Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Honest Don John the Moron Trump (comedy)

Jimmy Kimmel Live, 3/13/24; Pfc. Sandoval, Ashley Wells, Dhr. Seven (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

The Donald's sad new nickname for himself, former inmates prepare Trump for prison, Guillermo marries Charlize

If they try to jail me, MAGAotts will riot in DC
(Jimmy Kimmel Live) March 12, 2024: Jimmy’s billboard for hosting the 2024 Oscars has already been replaced with a Dune: Part Two poster, Charlize Theron posted on IG announcing she got married to Guillermo, Lawrence Jones from FOX went out in New Orleans to get the scoop on spring break, Biden and Trump both traveled to Georgia this weekend asking for votes, Trump took to Truth Social to give himself a sad new nickname, an employee at Mar-a-Lago has been cooperating with the special counsel in the stolen classified documents case, and Jimmy sits down with a group of non-violent former inmates to ask what Trump can expect behind bars. #Kimmel

I can fart on in public; they wouldn't toss me out
Who knows what to think of The Orange mess?

On Tuesday he clinched the Republican nomination, after the media gloried Old Man Genocide Joe as his opponent in the Blood vs. Crips gang war that is our one-party political system.

I voted for him, he so gangster: Lil Wayne
One, the Money Party, with two wings, left and right, all nominal, all pushed by the extremes and manipulated from the top, the Movers and Shakers, the donor class, the ones really calling the shots and making the selection -- marionettes like the Koch Brothers, the incest Mercers, the Gates, the multi-billionaires constantly in the news, wanting more and more credit and fame for their money -- all the way down to the choice of who gets to run.
Whistleblower in the White House?
So what to think of RFK Jr. choosing Minn. Gov. Jesse Ventura? We like it. Wisdom Quarterly is still waiting for Andrew D. Basiago party to check in and announce his 2024 run. What's happening in this reality? He's scheduled to rule in the name of disclosure.

Project Pegasus was a real program testing tech
CIA, DARPA, NSA, NSC, Pentagon have access to time travel, teleportation, imperial adventures in space. (See Corey Goode on Gaia TV explaining it to Edgar Cayce-reborn-as David Wilcock).

Whoa, things just got weird fast. They do. Ask candidate Basiago. Things are weird in Wyrd, that trans-dimensional place/space just next to us, immersed in but veiled/separated from this side, this dimension, this comforting consensus-reality. What's true is true, and we will not be held to account for how weird it gets. People far and away prefer comforting lies to painful truths.

Oceania vs. the world: Political geography of George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four
When Facebook Meta rules the world
So should we vote the dumbass-in-chief? What does it matter? They'll insert whom they want, select someone and call it an election. It just seems that voting for the one they want you to vote for is capitulation of the highest sort. Vote third party, any alternative can only be an improvement.

The Green Party has Dr. Jill Stein, a solid choice, and the Joe Lieberman-Bernie Sanders dream of a Jew in the Oval Office, standing not sitting, will be realized. It seems to be what Israel wants or has been wise enough to only hope for and not push for, as so many of the other levers of power are already occupied by Zionists who love nothing more but serving the genocide and settler-colonial project of taking over the Middle East just as Britain has always been trying to do by one stratagem or another. The West will get its way. First Jerusalem then Damascus, then Tehran and eventually Cairo.

Trump, Biden, either way I stay in power.
The idea that is "Israel" will grow and grow, and this idea will try to take over as much as it can. It is trying to become the united states of the Middle East, just like Imperial Spain made a United States of Mexico and the British Empire set up a United States of America. With the rise of China and Russia and the USA just being an extension of the UK along with Western Europe (NATO), the three players on the world stage are set up to play their parts. Read all about it in 
1984, Oceania vs. Eurasia vs. Eastasia, except that two are always aligned, and all three are at perpetual war. That's one simplistic way to think about what's happen, a fictionalized version of the actual truth.

Vote Evil
Choose between these two, and it's evil either way
If we vote for candidate "lesser Evil," were voting for evil. Same if we vote for candidate "Greater Evil." Don't vote evil. Who would want to be complicit in that? Vote Biden, elect Kamala. Cheer for Trump, promote Pence, hey, waitaminute, who's Trump's running mate, that woman from that other state? Who cares? Vote RFK Jr. and we can have an unretired football player (Aaron Rogers) or Jesse Ventura, a real disrupter.

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