Sunday, March 10, 2024

How to have The S-e-x Talk with your kids

TBS on YouTube (Seth MacFarlane's American Dad,), March 10, 2024; Seth Auberon, Dhr. Seven, Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly COMMENTARY

Homer, rich Kurt wasn't Bean's worst parent.
Sex is too uncomfortable to talk about with my teenage son. Fortunately, some eighth graders in Beverly Hills got in trouble making porn and were unfairly made an example out of by being expelled from school, making this discussion a little easier.

Did world's worst mom kill Bean's dad?
Eighth grade is about 13, a year or two late for this pivotal, life-altering, father and son discussion. But the wife says I have to do it or he'll hear about it on the streets or worse, from his peers in school with their internet access, social media, iPhones, TikTok accounts, and sexting pics.

What if Patriarch Jesus got a tattoo? (Lev. 19:28)
Maybe we can just watch cartoons first and be surprised when American Dad breaks the ice by bringing up the subject first...before going too far and bringing up worse subjects in the world of today that I'll have to talk about with my daughter. No, that's her mom's job.

  • VIDEO: A psychologist explains how to get out of a pattern of constant worry and rumination
  • Courtney Love: Kurt Cobain's daughter's explosive never-before-seen deposition revealed; drugs, hoarding, dead pets (
  • The prince was a better father.
    Wasn't Prince Siddhartha (who later became the Buddha) the worst father? - No, he was the best. - But he left. - Yes, but why did he leave? He did not leave, as many think, because he thought he would be a bad father and that he was doing his family a favor. He left to find what no one else could give them -- a solution to the problem of suffering (brought on by craving, karma, old age, and death).
  • Your father's back!! That's him! Go ask, Rahula.
    It strikes us all, and would have included all of Prince Siddhartha's his future subjects, his parents, his children (he may have had two boys), siblings (a half-brother and sister he grew up with), two or three moms (depending how one counts), many cousins (extended family of Scythians/Shakyians), and a longsuffering dad, who did as much as a father could do.
  • At least that was true until the Buddha taught that there was one more thing. What more could a parent do for a child than King Suddhodana, the Buddha's father, did for Prince Siddhartha? A parent, beginning with the Buddha, could thereafter teach the child the Dharma, the Path to Freedom we now call Early Buddhism.
  • Anyone for whom this is news must what the Buddha did seven years after his great awakening under the bodhi tree, his first turning of the wheel of the Dharma, and his establishing of a fourfold (composed of monks, nuns, and male and female disciples) assembly called the Sangha (spiritual community) to keep the Dharma in the world as long as possible, all of which had been his goal from past lives over four aeons up until his final rebirth.
The mom, Francine, on American Dad!

The Best of Stan Smith | American Dad | TBS
"My Purity Ball..." (American Dad! S12, E10)
(TBS) March 10, 2024: U.S. father Stan Smith (voiced by Seth MacFarlane) is an all-American CIA agent, husband, and dad. He can be pretty selfish, but when it comes down to it, all he wants is the best for his family: wife Francine, daughter Haley, son Steve, pet Klaus, and Roswell survivor Roger. Check out some of his best moments and comment. Watch American Dad on TBS. #AmericanDad #StanSmith #SethMacFarlane #TBS

Mother and daughter do unthinkable
They sell drugs for Big Pharma
Avoid Big Pharma's drugs

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