Thursday, April 18, 2024

Israeli war criminals do it again: attack Iran

I'm going to stay in power and out of jail as long as I can, the world be damned! - Netanyahu
It's OK, Bibi, just tell them I didn't know anything about it, you know, lie like you always do.
I run the show here, Billy. Sit down, take notes.
Bloodthirsty Benyamin "Bibi" Netanyahu swore revenge if Iran dared to hit it back after it broke international law and murdered Iranian officials in a neutral country. Pledging vengeance then saying it might not act, or it might, and when was no one's business but Dictator Netanyahu's war cabinet.
The Knesset would not stop it, and Washington, DC, sure in the heck would not stop it from doing whatever the heck it wanted, given that Israel has operatives throughout the U.S. government and many of this country's institutions.

But, Joe, what about the protests in your country,
y'know, DC? - Don't worry, BB, we'll arrest them.
Israel (the Mossad and the CIA's own installed puppet Netanyahu) calls the shots, not U.S. Pres. Biden, and certainly not the cries of Jews worldwide screaming "Not in our name!" or "Never again means NEVER again." Those weaklings are antisemites because they oppose Zionism, the official position of the glorious State of Israel and its secret leaders behind the scenes.

"One 'Israel' is worth ten 'CIAs,' as the former CIA chief once uncharacteristically slipped up and admitted. The goal of the West (US, UK, EU) is to rule the world by ruling strategic money-making regions like the oil-rich Middle East. If Iran (formerly Persia) dares to stand in the way of Israeli rule and hegemony, it has to be attacked using an pretext, like claims that it is "Iran starting it."

"Generals gathering in their masses/ Just like witches at black masses/ Evil minds that plot destruction/ Sorcerer's of death's construction, oh yeah"
- Ozzy Osbourne with Black Sabbath "War Pigs"

Iran hit by Israeli revenge attack
It's blood libel. We have the right to 'defend' our-
selves. We do what we want. Catch me outside.
(Axios via MSN) Iranian state TV reported explosions near the city of Isfahan [Thursday evening, PST] in central Iran early Friday morning local time.

Why it matters: Israel, which has not confirmed it launched [the revenge] attack [it swore it would exact], has vowed to retaliate against Iran for a missile and drone attack on Israel [after assassinating Iranian officials in a third country, a flagrant violation of international law as it prosecutes a genocide and various war crimes in Palestine, focusing on starving and exterminating the non-Jewish population of Gaza and the West Bank].

JFREJ: Jews for Racial & Economic Justice
The U.S. [pretends it] is concerned that continued counterattacks could trigger wider regional escalation [and possibly the deployment of nuclear weapons, which may lead to World War III and in the process enrich American and Israeli private arms manufacturers, capitalists in general, and merchants of death in particular]. More
What does the CIA have to say on their channel? (CNN)

The Pentagon and U.S. government always have a spin, a narrative, a make believe story to sell us as they manufacture consent for war. Whatever their money making motives, they usually have strategic ambitions as well. We are supposed to believe that Israel attacked Iran with a targeted assassination, using Iranian "proxy attacks" as its pretext. Iran vowed to hit back. Israel, the U.S., and other vulnerable countries in the region said, "You wouldn't dare." Iran launched an ineffectual retaliation then essentially said, "Okay, now we're even again." Israel was not going to tolerate equity or equality. So it has now launched attack, knowing Iran has to respond for all of Israel's genocidal ambitions and stated desire to expand into Lebanon and Egypt just as it stole Palestine with the aid of the West that still funds and supplies them with illegal arms. The U.S. knows it is a violation of its own laws to provide weapons to a country using them for war crimes. It doesn't matter. Who is going to stop the U.S/? Russia is busy with CIA-backed Ukraine, and China is occupied with Taiwan. Meanwhile, the U.S. goes all around the world setting up military bases to gain "full-spectrum dominance" and to rule the world by force. What capitalism does not accomplish, violence is ready to do. MLK was right: "My country is the greatest purveyor of violence in the world." It is unthinkable that many members of this empire simply sit back, never dreaming to stand up for peace, social justice, and an end to American imperialism. Fortunately, some give their lives for peace, for speaking truth to power, and for not sitting in ignorance, drinking beer, smoking weed, and watching network news to be indoctrinated and fed non-stop propaganda.

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