Monday, April 29, 2024

Science: alien-like fossil, trees in space

Illustrative purposes only (J Duquette/ Chick)
Researchers discover fossils of alien-like tree with 6-ft. leaves extremely well-preserved due to earthquake 350 million years ago
Sanfordiacaulis densifolia (Wikipedia)
Below, Buddhism is wild enough to believe that there are trees and flowers that grow on other planets or in other dimensions. Buddhist cosmology speaks of these worlds, these planes of rebirth, as existing above and below the platform of this world, one of countless others within "the human plane." Sometimes those extraterrestrial plants make it to this world where, at least in India, sages recognize that those plants aren't from around here. But first, science has made discovery:

In New Brunswick, Canada, researchers discovered fossils of a prehistoric tree from the Early Carboniferous period. Evidence of the alien-like tree was first unearthed in a quarry in 2017.

Over the years, four more fossils were found. The tree was named Sanfordiacaulis densifolia. One of the specimens was so well-preserved that scientists were able to construct a three-dimensional model of what the tree once looked like.

Sanfordiacaulis densifolia had a long, spindly, narrow trunk and a crown of leaves that may have measured 18 feet in diameter. Its branches likely extended outward to intertwine with nearby trees so it could stay upright.

It grew underneath a bunch of taller trees, so it had to stretch wider to receive sunlight. “When my co-authors and I began to reconstruct the tree based on the specimens collected in Sanford Quarry, the only analog we could think of was an oversized toilet or bottle brush,” Robert Gastaldo, the lead author of the study, said.
Why did the Lorax cut down the trees?
The researchers estimate that Sanfordiacaulis densifolia had more than 250 leaves. From the fossilized specimens they analyzed, they found that the leaves reached six feet long, but they most likely grew even longer.

Its appearance resembles a fern or palm tree, although the oldest tree fern fossil is younger, and palm trees wouldn’t show up in the fossil record for another 240 million years. More
  • There are other literal trees in space, for example, the massive trees on Mars, according to photographic evidence presented by the Enterprise Mission's Richard C. Hoagland. They are frequently spotted on NASA downloads but blurred out by NASA when discovered by amateurs
Are there extraterrestrial trees and flowers?
Mandarava flower, flame tree, coral tree, Maui
According to Buddhist sources, there are plants on other worlds near Earth (Bhumi). One sutra that makes this clear is an incidental mention of a flower that grows in space. By "space" is meant another world above the platform of the Earth, because Buddhist cosmology describes 31 "planes of existence," with most of those worlds above the human plane in space (akasha deva loka, "celestial worlds of the shining ones"). "The Last Days of the Buddha" sutra (Maha Parinibbana Sutta, DN 16) mentions a special flower that grows in a tangible, physical, sensual heavenly world:

SUTRA: Part 5: At Kusinara
Translated by Sister Vajira and Francis Story (DN 16), edited by Dhr. Seven, Wisdom Quarterly
It is curious that Siddhartha was born under a sal tree, was enlightened under a pipal fig tree (Ficus religiosa), and purposely came to his final rest between two sal trees. This can hardly be a coincidence because all buddhas, in this world as in other worlds that are part of the human plane, have their own "enlightenment trees."
1. Then the Buddha said, "Come, Ananda, let us cross to the farther shore of the Hiraññavati and go to the Mallas' Sal Tree Grove, near the town of Kusinara [modern Kushinagar, India, near the border of Nepal]." - "So be it, venerable sir."

2. And the Buddha, together with a large company of wandering ascetics, went to the farther shore of the river Hiraññavati, to the Sal Tree Grove of the Malla people near Kusinara. There he spoke to Ven. Ananda.

3. "Ananda, please prepare for me a couch between the twin sal trees with the head pointing north. I am weary, Ananda, and wish to lie down" [41]. "So be it, venerable sir." And Ananda did as the Blessed One asked. Then the Buddha reclined on his right side, in the lion's pose, resting one foot on the other, and rested mindfully and with clear comprehension.

4. The twin sal trees spontaneously burst into full bloom even out of season. The blossoms rained down on the body of the Buddha, showering him with petals. And celestial mandarava flowers and heavenly sandalwood tree powder from the sky (space, akasha) rained down on the body of the Buddha, showering him. And the sound of heavenly voices and heavenly instruments made music in the air in reverence.

5. The Buddha said, "Ananda, these twin sal trees are in full bloom even though this is not the flowering season. And blossoms down on the body of the Tathagata [the Wayfarer, the Buddha] and drop and scatter and are strewn upon this body in reverence. And celestial coral tree flowers and heavenly sandalwood tree powder from the sky rain down on this body and drop and scatter and are strewn upon it in reverence. And the sound of heavenly voices and heavenly instruments fill the air with music out of reverence for the Tathagata.

6. "But, Ananda, it is not in this way that the Tathagata (the Buddha) is revered, respected, venerated, esteemed, and honored in the highest degree. Rather, Ananda, whatever male of female monastic, whatever layman or laywoman abides by the Dharma (Teaching), lives upright in the Dharma, walks in the way of the Dharma, it is by such a person that the Tathagata is revered, respected, venerated, esteemed, and honored in the highest degree. Therefore, Ananda, train yourselves: 'We shall abide by the Dharma, live upright in the Dharma, walk in the way of the Dharma.'"

The Grief of the Devas (Space Beings)
7. At that time Ven. Upavana was standing in front of the Buddha, fanning him. The Buddha rebuked him, saying: "Move aside, monk, rather than standing in front of me."

8. Ven. Ananda thought: "Ven. Upavana has attended on the Blessed One for a long time, closely associating with him and serving him. Yet now, right at the end, the Blessed One rebukes him. What could be the reason, the cause for the Blessed One to rebuke Ven. Upavana, 'Move aside, monk, rather than standing in front of me.'"

9-10. Ven. Ananda asked, and the Buddha answered, "Throughout this tenfold world-system, Ananda, there are hardly any of the devas (space beings) who have not gathered together to look at the Wayfarer. For a distance of 12 yojanas (approximately 84 miles) around the Sal Tree Grove of the Mallas in the vicinity of Kusinara there is not a spot that could be pricked with the tip of a hair that is not filled with powerful devas.

These devas, Ananda, are complaining: 'From afar have we come to look upon the Wayfarer. For rare in the world is the arising of wayfarers, arhats, fully enlightened ones. And this day, in the last watch of the night, the Wayfarer's final nirvana will come about. But this monk of great power has placed himself right in front of the Blessed One, concealing him, so that now, at the very end, we are prevented from looking upon him.' In this way, Ananda, the devas complain."

11. "Of what kind of devas (space beings), venerable sir, is the Blessed One aware?"

12-13. "There are devas, Ananda, in space and on earth, who are earthly-minded; with disheveled hair and uplifted arms they weep; flinging themselves to the ground, they roll from side to side, lamenting: 'Too soon has the Blessed One come to his final nirvana! Too soon has the Happy One come to his final nirvana! Too soon will the Eye of the World vanish from sight!'

14. "But those devas who are free from passion, mindful and clearly comprehending, reflect in this way: 'Impermanent are all compounded things, so how could this [the Buddha release] be otherwise?'" More

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