Wednesday, March 13, 2024

The all-new Wisdom Quarterly TikTok 😉

I. Rony, Bela, Ashley Wells, CC Liu, Editors, Wisdom Quarterly
This'll be hot, you Dancing like a Dharma Unicorn. Wait, WTF?

(Andrew Rousso) A Buddhist TikTok, who ever heard of such a thing?

If the gov't tries to take away my TikTok, I will...
Our Snapchat posts kept disappearing, even after we rewrote and reposted them. It seems they weren't hanging around long enough for more than one person to read them. But never mind. We're finally ready to roll out our new TikTok account of viral video releases, dance moves, a compilation of quick Dharma factoids, and lucid quotes summarizing the path to enlightenment.

(Andrew Rousso) When she's hot but crazy but hot

Oops. Wait. This just in. The government is shutting down the app because it's afraid the Chinese are beating us at our own game. We're supposed to rule the internet technologically -- and the world militarily -- through the CIA/Pentagon/Industry (multinational corporations) called "the military-industrial complex." There's no way we can allow China, as it advances and grows in power even as it begins to dwindle in population, to get a leg up. Like Russia, both must be brought to, how would former Secretary of State Hillary put it? Brought to heel, like a beggar, slave, or lapdog.

Mirror mirror on the way, who's...

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