicting the difficulty, the impossibility, of modern dating scenarios. Gender roles are changing (which is probably for the better), yet we are still at a rocky time of great transition.

The new Wisdom Quarterly credit/debt card
Men will no longer approach. Women are lonely but not lonely enough to approach men. LGBTQIA+ behavior is on the rise. Could these things be related? Females of this generation are, it is reported in the mainstream media, which may have an agenda, at 30% bisexuality. Only the media is doing all it can to better brand the practice as abrosexuality, gynosexuality, polysexuality, pansexuality, asexuality, and on and on. By our count there are five orientations (hetero-, homo-, bi-, pan-, and asexuality) and 117 genders (just kidding, but who can keep track, so let's say masculine, feminine, androgynous or nonbinary, neuter, and pandaka).  The last of these is a controversial term of ancient origin, which originally meant something like pervert or transgressive of social norms, so could include crossdressing, homosexuality, pansexuality, twin-spirit, freaky, bestial, post-molestation acting out). That might make all the groupings.

The LGBT+ community will, of course, not be satisfied without many more distinctions, but distinctions without a difference do not help much if all we're doing is trying to escape negative connotations that have built up around previous terms. For we will then always be changing the wording. No one wants to be cisgender when most of us do not even know what cis means. Unless one is in a women or gender studies class and keeping one's head down, taking prodigious notes, it is hopeless to try to keep up. And nearly all those people come under the term "bisexual" or "try-sexual," because they might try anything. It's only pushing us toward Candace Owens and the Whatever-style podcasts of conservative wankers who make tight arguments and funny TikTok videos. So wake up to the fact that things are out of sorts and, therefore, people are going to make funny and insightful shorts like this. Tolerate it. It's not the job of the world to not offend. Will we carpet the rocky world or get a pair of sandals? Watch, enjoy, or move on. Better yet, leave a comment as to what relevant short (or TikTok length) video YOU would like to see and have others see.

We have to be able to make fun of the news and our culture, or what's the point in talking about anything? For those who wash their hands of it, great. Have a happy life. For those of us who remain in the fray, What the H we're we thinking? We should have bailed out like the others. But we're here, so let's make fun. That's what standup comedy is for and voices like comedian-commentator Jimmy Dore. Turn on, tune in, drop out -- you see how well it worked for the hippies. They're all enlightened now, right? The human world is a strange place with a unique quality that makes it a good place to learn things. We are between the celestial world where things are better and the animal and subhuman world where things are much worse. So it's like we're not high on a mountain or safely on the ground, yet we're not drowning out at sea. We're right in the tumult of the surf, often able to crawl onto land after being tossed about or just on the verge of going under. Swim! Stay afloat. There's no calm here, no safety. It's time to reach the further shore.
  • Dhr. Seven, Ashley Wells, Pfc. Sandoval, Ananda (Dharma Buddhist Meditation), Wisdom Quarterly; Kassandra Lee, Phil Flock (Infancinema), ElhadjTy; Kreayshawn "Go Hard" (and two memes)
Whereas wiser people would refrain from doing or saying or showing anything that might offend anyone, we are not that wise. So readers will forgive us any offense we may cause and understand that it is our goal to awaken, arouse curiosity about the world around us and the true nature of reality, to reveal hypocrisy (while possibly coming off as hypocrites), explore conspiracies, question reality and reject the mainstream media narrative everywhere we can. It's like that great Christian saying, "We're here to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable" if what we do had to be summarized in a slogan. Peace.

When you holla at an aggressive girl | short film
(ElhadjTv) Feb. 5, 2024: WATCH MORE CONTENT ON PATREON ▶ elhadjtvconnect FOLLOW: TIKTOK ▶ FACEBOOK ▶ elhadjtv

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