Thursday, April 4, 2024

Israel tries to provoke US war against Iran

Genocidal Israeli soldiers targeted and killed these innocent aid workers, including one American

ABC News Prime: Biden's warning to Israel; Taiwan earthquake rescue efforts; AI influencers
(Body double?) I called Bibi, told him. He don't listen. He wants a US war against Iran.
(ABC News) Let's examine the manufactured network narrative of what's going on in Israel. Started streaming at 4:00 pm. Israel has committed targeted assassinations to expand the regional conflict to provoke a US-led war against Iran. Will Iran take the bait and retaliate? Will the CIA and Pentagon use this as a pretext for war to attack Iran as they have long planned?

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How many war crimes will the U.S. allow Israel to commit? As many as it wants. We will decry them and call for regime change to oust Bibi Netanyahu. But we will not stop arming them. We will not force the criminal prime minister out. No, in fact, he's in charge. He will pull the U.S. military into a larger conflict with Iran, and when we French mercenaries join the fray, Israel can sit back and watch, laughing as Netanyahu retains power. What comes to pass we will see.

"Never again was supposed to mean never again."
What Israel is trying to do with the Knesset, Yoav Gallant, Benny Ganz, Yvipi...and all of the aiders and abettors? The intent is clearly established: to ethnically cleanse all of Palestine. It will not be enough to drown all Palestinians in the sea or forcibly relocate them into Egypt and the Sinai Desert. All Palestinians in the West Bank are being threatened, displaced, murdered by illegal Jewish settlers funded, aided, and protected by the state and its criminal military prosecuting a genocide with American complicity.

So when dying Netanyahu, in the hospital as his guts burst out of him, orders the targeted assassination of aid workers working for the World Central Kitchen trying to keep the population from starving to death, the message is very clear. Israel wants them to starve to death. Israel wants famine and epidemic disease.

Hmm, let's see, Tweedledee or Tweedledum?
Israel wants an extermination
of the indigenous people (claiming after a 1,000-year absence to be more indigenous than anyone there now) to make room for Ashkenazi white supremacist "Jews" and a homeland outside of Europe to spearhead Western influence in the region. These are not "unforeseen consequences" or "accidents." These are the goals.

UNHRC attacked, more Palestinian journalists targeted and executed or made into "collateral damage" to conceal the war crimes Israel's "IDF" armed militants are perpetrating as a professional army of trained killers loosed on a 99%+ civilian population, the starvations and beheading of children (using precision guided munitions and dumb bombs hurled by hand at anything that moves or to bring down occupied apartment blocks at will...and the worst thing?

Officially, Israel has murdered 33,000 civilians. We know it has been much more, but these are "official" numbers, not the missing and yet to be salvaged carcasses of those crushed under rubble of IDF bombs and devastation. And on top of that, it has maimed 75,000. It's a genocide by anyone's accounting, except Israel's. This is what a settler colonial project built on genocide looks like. The West has other examples.

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