Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Jewish crimes? Epstein then Palestine?

U.S. Empire and Israel against the world, mutual diplomatic cover at the UN for war crimes

Hey, Gays, join our LGBT-friendly forces
What is the connection, just being Jewish? The connection is that child molester, blackmailer, pimp, and child sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein was working for the Mossad (Israel's version of the CIA), and his job was to compromise rich and famous people, particularly politicians and at least one royal, England's Prince Andrew.

His rich debutante assistant, Ghislane Maxwell, was no accident. She was fully onboard and helped procure girls (female minors) for the work and used her inherited riches in the furtherance of Epstein's plans -- and those of whoever was giving him instructions and protection.

Pro-Palestine college protests grow as police crack down | The Daily Show
(The Daily Show) April 25, 2024: As protests for Gaza (and against genocidal Israel and Jewish apologists for war crimes) ramp up on college campuses, the de-escalation effort doesn't seem to be...de-escalating. Ronny Chieng and Jordan Klepper break down the police crackdown, as well as politicians like Mike Johnson and Benjamin Netanyahu weighing in. #DailyShow #Gaza #CollegeProtests

How about we make Israel the 53rd state? - Naw.
This means the Mossad was not the only secret agency using Epstein's video, phonebook, and connections to the rich and powerful for blackmail.

The CIA (the USA's version of the Mossad) was almost certainly involved as well. Call it "antisemitism" in an attempt to hide the truth, but the truth is out. And many college students have figured it out. If they have, who hasn't?

The CIA pulls the US military's strings.
Why is there a tremendous upsurge of "woke" Students for Palestine campus encampments at elite universities across the country?

What is everyone figuring out about the way our racist government (like the way Prescott Bush funded and supported the Nazis and his famous family nearly became the royals since Admiral Byrd turned down the offer to participate in a coup and rule the country) is operating, using Zionist Jews as the vanguard for many nefarious projects?

C'mon, Students, it's time to work for Empire.
American Nazis, since at least 1937, have been furthering Hitler and the Third Reich's plans, many of them founded on American eugenics, American concentration camps, and slow 
genocide of Native Americans in addition to the enslavement and exploitation of Blacks, and military fantasies of world domination.

Germany was able to do what few other authoritarian governments have because of off-planet assistance and urging (extraterrestrial and/or extradimensional, megalomaniacal or demonic).

B.S. Obama was a compromised fraud.
Those entities, if they exist, and we assume they do, still operate in Argentina, South America, and in a very special part of Antarctica known as New Swabia (called Neu Schwabenland in German).

So what's a little kidnapping, child trafficking, child exploitation and prostitution if it helps the alphabet agencies work with the military arm of the American government (the Pentagon) to fulfill its mission of full-spectrum dominance?

Has there been a Fourth Reich in the USA?
In "the future one-world government," the U.S. is slated to be the military arm, the UK can the financial arm, and Rome the spiritual arm. (See
The Ring of the City because each of these three has a tiny city-state in them that will be the seat of each individual form of power, DC (the District of Columbia, the biggest American city outside of the USA), High Street London (the financial district), and the Holy See (the Vatican's tiny city-state).

New videos of billionaire kids on Jeffrey Epstein Island go viral

(King Luxury) Feb. 10, 2024: What are these children caught on video doing on Jeffrey Epstein's "Pedophile Island," Little St. James? Why was Epstein called a successful hedge fund manager or investor when he knew next to nothing about high finance or central banking? How are new videos surfacing when Epstein was murdered in jail and the case against him closed with no chance for sudden revelations by Epstein, Maxwell, or anyone else? It is known or suspected who Epstein's boss was, but what agencies were really pulling the strings as the movers and shakers behind his criminal deeds?

From LA to NY, pro-Palestine college campus protests grow strong in US

(Al Jazeera English) April 27, 2024: Al Jazeera is funded in whole or in part by the Qatari government (Wiki). Students at elite U.S. universities protesting against Israel’s genocide and war crimes against Gaza and the whole of Palestine have pledged to continue occupying school grounds despite growing efforts by university leaders and police to clear the peaceful demonstrations reminiscent of the Anti-US War on Vietnam and Occupy movements.

The CIA groomed me and put me up to it.
As the demonstrations that began at Columbia University in New York spread outside of the United States, peaceful demonstrators nationwide are demanding that schools cut financial ties to criminal rogue "state" Israel and divest from companies they say are enabling Israel’s nearly seven-month war on Gaza in which Israel has produced more than 100,000 casualties --
  • murdering 14,000+ innocent children (who are not "innocent" according to Israeli Jews because they may grow up to be pro-Palestine), burying their bodies under rubble, many of them beheaded using precision missiles and U.S.-provided munitions, bragging about it in genocidal Golda Meir war slogans about how "moral" Jewish IDF militants are for regretting how they choose to kill babies then blame Muslim parents for their murders,
  • 20,388 adults,
  • maiming 77,437 others, and
  • harming and injuring more than two million other Palestinians to say nothing of the harm to
  • billions of humans on the planet sick to their stomach with Israeli atrocities and crimes against humanity.
When Trump is reelected, he can help Bibi more.
Decisions to call in paramilitary law enforcement agencies (with infiltrating secret spying arms) to remove protesters have led to hundreds of arrests at various universities.

They have also prompted faculty members at California, Georgia, and Texas universities to initiate or pass largely symbolic votes of no confidence in their leadership.

But the tensions pile pressure on school officials, who are already scrambling to resolve the protests with graduation ceremonies set for next month. Much of this began with USC's cancellation of a wonderful pro-Palestinian student speaker critical of Israel as valedictorian. Columbia University already had tents, but privileged students in Los Angeles were soon out on the USC campus in solidarity with students around the country. Al Jazeera’s John Hendren reports from Princeton University in New Jersey.

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#Princeton #PrincetonUniversity #NewYork #Texas #NYU #USC #UCBerkeley  #ColumbiaUniversity #NYUnivesity #YaleUniversity #Harvard #Brown #HarvardMIT #UniversityOfSouthernCalifornia #USC #UniversityOfTexasAtAustin #UTAustin #Gaza #GazaGenocide #NYPD #FreePalestine #PalestineSolidarityProtests #GazaSolidarityEncampment #GazaSolidarityProtests #StopTheWar #CeasefireNow #IsraelWarOnGaza #WarOnGaza #StopTheGenocide #GazaEncampment #CampusProtests #StopArmingIsrael #GazaGlobalAction #NetanyahuWarCriminal #studentpower

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